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The Old Sony Megathread


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I played the Heavy Rain demo earlier and really liked it. I have the money to buy a new game but I'm not sure that an 8-10 hour game like Heavy Rain is worth 60 bucks. I doubt I'd play through it again because I never do that with games. I'll probably check the local rental stores and see if anyone has it.

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I agree, renting it for a winter weekend might be the right thing for a lot of people. I bet there will be a ton of copys on ebay a week after the releas by people that dislike the story and think it´s way to short.

As of right now i am not shure if i even will like the story. There is a lot that can go south with a script of 2000 pages. Plot/Logicholes might happen and there is a risk that they use of a ton of movie clishes to secure that a lot of the genneral moviegoing public like it. (like that "Saw" bit from the Demos Trailer)

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Yeah 2 is astronomically better in every way. Drake's Fortune is still a good game though with an excellent plot, save for the last quarter of the game, when things get a major shake-up, which I personally didn't like.

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I agree, renting it for a winter weekend might be the right thing for a lot of people. I bet there will be a ton of copys on ebay a week after the releas by people that dislike the story and think it´s way to short.

As of right now i am not shure if i even will like the story. There is a lot that can go south with a script of 2000 pages. Plot/Logicholes might happen and there is a risk that they use of a ton of movie clishes to secure that a lot of the genneral moviegoing public like it. (like that "Saw" bit from the Demos Trailer)

I actually just got home from running errands and pre ordered it. I was able to get 60 bucks worth of trade in together, so I figured why not.

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Why not use the Amazon Magic? It´s 55$ and got the Pre-order Bonus seems to work out nice.

Pre-order Heavy Rain and get Heavy Rain Chronicles: Chapter 1 - The Taxidermist, a downloadable episode. Access code will be e-mailed within ten business days after the game releases. Offer valid when shipped and sold by Amazon.com, while supplies last. Limit one per customer.

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Just went and bought Heavy Rain today here in Japan for 5000 yen new which, in living costs, is about £25 quid. Groovy.

Still, bit worried it might just be japanese but thought "hmmm, normally international releases if released same day in Japan are in English too".....and first screen is choose language options! Whooooooooo!

Japanese cover art is different to European though...


Installation spoiler...

While it installs it runs you through how to make the origami! Cool!

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Right then...

Playthrough 1 will be the "CSAMH playng as in real life - i.e. being nice and friendly if possible)


Chilling out, playing with the kids, lose swordfight on purpose. Place plates carefully so they don't break and upset mother in law.

Then kid gets hit by car and dies. Bummer.


My remaining son hates me. The vibe is totally different. He just watches TV. I follow the times laid out. Microwave him chicken, he doesn't finish. He's fine oing homework, gets very angry when I send him to bed at 8.


Demo level 1 with Laura. Tried to be nice. Touched her shoulder when she got upset. She didn't like that. Beat up the geezer so she was happier again.


FBI agent in the crime scene from Demo. Scrambled up, friendly to the detective, didn't moan or anything. Found all the stuff I needed to see.


Interesting time with the doctor. I see a bat, rat, death. Don't think that's the cheerful option. Heartwarming to the max at the park, we play boomerang (loves it), merry-go-round (loves it), see-saw (loves it - I bash the seat down quickly so he nearly falls off. Loves that), buy him candy (he doesn't like it but thanks me anyway). Then the black out and boo.


Into the office with the FBI agent. Give money to the watch thing. Help the chief with his tie. Go into my office and LOVE the whole layout thing. Whoooah


Reasoned with the armed robber and got him to leave which pleased the shop keeper who gave me a clue.


Wow the character model, motions and look for the woman is incredible. REALLY good. The fight scene is really hard too but got through it okay. Great atmosphere!


Kind of a more plot setting piece again. Not many choices but a great artistic sequence.


Woohoo weird schizo bloke and a stand-off. I manage to avoid shooting him even when it looks like he's pulling out a weapon and I get a cool trophy for holding my nerve so probably a positive ending overall.


Back to the Private Eye and he's playing Good Samaritan again. I rescue the mother from the bath and look after her child, although it takes a couple of attempts to get it into it's pram asleep. >_<


Another seemingly slow section (like 9) but then woah amazing "challenge" programmed into the sat nav. Stunning reveal moment. AND THAT WAS AMAZING! Survived ok as well. Phew real stressful stuff.

Seriously that section was just incredible.


Cool cos Madison and Ethan interact with eachother and you start with one and end up as the other. Kinda cool cos you could nose around a bit as her but also know exactly what he's been up to. They definitely took a look of time with the way Madison looks and moves. Really really slick.


Back to the FBI and a great chase followed by fisticuffs. Short section but I got my man so that's all good.


Laura joins up with my PI and off we go to a big party at a mansion. Looks really great actually. Lot of people milling around and chilling out. Weighty visuals. Get to use the "come here often?" chat up line on a random. Brilliance. Turns a bit creepy after a chat with a creepy son of a rich and powerful man. Won the following fight with his goons.


Well it's all gone a bit SAW as I go to a power plant to crawl over broken glass in order to get another clue to my son's whereabouts. Eerie for sure. Down an electrical

pipe of unknown and we're into a game of "cross the big electrical field". It's like a deadly Crystal Maze game and I resort to pressing combinations with my lip and nose cos I don't have enough fingers. I was brave enough to avoid going through the "Coward" door though. I get electrocuted a few times and the screen starts to look like I've got a huge migraine which isn't a pleasant experience. I make it to the clue though like the wonderful father I am.

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Damnit Hammy, now I'm extremely tempted to spoil the game for myself. :crying:

DON´T DO IT!!! DON´T!!!!!!! YOU HAVE TO BE STRONG!!! :crying:

Videos from the Event in Paris. There are no Spoilers, it´s just interviews. Good stuff.


Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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