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He said if they ran the Angels would be chasing them their whole lives right? So why not just stay in the past and have a nice life?

Wasn't that before the wibbly paradox got rid of them, apart from one for some reason?

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I wasn't quite sure what The Doctor meant when he explained to Rory that he would "live in this room, and die in that bed". Perhaps the idea was that the Angels would keep them there, somehow? I mean, if they were going to feed off their time energy for the rest of their life or whatever. I doubt the idea was that Rory and Amy could arrive in the past and say "Oh dear, it's the 19th century...OH WELL LET'S MOVE TO FRANCE (or something)".

And yet apparently they were happy, got a book published, etc. etc. It's weird. Wibbly wobbly, even.

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I wasn't quite sure what The Doctor meant when he explained to Rory that he would "live in this room, and die in that bed". Perhaps the idea was that the Angels would keep them there, somehow? I mean, if they were going to feed off their time energy for the rest of their life or whatever. I doubt the idea was that Rory and Amy could arrive in the past and say "Oh dear, it's the 19th century...OH WELL LET'S MOVE TO FRANCE (or something)".

And yet apparently they were happy, got a book published, etc. etc. It's weird. Wibbly wobbly, even.

I believe the Doctor stated that if people tried to escape (and people would try to escape) they would just get zapped back again, so basically the angels would have a constant and covert food source.

Rory and Amy ended up being okay because of the destruction of the paradox - that hotel and the angels there never when they were zapped back. I assume that the Doctor going back to see them (no matter where - in New York, or if they had moved somewhere else) would've caused the second paradox that would've brought the whole situation back and ruined everything. Or just consider that this was just one of the better outcomes for Rory and Amy when it came to leaving. It's horrible, yes - that their friends and family in 2012 or what have you would have no idea what happened to them. But they were basically 10 years older than everyone else at that point and it certainly would've eventually come up. This way they got to live out a live that was basically normal without the intrusions by the Doctor which had (in ways) messed up their lives. And Brian wouldn't have zero clue about what happened to the two of them.. I assume that the Doctor would've explained it to him. Not that this could totally alleviate the shock and pain, but better than nothing.

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That's pretty wonderful.

Arthur Darvill Tweeted a photo of a card someone sent him, with a picture of a tiger with an "X" over its mouth saying "No More Roar(y)". If I could be bothered, I'd find it.

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Well, next year is the anniversary, and I'd be shocked if they didn't do a multi-Doctor arc of some kind to celebrate.

Not sure what arc they could go with, but I'm sure Moffat could come up with something. Especially now that Amy/Rory are gone, I'm hoping we can get back to solid storytelling after the past few weeks' let off - which I'm not sour about because the character development was fun. No more RTD shit >_>.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Lorina's pretty heavy into Doctor Who and while I've not really gotten into it myself, I've had somewhat of an interest in watching. In any case, she just showed me this and admittedly it got my interest peaked even more. Pretty creative by the people involved-- it's a bunch of posts on Tumblr by Who fans that sort-of went in sequence.





I declare

a time war.





daleks scream






The Doctor died,

and Silence Fell





Here he goes,

back in time.






Everybody’s lives





Grab her hand

And whisper “Run.”

So she's been trying to get me to watch this for, well, forever now. Little things that make me wonder if I should :shifty:

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