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Great ending. The plot was a little loose but a great episode nevertheless. I will miss Tennant a bunch but it's still hard to say that he's the best doctor of all time when most people didn't even watch the earlier doctors back in the day. (hindsight is 20/20) He certainly seemed accustomed to that role and made it his own, which is a tough act to follow for newcomer Matt Smith who takes over the reigns.

This also begins a fresh start with a whole new look such as the logo, box, even the show runner as Moffat takes control. RTD did a magnificent job in bringing back this cultural icon back and giving it life again. I do think that the show will suffer some growing pains with the new overhaul but I think when more time has set in, it should work out in the end.


-Simm, what more can you say. He IS The Master.

-Dalton's performance was also great and Cribbins did his part.

-I did find that they brought in all the companions of the doctors past and simply rushed through it. Don't get me wrong, it did make me feel sad as though he was saying Goodbye. I just felt it could have been longer.

-Wondered why the Doctor traveled back to 2005 instead of the present to chat with Rose? Miscalculation? Or simply didn't want to interfere with Human Doctor with Rose.

-"he will knock four times" that bit was done perfectly, I knew that box had something to do with it.

And in conclusion: Bring on the Spring!

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He couldn't visit Rose in the present, because that alternate dimension/universe they're in is sealed off for good. (Yeah, right)

I thought the whole thing with him visiting past companions was stupid, simply because its never taken that long for a regeneration to fully go off before. He shouldn't have been able to do all that.

The 11th Doctor's reactions after the regeneration were awesome, even if it was a bit painful for me to watch the regeneration since Tennant is my second favorite Doctor (after Tom Baker, and its a fairly thin line between the two). Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Tennant also say something about being a ginger when he regenerated into the Doctor? If so, I hope the payoff is that when the Doctor eventually regenerates into the 12th, he ends up being a ginger!

Rolled my eyes when the Doctor called the Narrator "Rasillon". Oh, boy...

Anyone have theories on Claire Bloom's character? I've heard someone say that she claimed she was playing the Doctor's mother in an interview, but I'm guessing the character might have been either Susan (most likely) or Romana. (Though I've seen someone at another board post a theory that based on the Doctor looking at Wilf when he asked the Doctor about her, that it might be Donna, who somehow ended up being a Time Lord, but that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever)

Edited by GhostMachine
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He was allowed that long because the radiation was slowly killing him, it wasn't an instant death so he was given the time to say his goodbyes. As for Rose, I'd say this will be the last time we'll see her, I'm hoping that's the book closed because it's gone for a nice full circle now, as for the universe itself, those things won't be closed forever and we all know it :P

Why roll your eyes at Rasillon? I thought that was a wonderful but simple not to fans of the older series, it didn't do anybody any harm whatsoever. The Woman was indeed The Doctors mother, apparently it was confirmed in the commentary for the episode - interesting that The Narrator referred to "The Weeping Angels" and she was in the same pose they were - a sign of things to come considering the promo for Series 5?

Sidenote: Apparently in an interview someone mentioned it would be returning in February, so not long to wait either :)

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End of Time looked like RTD had the idea of how he wanted to end it all along but had no idea how to get there. The first part especially was pretty bad. As for the new Doctor I'm really skeptical about him, he doesn't look right or sound right at all. Looks more like something out of Twilight than Doctor Who.

Hopefully we'll see more of Wilf, he was amazing.

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On a side-note, I started watching the very first Doctor Whos (first up, 'The Unearthly Child') yesterday. Bless its little 1963 socks.

His grand-daughter is decidedly annoying, though. She seems to be permanently twitchy and just generally crap as an actress. I hope, with an air of futility, that she improves...

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Is it just me, but at the end of that trailer does Matt Smith look a bit like The Joker? >_>

I actually thought he looked more like Rik Mayall.

I liked the Specials this year. It was campy but, still hard hitting. Especially the scenes with Wilf and DT.

I may have missed this also but does anyone else think the crying Time-Lords behind Rassilon at the end will turn into the statues like in Blink?

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A question that has been bugging me about that NYD Ep. If The Doctor remembers everything after he regenerates, what was the point of going on that "nostalgia trip" at the end? I can understand from a Tennant Farewell POV but as The Doctor it didn't really make sense.

Unless of course, he thought he was actually going to die and not regenerate.....

Also did everyone just look away from the point that Timelords had like a limit on regens before they just died? Wasn't it meant to be 9 or 10?

EDIT: For current discussions; I've been on a red head crush lately with all my favorite (=hottest) actresses being redheads so I'm happy to see this new girl in the series. I hope Smith makes a ginger remark at her though when they first meet

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I think it does make sense. Tennant's doctor, more than any other (although fans of the older Whos, please do feel free to correct me on this) has been the "Doctor of the Companion". All of the doctors retain their memories but they don't necessarily retain their personalities. For me, the crucial narrative of the climax of Tennant's Doctor was the examination of what happens when the Doctor is without a companion. The answer seemed to be that he simply can't cope and, to an extent, stops being "The Doctor" and falls into the same vices that the rest of his race seems to exhibit. The Doctor, therefore, knowing he was going to regenerate and knowing that his successor may have a completely different personality (and, crucially, won't be the doctor that any of the companions he visited, except Jack, would know) said goodbye because he knew that there was no guarantee that the New Doctor would want anything to do with them (c.f., I believe, the regeneration of Peter Davidson into Colin Baker, whose first act, I think, was to dump the companion whose life he had just saved).

Something like that, anyway :shifty:

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Is it just me, but at the end of that trailer does Matt Smith look a bit like The Joker? >_>

I actually thought he looked more like Rik Mayall.

I liked the Specials this year. It was campy but, still hard hitting. Especially the scenes with Wilf and DT.

I may have missed this also but does anyone else think the crying Time-Lords behind Rassilon at the end will turn into the statues like in Blink?

They were referred to as the weeping angels, so I think so.

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I think they're tossing out the limited # of regenerations. The Doctor did say in either The Waters of Mars or The End of Time part 1 that a Time Lord can die if they're killed before they regenerate, and I don't recall that ever being mentioned before.

Looks like the Daleks will be popping up in episode 3, if what I read is right, but fortunately it won't be a multiparter. Don't know if anyone else agrees with me, but I'm sick to death of the Daleks and Cybermen (and it looks like the latter won't be used in season 5, thankfully). Hope the deal with Terry Nation's estate ends soon and the Daleks aren't even mentioned, let alone seen, in season 6. Seems like the 9th and 10th Doctors have fought the Daleks almost as much as the first 7 combined!

I'd like to see Nicholas Briggs eventually become the 12th or 13th Doctor and do a season long storyline involving a Cybermen-Dalek alliance or war that ends with both races being permanently wiped out. Since Briggs does voices for both the Cybermen and the Daleks and would also be playing the Doctor, I'd give it 4 episodes before he'd have a mental breakdown while filming! :wacko:

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