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Who is Mr. Reese in relation to the Batman world? That is, those of you who read the comics what character did you think of?

Coleman Reese has no connection to the comic books, he's just placed in the movie for his specific little bit of storyline.

Yeah, and concerning the person who questioned him being "E. Nigma", I'd say it probably got changed because it's a fucking goofy and forced name, it's all well and good as a created pseudonym, but it's hardly the most subtle name in the world :)

I'm still hoping Anthony Michael Hall/Mr Reese does turn out to be The Riddler as suspected, bordering the line between villain and good guy in a far more balanced way than Dent ended up doing.

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If a character The Riddler's name is to be anything other than Edward Nygma you will see every Batman comic book fan in the world enraged.

It's like some guy named James Collins being Two-Face.

No, you'd see sad fanboys enraged and then likely get over it, just like they did with the visual change of The Joker.

And it's not like that at all, Harvey Dent isn't a pun on the character, Edward Nigma/Mr Reese is.

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No, you'd see sad fanboys enraged and then likely get over it, just like they did with the visual change of The Joker.

And it's not like that at all, Harvey Dent isn't a pun on the character, Edward Nigma/Mr Reese is.

Why not just have it explained that Nigma changed his name from whatever it was at birth to Edward Nigma? I mean the guy likes to play with words, why not have him do it to his own name? It could also add a layer of secrecy to who he really is. Batman can get the name behind The Riddler but his true identity is hidden even deeper.

Obviously if they decide to use The Riddler they're going to need to focus even more on Batman as a detective or you're kind of wasting your villain and his talents.

With that being said I'd rather they kept the focus on Two-Face and continue to explore the relationship he has with Gordon and Batman. If they did indeed hide him away secretly in Arkham and he gets out you've got a lot of potential for good story considering the relationship between the three characters and how much Dent means to Gotham City. If they decide to go ahead further than three films I'd be all for recasting Joker or using Riddler, etc.

I know this will likely never happen, but I'd like to see Selina Kyle introduced in the next movie...plant the seeds for Catwoman. I remember reading Nolan didn't like Catwoman so unless he leaves it won't happen, but it'd be nice. Have her be a 'hero' inspired by Batman, but uses thievery to fund her activities (and add to the thrill). She would cross lines he wouldn't but have intentions similar to Bruce himself which could make for an interesting dynamic between them. Add in a possible romance and things could be a bit more complicated.

Just my two cents.

Edited by Drifter_2000
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No, you'd see sad fanboys enraged and then likely get over it, just like they did with the visual change of The Joker.

And it's not like that at all, Harvey Dent isn't a pun on the character, Edward Nigma/Mr Reese is.

Why not just have it explained that Nigma changed his name from whatever it was at birth to Edward Nigma? I mean the guy likes to play with words, why not have him do it to his own name? It could also add a layer of secrecy to who he really is. Batman can get the name behind The Riddler but his true identity is hidden even deeper.

Because why go to the bother of changing his name when he could just pretend his name was E. Nigma? He could yet be called Edward Nigma and Mr Reese is indeed a pseudonym, either way the particulars of his name are barely important and only an absolute retard would get outraged over the potential of it being changed. It has no bearing on the story whatsoever like, for example, Price of Persia where they've given The Prince a name, thus taking away from the single sweetest moment in the entire game.

My point is, E. Nigma, Mr Reese, Conan the Barbarian, whatever he's being called, it could all be a pseudonym, but it doesn't make the character or story any less potentially awesome, let's face it, you don't even know anything about The Joker in TDK, let alone his real name, but he's still amazing.

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Because why go to the bother of changing his name when he could just pretend his name was E. Nigma? He could yet be called Edward Nigma and Mr Reese is indeed a pseudonym, either way the particulars of his name are barely important and only an absolute retard would get outraged over the potential of it being changed. It has no bearing on the story whatsoever like, for example, Price of Persia where they've given The Prince a name, thus taking away from the single sweetest moment in the entire game.

My point is, E. Nigma, Mr Reese, Conan the Barbarian, whatever he's being called, it could all be a pseudonym, but it doesn't make the character or story any less potentially awesome, let's face it, you don't even know anything about The Joker in TDK, let alone his real name, but he's still amazing.

Well yeah...I guess in the end that's what I meant to say...he's just calling himself E. Nigma. As far as not knowing anything about him I'll admit it worked well for The Joker but I'd hate to see it be the kind of thing we end up getting with every villain: a person with no real past or history aka: they just do it to do it.

Oh well, in the end I'll enjoy whatever Nolan comes up with I'm sure. Though like you said Benji they can call him whatever as long as he turns into something fun to watch.

I'm hoping that they don't fall into the typical comic movie pitfall of trying to run through a character's entire rogues gallery in the movie saga. I'd rather see a handful of villains that get fleshed out really well than a new one each movie. Although if TDK is any indication it seems Nolan and co. only need one movie to properly flesh a character out anyways...so maybe it's a moot point.

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Yeah the "mysteries" thing is silly. You want THAT guy to be The Riddler? Please.

Anthony Michael Hall would make an awesome good guy but you always suspect he might be a bad guy "will he, won't he" kind of villain, and if you say otherwise, then sir you are an insult to 80's pop culture.

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Finally saw it last night and enjoyed it.

My friend got grossed out by the pencil trick and the first scar story so when I see Harvey falling into the liquid (she had no idea that he was Two-Face) I leaned over and said you may be puking soon. She covered her eyes for a while. Though I hope Dent isn't dead as I felt we didn't get enough of him as Two-Face.

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Nolan has stayed pretty true to most of the background of the characters, right? The Scarecrow has always been Jonathan Crane, Harvey Dent has always been Two-Face and Bruce Wayne has always been Batman. I have to think that if The Riddler appears in this franchise, his name will be Edward Nygma.

Actually, I'm pretty sure Ra's Al Guhl was never a Frenchman.

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Wow, you people are grasping at straws with the whole Mr. Reese thing. I still have no idea why anyone assumes the Riddler is in the next film, when Christopher Nolan hasn't even signed on to direct a third film. But yeah, I'm sure they'll already got it written and are starting casting

Edited by Maxx
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Which one was Reese and which one was Engel? Was Engel the one who figured out who Batman was? Was that AMH?

Mike Engel was the news reporter that The Joker kidnapped and videotaped.

Reese was the employee who figured out that Wayne was Batman, and tried to blackmail Lucius Fox.

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Nolan has stayed pretty true to most of the background of the characters, right? The Scarecrow has always been Jonathan Crane, Harvey Dent has always been Two-Face and Bruce Wayne has always been Batman. I have to think that if The Riddler appears in this franchise, his name will be Edward Nygma.

Actually, I'm pretty sure Ra's Al Guhl was never a Frenchman.

Buh? When did anyone ever say he was French in Begins?

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Nolan has stayed pretty true to most of the background of the characters, right? The Scarecrow has always been Jonathan Crane, Harvey Dent has always been Two-Face and Bruce Wayne has always been Batman. I have to think that if The Riddler appears in this franchise, his name will be Edward Nygma.

Actually, I'm pretty sure Ra's Al Guhl was never a Frenchman.

Buh? When did anyone ever say he was French in Begins?

I think he's referring to the pseudonym Henri Ducard, which actually was faithful to the comics, as Ducard was the man who trained Batman, just like Ra's did in the film, it wasn't a case of not being faithful to the character, but rather combining two characters into one clever package.

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But the whole Mr.Reese=Mysteries and somehow Mysteries=Riddles=Riddler is a reach bordering on pathetic. Unless you're purposely saying it that way, Mr. Reese shouldn't sound exactly like mysteries.

And even further, as someone stated, Wayne saved his life why would he have motivation to harm him in any way? Oh I know, the people who came up with the Mr.Reese=Mysteries=Riddler bullshit had their head up their ass

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