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Beyond The Sea is one I missed during my first viewing and I've heard nothing but good things about it. Looking forward to it airing on Sky Atlantic this week.

Just watched the second episode of Treme and it was barely keeping my attention. Considering the potential in the subject matter for an immediate sympathy for certain people, they really haven't capitalised on it. Maybe they just didn't want to go an easy route, but right now I wish they had because I'm struggling to give a shit about even the two characters mentioned earlier.

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Watching the first season of Survivor on Youtube. I'm up to the ninth episode and it's amazing watching the awful, awful play of everyone not in The Alliance, particularly Sean's "I'm going to vote in alphabetical order and tell everyone that I'm doing it" thing. Part of it, of course, is that it's the very first one and the only people who've outright figured out how to play the game are the alliance members (well, Joel seemed to have a decent idea of what needed to happen but he was on the wrong tribe for it and was a bit of an ass in general).

But seriously, this is a great season of TV. Every contestant has a well-defined character or at the very least serves a purpose to the overall flow of things; Stacey was a bit of a nonentity but served as a good first victim of the alliance, and Ramona's elimination was pretty unfortunate seeing as she was a billion times more productive than Gervase, whose "I'm going to be totally unproductive but stick around because I'm too charming to get rid of" strategy is hilarious. My main interest is trying to watch the seasons in chronological order (I might skip The Outback because that was the only one I actually watched on TV start to finish, but then again it's been a fucking decade since then, all I really remember is "Tina wins it all, Colby wins every immunity challenge ever, Jerri is a bitch, the fact that Amber actually goes on to win a Survivor down the line is hilarious given what she does in this one, some dude falls into a fire, the black guy is lazy for the second season in a row man is that unintentionally awkward") and see how the gameplay has evolved as the players have more and more information on how to play the game successfully to go on/how the gameplay mechanics change.

EDIT: Wow, Sean is an idiot.

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That's probably been posted at some point, but fuuuuuuuuck that was weird. It's part of the pilot for a US version of The It Crowd starring Community's Joel McHale and The It Crowd's, uhh, nerdy guy whose name I do not know.

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Man, it starts off like any other bad US remake of a UK sitcom (Jessica St. Clair was no good as Jen) and then it veers into very surreal territory once it's McHale and Ayoade.

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Lights Out is damn good TV, anybody here watching it? Justified is a hell of a lot better this season than last, as well. It really seems to have found it's footing with this run, and there hasn't been a bad episode yet.

Have to agree with the Chicago Code love, though I don't know about it being better than The Shield or anything like that. It makes for a fun waste of an hour, though. Glad to see the non-Jason Isaacs brother from Brotherhood's still getting worked.

This last episode of Supernatural was pretty good. The show's been pretty underwhelming since

the episode where they raised Death and killed off the two chicks

, but this last episode was quality. Next week's looked pretty good, as well. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come; the show's probably getting a 7th season, I'm just hoping it's worth it.

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Guest JukeboxHero

So, I finally caught up with House and I've concluded that the show has run it's course. I don't see this show going on for more than another season or two. I'll probably continue to watch it through to its end, since I've made it this far, but the show has definitely fallen off.

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Eh, while the quality has definitely declined, I think it's still better than most shows out there, and probably still my favourite. I don't see it going much longer either, but I don't think it's at the stage where it needs to be put out of its misery just yet. Introducing new members of his team every now and then definitely helps.

EDIT: In other news, I started watching Arrested Development last night. I've seen random episodes because I caught the end of its run when it was on in the UK, but I never made the effort to seek it out. Yeah, it's awesome. I can see myself pissing through it in a few days since it's like three episodes an hour.

Edited by Pesci
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Yeah, Lights Out has been really good. I wasn't expecting much from it, but it really proved me wrong, definitely worth a watch. And yeah, Justified continues to be awesome. Gotta watch Chicago Code, think I missed the first two, but I got last week's on the DVR.

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Lights Out is fantastic. And its ratings are worse than Terriers. Fuck you FX.

Shit, no way?

This better make it to a second season; when has a down-on-your-luck boxing story ever not had mass appeal, especially when done as well as this one?

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If Lights Out gets a second season when Terriers didn't, I'm going to...uh...be pissed or something.

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Whoa, didn't know the ratings were that bad, with all the hype the show was getting before it debuted, I thought it for sure it was going to be a big show. Shame if it ends up getting canceled, but then again, they also canceled Terriers. :crying:

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