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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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Chelsea showing off next season's kit today. I hate the way teams play in their new kit before the end of the season now...

Speaking of which...why in the fuck does every team need to change their kit every single season?


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Ah. There's something magical about my Newcastle supporting friend thinking Howard Webb on his own has managed to just about relegate the Toon.

Ignoring the fact they are absolutely shit.

Ignoring the fact that they deserve to go down.

Ignoring the fact that over a full season, they just haven't been good enough.

But of course, it was Howard Webb.

And they wonder why everyone hates them? It's unreal.

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Awful, awful feeling at full time today. Going to try and get a ticket to go to the Villa game. Not quite sure why I want to though.

You receive sexual gratification from pain?

I know I do. All my friends are Villa fans too.

Great! (Y)


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Ah. There's something magical about my Newcastle supporting friend thinking Howard Webb on his own has managed to just about relegate the Toon.

Ignoring the fact they are absolutely shit.

Ignoring the fact that they deserve to go down.

Ignoring the fact that over a full season, they just haven't been good enough.

But of course, it was Howard Webb.

And they wonder why everyone hates them? It's unreal.

Let's not forget relying on: the man who threw away a 12 point lead; a bloke who hasn't managed in the top flight for a decade; Tottenham's reserve coach and a guy who'd never managed a day in his life, to manage the team.

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What a great guy Guus is. Surprisingly one of the few Chelsea managers I've liked in a long time. One thing I really love about him is he's always upfront and honest about the team and didn't really make excuses. Even when Chelsea won a game, he'd still point out negative things and be honest about the team. I think they should do everything possible to keep him, but it seems he's made up his mind. Either way, he's been a refreshing sight this season.

Also, I cant believe Malouda has actually been good lately. Took a lot of stick from people, but I don't think anyone can deny he's been in great form over the last few months. Not outstanding, but people are quick to shit on him during a bad run, so I think he deserves a little mention after a good finish to the season. Oh and Rafa still being funny with Fergie? That gave me a good laugh.

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In what way is he being funny with Ferguson? I don't know why anyone expects him to congratulate a man that has slandered him in the press over a non-gesture and questioned his mental stability on numerous occasions. He congratulated Man Utd on the win and, really, that's more than enough.

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In what way is he being funny with Ferguson? I don't know why anyone expects him to congratulate a man that has slandered him in the press over a non-gesture and questioned his mental stability on numerous occasions. He congratulated Man Utd on the win and, really, that's more than enough.

Because we all know, everyone must bow down to the law of Taggart. <_<

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In what way is he being funny with Ferguson? I don't know why anyone expects him to congratulate a man that has slandered him in the press over a non-gesture and questioned his mental stability on numerous occasions. He congratulated Man Utd on the win and, really, that's more than enough.

This. I don't get the whole thing about "Benitez is being rude". He shouldn't have to say "Well done Alex". SAF didn't win the league himself. The club did and Benitez congratulated Manchester United.

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What a great guy Guus is. Surprisingly one of the few Chelsea managers I've liked in a long time. One thing I really love about him is he's always upfront and honest about the team and didn't really make excuses. Even when Chelsea won a game, he'd still point out negative things and be honest about the team. I think they should do everything possible to keep him, but it seems he's made up his mind. Either way, he's been a refreshing sight this season.

Also, I cant believe Malouda has actually been good lately. Took a lot of stick from people, but I don't think anyone can deny he's been in great form over the last few months. Not outstanding, but people are quick to shit on him during a bad run, so I think he deserves a little mention after a good finish to the season. Oh and Rafa still being funny with Fergie? That gave me a good laugh.

Why? Because he didn't bow down kissing Fergie's feet begging forgiveness? As others have said, he congratulated the club on winning the title. He shouldn't have to do anything else.

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Managers should always congratulate their opposite number. It's bad form and ungentlemanly not to. Liverpool fans would slag off Fergie if next season Liverpool win the league and Ferguson doesn't congratulate Benitez.

Managers should just swallow the pain or frustration, offer their handshake and congratulations and then start their preparations for next season so that they don't have to do it again. Simple as.

Though I used to play sports at competitive level (as captain in a club and school cricket team, badminton, a tennis club) and even though some of my defeats hurt BIG time and I may have been totally totally gutted inside, even at the age of 14, 15 or 16 or whatever I still had the respect to shake my opponent's hand and congratulate them......Then next time I'd go out and beat them.

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