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The Old Sony Megathread


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I got in on my first try earlier tonight. Played chess, played pool, felt bad for not being able to talk to other people due to my lack of a headset or a keyboard or some form. So I just stood in the Mall doing the robot. Constructive.

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Regarding Little Big Planet:

I got it for £24 from Tesco and so far my girlfriend is loving it so hurrah for that. I had a feeling it would be something we would both enjoy. Although I got kinda bored of it after the first few levels but that had more to do with a severe urge to play FIFA instead. I'll definitely go back to it.

There are times when we both get frustrated cause I tend to grasp stuff quicker having played video games most of my life whereas she can get stuck sometimes. It's pretty cool working out how to get to things or finding hidden items together though.

I still haven't fully got my head around how the thing works, we were a bit freaked out when we played an online level and someone else who had joined in ended up in our pod with us afterward. So far though the most fun we've had is decorating the pod with ridiculous amounts of flowers and also plastering each other with stickers or decorations when the other isn't paying attention.

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Clawson I'm just heading in to three weeks off work so if we can arrange a time... (not tomorrow it's my birthday and I've got better things to be doing :shifty: ) but after that.....

Same situation with my wife. She loves it and finds it hilarious to cover me with stickers etc but sometimes she's constantly apologising for being too slow while I've played games my whole life and get the general idea of new games much quicker. (She strangely enjoys watching me play Mirror's Edge for example but when I offer the controller to her she just refuses saying that she's be utterly awful....And to be fair probably would be...)

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I'm on nights this week but I could play online on Friday afternoon til Sunday evening and then I'm also off for Christmas for 2 weeks.

You guys need to show us how to play properly. We've only found like 30 out of 51 things on that (third, I think?) level. Clearly we need to think outside the box.

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