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The England thread

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Crouch really is like one of those machines at the seaside where you put a 2p in and it randomly pings down onto the other coins. Sometimes it knocks other coins off for you to win, other times it just goes off in a completely random position.

I think his head must have corners.

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Crouch really is like one of those machines at the seaside where you put a 2p in and it randomly pings down onto the other coins. Sometimes it knocks other coins off for you to win, other times it just goes off in a completely random position.

I think his head must have corners.

Bwahahaha, that's brilliant. I love you CSAMH!

And FINALLY we have the best passer in the world coming on. Took Aragones long enough didn't it?

EDIT: Considering Crouch is about 10ft tall, he can't head for shit can he?

Edited by TMM
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Here comes Barton, about 20 minutes too late.

Wahey, another player who should've started comes on! For Fat Frank no less!

What formation are we playing now? I've totally lost track of everyone's position.

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lol ireland.


San Marino were so close to a most memorable result having lost their previous 37 qualifying matches, but it was not to be.
:huh: hahaha Ireland are shit, win or no win, they are fucking shit.

How have England been playing? =/

Well, someone forgot to tell them where the goal was. Oh, and how to pass as well.

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lol ireland.


San Marino were so close to a most memorable result having lost their previous 37 qualifying matches, but it was not to be.
:huh: hahaha Ireland are shit, win or no win, they are fucking shit.

How have England been playing? =/

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I love Ian Wright when England lose. He's a sore loser and he represents the opinion of every pissed of England fan. Although the BBC have been trying to make him into 'just another' analysist.

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Cashley Cole, Michael Owen, John Terry, Joe Cole, Aaron Lennon...yeah, five players missing. Gareth Barry to replace Cashley, Rooney for Owen, Woodgate/Campbell for Terry, we don't actually have a decent left winger anyway, so anyone could've played instead of Cole, and Wright-Phillips for Aaron Lennon, so are they seriously saying those five players being unavailable caused us to play shite?

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Ahahaha, that was an awesome game.

If you have suicidal tendancies and are looking for an excuse.

Gareth Barry was shit, SWP was shit, Lampard was shit (and I LOVED IT when Rio Ferdinand was given the captaincy instead of Lampard when Neville was subbed. I also loved Ian Wright and Alan Hansen covertly slagging him off before the game), Peter Crouch was... well, Peter Crouch.

I loved the referee penalising Crouch whenever he touched the ball. Come on ref... if you really want to penalise England, LET Crouch touch the ball... I could've sworn I heard "Get Crouch Off!" chants most of the way through the match, but right at the end it focused on the crowd and it was Spanish fans chanting "Es-Pan-Ya!". How my mind warped that into "Get Crouch Off!" I don't know. Maybe it was clever subliminal messaging.

A kid running around with a 6'7 plank of wood would do just as well as Peter Crouch. Except he'd have no hands free to wrestle defenders to the ground (and then give the ref a bollocking for DARING to penalise him for it, leading to said referee taking every future opportunity to penalise him just for the sake of it), so would actually be an improvement. He'd probably jump better and head better than Crouch, too. And he probably wouldn't be able to use his feet at all, which would also be an improvement over the current Peter Crouch.

And before anyone else brings up the "He's scored x goals in x games" arguement, I give you Pauleta and Morientes. Two excellent examples of the fact that that means fuck all. Aforementioned plank of wood could manage similar, with the amount of crosses Crouch usually gets.

I would've loved to have been in either goal. Free payday, woot! They made one save each (technically Casillas made two, one after another, but who's counting), and you can't really blame Foster for the goal.

Kieron Dyer made approximately two useful runs in the whole game. But at least HE was TRYING...

So yeah...

Pluses: Joey Barton. Our defence was good, especially the centrebacks. Gerrard was better than he has been for England since the World Cup. We played (for a total of about 20 minutes in the whole game) like we cared, at times.

Minuses: Everything else. Other than the first ten minutes of each half (and arguably the last 10 minutes of the game), we didn't seem to give a shit, as usual. And Peter Crouch played.

So what has this taught us? Steve McClaren needs to be sacked, and replaced with somebody who hasn't been trained by Sven Goran Eriksson, and who's managerial credentials don't equate to "had a decent cup run or two". Soo... nothing, then. Hugely successful game.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Guest Rabid Wolveringo

Wow, France/Argentina was some match.

- Argentina start off flying.

- Saviola scores.

- Argentina stalls and defend for 75 minutes.

Well I assume it was 75 minutes. After the second half started and it was more of the same I turned off the TV.

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