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UFC 2010

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really proud of that knock out against Brock Lesnar in the event i created. I won the 1st round, Brock the 2nd round and in the 3rd i was moving backwards clicked LB and A and did a stepping right hook that knocked Brock out :D :D

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I was messing around in create a fighter and decided to make a lightweight who was a big time striker so I raised those stats a lot but gave myself horrible submission and takedown stats. I really liked my moveset so I started up a fight against Kurt Pellegrino. It was an absolute war. He gave me a nasty cut over my left eye and swelled it almost shut so I did the same to him. Half way through the fight we both look like we went ten rounds with a baseball bat. I ended up getting him a clinch against the cage and murdered him with a knee while I was gassed. The best part was that I caught him with a right straight on his way down getting the knockout.

This game might have flaws but gameplay-wise you can have much more exciting fights than last year.

On a side note had anyone else noticed that Salaverry/crucifix position is absolutely devastating? Those elbows can cause a big cut after only a couple and you can get rocked pretty easily.

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How do you get into the Salaverry? And where you do learn it?

You gotta learn it, and I've seen it at The Hit Squad, and Greg Jackson's Gym. To get into the position, its from sidecontrol L1+Major Transition. You can only seem to get into it from the side control thats furthest from the camera (as in, your legs should be pointing away from the camera, not towards). Hard to explain.

EDIT: Finally completed my first Ranked fight, got the Submission of the Night Gold Medal with an armbar. 2nd fight didn't quite go so well, and I got anklelocked in the 1st round, I guess earning him the SotN Gold Medal. :bang:

EDIT: 1-2, fuck Rampage.

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goin through title mode with Anderson Silva. Basically kneed a hole in Stephan Bonnar and Rich Franklins head and now fighting Mark Coleman lol

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How do you get into the Salaverry? And where you do learn it?

Going to Africa with a big ship and a few nets would probably be a good start. I imagine any Southern American State would have mountains of information on it.

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The most fun thing I have done so far? Bloody up Tito and then counter-overhand right him for a massive knockout. God Tito's such a little bitch! :angry:

I remember the only thing I did last year for a while was try and bloody up my opponent as much as possible. I pretty much had Liddell with a full crimson mask. Was awesome.

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