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If How I Met Your Mother producers are planning to make Sarah Chalke Ted’s baby mama, they’ll have a bit of schedule juggling to do, as she, Zach Braff and the entire Scrubs’ crew returned to work today and they intend to keep Sacred Heart open for business.

The on-set reunion comes after a three-month writers strike, rumors that NBC was not interested in letting the series finish filming its seventh season and, of course, a much talked about move by ABC to scoop it up from the Peacock net—though NBC was reportedly unhappy with that plan.

As of this afternoon, no formal announcement has been made as to where these new episodes the cast is now filming will air. But word around town is that ABC is inches away from closing the deal with all parties and has secured the entire cast for an eighth season that will include eighteen additional episodes. When asked where the show is headed, more than one insider said "definitely ABC."

Our take? NBC’s loss is most definitely the Alphabet net’s gain. Here’s to another year of Rowdy the dog, jiggly ball and Turk and J.D.’s undying bromance...


Eurgh, just let it die, it's a pathetic shell of what it was, I'd be more than happy to have no official ending.
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Ehh, it has it's moments, but it peaked at season 5 (havent seen 7 yet but if 6 is anything to go off, it'll be hit and miss) and it's not getting any better. Six kinda tainted the series for me, I don't want to see if tainted even more.

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I'd much rather see a full 8th season than a series finale that's rushed because NBC isn't willing to front the cash for more episodes. What we've seen of season 7 is pretty good so far, and definitely better than the 6th. With the end in sight, they've got more things they can do and it shows.

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  • 1 month later...
Somebody answer me this

My DVR cut off the first 30 seconds of the previous epiosde, did Dr. Kelso come out retirement or did that episode air out of sequence?

The episode aired out out of sequence. Last week's episode was meant to be the finale, but NBC wanted this instead.
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Let's not forget, there's extra episodes due to be on the DVD's, it'll probably be re-ordered there SCM.

Is it 100% confirmed it's moving to ABC yet?

Yes it has been confirmed, Zach Braff made an announcement on his Myspace saying that it was billed as the series finale because it was the last episode NBC owned. 8th season has already started filming for ABC and it will be the last. Although Scrubs has just as many last seasons as Mick Foley does retirements

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I havent watched the fairy tale ep but im guessing they were trying to get the same response as the brilliant musical episode.

Season 8 is something im looking forward to very much, lets hope they do it in order and get a good finally

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  • 4 months later...

I know I'm necroing, but can anyone confirm or deny that Zach Braff won't be on Scrubs for season 8? A few friends of mine have been talking about it lately and half of them say Braff is staying on for season 8, the other half claim that it's "confirmed" that he's leaving. Anyone know?

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Ah, awesome. I can't say I'm terribly hyped or anything for season 8 but it would be fucking weird without JD.

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I've got low expectations, after the average to poor season six and crap that was most of season seven and the only truly memorable episode to my recollection being the musical episode (an episode so gimmicky it had no excuse not to be memorable), I just don't want the last season to be bad, I want it to be back to what it should be, off the wall comedy.

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