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The Old Sony Megathread


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I still haven't forgiven Sony for giving people like plubby a beta invite but not me :angry:

Ugh I need to find another 2gig free space before I can get into Home. That's the problem when the games you like take up loads of HDD space - Oblivion 5gig, MGS 4gig, Everybody's Golf 5gig, Fallout 4gig.....

Byebye Warhawk. Not played you in months anyway. I pity those who have 40gig machines...

Unless this is just random beats on Plubby, in which case I ignore this post, but I resent that. The Home invites are dished out randomly - and even if they're not, i'm a new customer in a remote market. You're a long-time customer in Japan. People like you are the proverbial dime a dozen. It makes sense that I got one and you didn't. Sony doesn't keep track of people's online posting and reward the biggest fanboi :P

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They should Plubby....THEY SHOULD. Can't you see?! I coulda been somebody...A contender if you will.

But people like you just keep me down and keep me down some more.


I still haven't forgiven Sony for giving people like plubby a beta invite but not me :angry:

Ugh I need to find another 2gig free space before I can get into Home. That's the problem when the games you like take up loads of HDD space - Oblivion 5gig, MGS 4gig, Everybody's Golf 5gig, Fallout 4gig.....

Byebye Warhawk. Not played you in months anyway. I pity those who have 40gig machines...

Unless this is just random beats on Plubby, in which case I ignore this post, but I resent that. The Home invites are dished out randomly - and even if they're not, i'm a new customer in a remote market. You're a long-time customer in Japan. People like you are the proverbial dime a dozen. It makes sense that I got one and you didn't. Sony doesn't keep track of people's online posting and reward the biggest fanboi :P

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I should probably post this on some kind of techie forum but just in case anybody here can help:

I can't seem to play normal DVD's through the PS3's HDMI lead which means a very tiresome swapping over to scart every time I wanna watch a film and then back again when I want to play games. Anyone else get this?

I (think I) have narrowed it down to either it being a problem with the television, in which case, can anybody tell me if they know of any such problems this particular brand (Lexsor) have in this regard. Otherwise it's a shoddy HDMI cable. I'm not sure what make it is but it came with the PS3 which I ordered off Play in January 08. I just don't want to have to splash out on a new lead just to see if that's the problem when it could just as easily be the TV.

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