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Chose to catch up on Sopranos instead. On season four, and everything has felt very samey for a while, hoping it picks up again soon, because initially this was an absolutely terrific piece of programming that seemed criminal I'd missed on first run. I've got hopes that seeing out this season will reward me, since Steve Buscemi is apparently in season five.

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I like season four. It's not really a "big things happen" season, though, aside from "Whoever Did This" which is a big one. Lots of shit goes down in season five, though.

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OK, is it just me, or is Castle made purely to showcase Nathan Fillion's awesomeness?

I've acquired the first 3 seasons, and I'm upto episode 6 of Season 2. The entire 'Space Cowboy' bit followed by 'You haven't worn that costume in 5 years' was hilarious.

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So I've started keeping track on my preliminary list for this year's year-end list. It's always funny when the year starts and I haven't actually watched fifteen new shows, so shit like Work It is at 10th because I saw a single episode of it.

By the way, Work It is the single worst sitcom I've ever seen. If you like it, I will seriously think less of you as a person.

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Yes. I'm trying to think of a television show I've watched before that's worse. It's... not really happening.

EDIT: And it looks to be already dead after two episodes. Thank fuck.

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