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UFC 2010

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So once you reach 30 or 50 or 70, your stat can't go below that?

Exactly, consider it kind of like the 1000 dollar question in Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, you won't leave with less than that.

EDIT: I love being able to learn certain moves. Love it. I just finished Shogun with a brutal looking Rampage-esqe slam off the cage into side control, which rocked him leaving him open for a TKO that was too perfect to deny.

EDIT 2: Machida got KO'd next, and now I've been set up for a Champion vs Champion fight, me vs Bisping. Just when I was starting to think it was going to get repetitive after already changing divisions, it saves itself.

EDIT 3: SPINNING HEEEL KICK KO TO START THE SECOND ROUND! I have so been waiting to KO someone with that. It's awesome. But if that doesn't get me the KO of the night, I don't know what guys do to get it. :shifty:

EDIT 4: Alright, so I didn't get KO of the night. But getting into the HOF sure as hell makes up for it.

EDIT 5: Salaverry has gotta be the cheapest way to win. I feel like a tool using it.

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Awesome back and forth fight with Brock (who was presumably undefeated for seven or so years), we stood and brawled in the 1st round and did the same on the ground. In the 2nd round I was getting beat on by Brock while we were standing, I got a good counter and hit a take down. Advance up to the Sallaverry and the mount, it was game over.

Edit: Yes, sallaverry seems kinda shady, but I use it only when I feel like "making a point." Basically when you'd want to tell someone, "I can do whatever I want and you can't stop me."

Edited by A-Dub
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Retirement sucks. the last couple of years went really bad lost several fights to submission based guys that I had beat previously in my career.Retired at 40 with a record of 29-21. Never got a title shot,never won any fight awards either though I think my retirement fight deserved to win KO of the night. a week before the fight i went to camp and learned the spinning backfist. Last fight pitted me against Skyscraper(not the tapout guy) I wear him with body punches and kick early on.a minute left in the first round he muscles me up onto the cage. I push him off and he fires off a hook to the stomach. I swing for the fences with the backfist. He raises up right into the backfist sending him crumpling to the ground for the KO.

Stat decay is worrisome at the beginning and becomes a minor annoyance as you age but over all I absolutely love career mode this year. I wish that once you retire your career record would show during exhibition matches and such.

Think I'll start another career now maybe as lightweight. Now that I know how to slow stat decay maybe I'll do a bit better.

Oh yeah I think Brock bribes the judges. Fought him 6 times in my career each fight going the distance an in all it seemed like i was winning by points but he squeaked out a win . I hate him.

I'm having a problem with subs. I can defend subs perfectly but when I try to submit the cpu my guy quickly breaks the hold.With some guys I have some luck charging the submission but it's risky because you charge to long and it zaps your stamina. I rotate the stick without many errors as well. anyone have any tips?

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I'm having a problem with subs. I can defend subs perfectly but when I try to submit the cpu my guy quickly breaks the hold.With some guys I have some luck charging the submission but it's risky because you charge to long and it zaps your stamina. I rotate the stick without many errors as well. anyone have any tips?

When I made the switch from palm-spinning to thumb-spinning (mainly due to my hand getting torn :bang:), I found it worked tons better to defend and to work toward. I still have yet to get a submission though :shifty: Maybe it's because I'm on expert so subs are that much harder. A couple tips I've read for shining is that it's not as important how fast you go, as it is important to get steady, smooth circles. I read somewhere that the developers of the game said that if you're hearing noise while shining, you're doing it wrong because it's supposed to be a quiet, smooth motion. Just a couple of tips that helped me do a bit better.

I agree about the stat decay. At the beginning, I was thinking it was going to be one annoying career mode, but that could possibly be because I hadn't figured out the 30/50/70 thing at the time. Later on, you said it perfect, its a minor annoyance but nothing serious. I actually kind of look forward to abusing my sparring partner at times. To the point that I had to fight Tito at 100% fatigue due to not realizing.

I also haven't got any KO/Sub/FotN awards throughout my career. I'm going to double-check after this next fight but I don't recall seeing the words pop up after a fight.

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I think my game glitched. I won the Light Heavyweight title, and after a few defenses, moved up to the Heavyweight division.

I destroyed Mir (keeping up my record of 'never letting a match go to the judges' scorecard') and... was given the choice between a few light heavyweight fighters to face. I was still technically in the Heavyweight division, but only got the choice of LHW fighters.

So, I fought my way up the Heavyweight division, facing only Light Heavyweights. Then, I finally get a title shot... and it's against Rashad Evans, who won the title in the interim.

So I face Rashad and defeat him. I get the choice between guys for my title defense.

Stephan Bonnar comes out of retirement to face me, and I put him away in short order.

Then eventually, I get another title shot against Rashad. I win, but he's still ranked as LHW Champion, while I'm #1 contender to the Heavyweight belt.

I eventually deleted the fighter in question (which sucked, as I was 7 years in with a pretty respectable record).

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I have had my opponents in several fights get the submission of the night. Yeah i tried palm spinning but I was useless lol I will try slowing my spin down and see if it helps. in my career , Brock pretty much remained top dog he lost maybe2-4 matches tops.

Also is Swaying broken ? in the tutorial it shows that you hold R1 then tap the left analog stick in different directions. When I try to do it my guy just walks

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Why do I freaking Shogun submit me every freaking time?! :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:

Seriously, is there anyone that knows how to avoid his clinches, takedowns and his submission attempts? It just seems useless to even try and defend them this year.

EDIT:I'm so pissed I can't even type right.

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For take downs I hold toward the opponent on the right stick and that sprawls most take downs.. If he is on top of you. I find that holding L1 then left on the left analog stick and rotating the right analog stick will escape and get you back on your feet unless the opponent has amazing ground skills

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It takes some getting used to, but it's still a good game. Had I known that the stats avoided decay once you got them to 30 earlier, I would have a lot less losses. Once you figure out how to work around the decay, it's pretty entertaining. Don't let us get your hopes down. ;)

Thanks for this post man. Once you had a fair idea of what to do during sparring and how to keep your stats from decaying, Career mode is a lot easier.

I'm 5-1 as it stands now, My only loss came via submission as I was trying desperately to avoid getting subbed, Tried to get out of the position I was in to get the fight back on it's feet and got gassed and that was that.

That was in a rematch I had with a Japanese fighter after I KO'd him first time round, Got him back to go 5-1 via KO.

Looking forward to seeing what the rest of career mode has in store.

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