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Premiership 2007/08


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Bollocks, he was petulant in the extreme, could have cost his team by refusing to defend after the penalty, pushed away his own teammates so he could sulk and looked like a generally moody cunt. He's no captain.
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I know I'm getting in on the action late, but the Taylor tackle wasn't that bad. There was no malice, and it was just a bit of a freak accident that Eduardo ended up like that. It was a red card, no doubt, but I've seen worse challenges and they've cause no injury, so its just weird like that. You can't base your punishment on the aftermath though, like someone else said.

And whether it was Wenger decided to do it himself, or someone else suggesting he should, but I was glad that he retracted his words. They were over the top, and I'm sure Taylor isn't exactly running around celebrating what he caused, so there was no need to lay into him like that.

Although I did like one of my punters thoughts (a Brummy fan), 'Taylor is shit, Eduardo was too fast, simple really'.

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I know I'm really late in making this comment, but even as a City fan, Ben Thatcher's challenge was the worst I've ever seen and he only got 8 games officially from the FA so anyone talking about 10 games can fuck right off. It was way late and a pretty poor decision but by no means did he intend to hurt him. Fuck, I saw worse challenges in the A-League final get no action taken on them at all. If Eduardo's leg hadn't been destroyed, I think Taylor might have even gotten away with a yellow.

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To be fair, upon reflection even I may have overreacted to the tackle. I mean, it's hard to say what else you could have done in such a situation. It's just bad luck for Eduardo.

Or karma. We don't know his past :shifty:

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I know I'm really late in making this comment, but even as a City fan, Ben Thatcher's challenge was the worst I've ever seen and he only got 8 games officially from the FA so anyone talking about 10 games can fuck right off. It was way late and a pretty poor decision but by no means did he intend to hurt him. Fuck, I saw worse challenges in the A-League final get no action taken on them at all. If Eduardo's leg hadn't been destroyed, I think Taylor might have even gotten away with a yellow.
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The fucking dicks, anyone with any sense can see that ain't even a tackle. "Flying in with his studs showing'? Yeah, Because keeping one leg on the ground and stretching out his other is doing that. Everyone tackles with their studs showing, how else are you meant to tackle, you kick the ball away with the bottom of your fucking foot!! Stupid bunch of cocks at the sun, hate em!

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He's training while Eduardo fights to save his career? He's back in 9 months ¬_¬

And Taylor isn't exactly going to sit around until Eduardo gets better. Shows that The Sun is looking to distance themselves from The People newspaper as a bit more "scummy"

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The best part of it is the fact that you can bet your life that the dickhead from The Sun who took the photo was probably sat there for a good hour, waiting for a decent photo to use.

"DEJA VU ... Martin Taylor lunges in during training yesterday"

Lunge my arse.

And he still hasn't learned what? That he's not supposed to try and win the ball any more?

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