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Guest Coowra

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I'll be seeing it for the fifth time tonight. To give you an idea on how well the movie is still doing, all of the shows except three are completely sold out. The movie theater by me is a Cinema De Lux, meaning that each individual theater seats about 300, with the "Directors Hall" (3 of them) seating upwards of 550-600 people.

.. How the hell have you seen it five times? >_< I've seen it twice, and that's probably my limit. I won't be watching it again until at least Christmas time, once the DVD comes out.

Edited by Mysterio2000X
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Gonna see this again today. This will be the first film that I've ever watched more than once in theatres, and well worth it.

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Guest R.Moncrief

Saw it for the third time yesterday. Now, sure, the first two times I saw it over the internet but I made up for it by eventually going to the theaters. With tickets priced at $12, I don't mind ripping off the so-called victimized movie industry.

As for the dude who saw it five times.. I think he works at a movie theater. Shit, if I worked at the movies I'd see The Dark Knight a dozen times.

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That was amazing. Heath Ledger, was just...wow. The whole damn cast was so strong. I think that is my favourite movie ever. The drama, the acting, the story. Just fantastic. The buzz in the cinema was excellent as it was the first showing in the UK in our cinema. Just simply, brilliant.

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I was also glad to see one thing. Not in-movie related, but stil. I went with a friend who just got home and isn't so much into it as he was more somebody who saw the first and thought it looked good. I had wondered for someone how the movie woudl look, how all the twists and turns and hooks came off etc.. I was very happy to see he enjoyed it and there was many times he was like "oooh" or "omg thats so-and-so..."

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I saw it last night and absolutely loved it. Ledgers Joker is something that stays with you long after you've left the theatre. I thoroughly enjoyed the film, but I'd just be repeated what everyone else has said by this point, everything about it was done perfectly.

I don't have a clue where they could go with this for a sequel, I know people think recasting the Joker would work but honestly, seeing this film, Ledger was exceptional, absolutely spot on so fuck it, I'd be happy if that was the Joker, from start to finish because it was simply phenomenal.

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Spoiler tags just in case...

I saw the movie earlier today and all I can say is that it was everything positive everybody has said about it and more, one of those rare gems of a movie that not only lives up to the hype but arguably exceeds it.

The beauty of this film is that I don’t think one sitting does it justice and as time goes on I will enjoy it more, I can foresee myself watching this movie for a fifth or sixth time and still catching new things in the plot or scenery, So much depth to be found that is impossible to do so in the first viewing.

As for Heath Ledger, this is hard for me to say as I love the 1989 take on the Joker by Jack Nicholson and I always will do, but if I was forced to make a choice of one definitive Joker I would have to go with Ledger, but really they should never be compared, two completely different takes on the character which should both be appreciated for what they bring to the table, Ledger and Nicholson make fantastic versions of the character in different ways.

Harvey Dent/Two Face was fantastic, shits all over Batman Forever from a great height. I hope Two Face returns in the 3rd movie as I cant help but feel he is just getting started, the same can be said for the Joker also, It would be great to see him recast, although I would hate to be the actor to follow on from Ledger.

Edited by Lopro
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Now that we have the movie released everywhere I believe, you can leave the spoiler tags at the door. You've been warned if you haven't seen it yet this thread is no spoileriffic.

I think we should keep the spoiler tags, just because it helps filter out what is typical "IT WAS DA AWESOME!!!!1" versus dicussion actually related to the plot of the film.

Just an opinion :blush:

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Yeah, but really, it was. Or let's make that "very good". I've never been much of a comic fan and even when I was, it was Spiderman that I read, never Batman. But seeing as Batman Begins was such a great movie and this one had such a hype around it, I just had to see it, tonight I did with a friend and I wasn't disappointed. There was really nothing bad that I could point out about it, except maybe the ending. And I mean the very ending, the last couple of sentences, just felt kind of silly to me, like they had to seriously hammer it in - "this is what we ended up with!" : D And even that's not a real complainment, it was just so good all around. Heath Ledger was... very good. Not completely awesome, but very good. The part where he danced out of the hospital in that dress... oh god, I don't think I've ever laughed so much in a movie theater. Aside from being very funny, like somebody already mentioned, he also had this ability to go from funny to scary and vice versa in a matter of mere moments and that was very respectable. I'll probably get hung for this, but should The Joker be in the third movie, I could somewhat easily see somebody replacing Ledger. I mean, all you really have to do is to really study his performance, the way he delivers his lines in different scenes and there you go. Okay, not that easy at all, but... I mean, with practicing... I don't know, damn it :shifty: Eckhart was my next favourite, he played his part very well too. The rest were just plain good. Great movie, definitely worth viewing.

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Regarding The Joker character, rumored actors before Ledger were Adrien Brody, Paul Bettany, Robin Williams and someone I've never seen named Lachy Hulme. I think Bettany and Brody could both be excellent. Williams would be interesting, but I can only see him as a Jack Nicholson-esque style Joker, not really fitting into the darker tone of Nolan's Batman. Out of those, I'd be very interested to see Brody, I think he could do a really good job with it.

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I think that Bettany would make a better Riddler, for some reason. :unsure:

I do believe that the Joker should be recast, though. They should probably take a break and not have him really come into play again until the end of the next movie or so, but you can make him a little different (but still close to) Ledger's version of the character and still make it work. If his voice or appearance changes a bit it shouldn't really matter, he's the freaking Joker, he's crazy. He makes up two different versions of how he got his scars in the film, for instance. There's room for change.

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Okay so, I am giving in and finally going to see this movie on Sunday with a bunch of guy from my work...some are on their second and third showings, and whenever they talk about the film, I swear to God it's like they just did a pound of blow... so I'm even more pumped for it.

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Regarding The Joker character, rumored actors before Ledger were Adrien Brody, Paul Bettany, Robin Williams and someone I've never seen named Lachy Hulme. I think Bettany and Brody could both be excellent. Williams would be interesting, but I can only see him as a Jack Nicholson-esque style Joker, not really fitting into the darker tone of Nolan's Batman. Out of those, I'd be very interested to see Brody, I think he could do a really good job with it.

Williams was rumored to be the Riddler.

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I'm going to throw my hat into the "best film ever" ring. Seriously. Saw it one Wednesday night for the advance screening and the cinema was packed. There was something in the air where you could tell pretty much everyone was giddy that they were finally going to get to see it.

There is not one thing wrong with the film. Nothing. At no point in the film does it drag, the entire plot from beginning to end makes perfect sense and every character served their purpose to perfection.

I'm planning on seeing it at the IMAX soon as well, so that'll be the second time but i'll probably want to see it again.

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