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There wasn't anything wrong with the Robinson hit ... the Harrison is the grey area ... but Meriweather was flat out bullshit.

I've literally heard the Meriweather hit mentioned once on ESPN while the other two are the two examples used everytime. Is the Meriweather so blatant that it isn't controversial on whether he should get a suspension or what?

It was ALL OVER Mike/Mike this morning. They even had Merrill Hodge (FB who had his career cut short due to concussion/etc) and Hodge had no issue with the Robinson hit. The Meriweather one though, they all three at his freaking lunch on it and they replayed it on ESPN2 about 100 times during the conversation.

Yeah, it was that freaking bad. It was bad to the point of, he should have been kicked out of the game and suspended for a lengthy period.

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As a Patriots fan, I usually defend most of the crap that they do but there's not really anything I can say against that Merriweather hit. Was a bit cheap and he definitely deserved the fine. I'm under the impression that if that had happened this week, he would be suspended correct?

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Yeah, as an Eagles fan, the Robinson hit was fine. It was a good, clean, hard hit. It's not his fault. If you wanna put blame on ANYONE, look at Kevin Kolb. He made a hurried, and pretty poor pass to just avoid a sack. He left Jackson out to dry. When a quarterback makes a throw like that, a short lob over the middle, he's just asking for his reciever to get lit up by the defense.

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For the Robinson hit, I know it was a defenseless WR, but what is he supposed to do? Let him catch the ball?

The Robinson hit was more of a head-on collision than a pure helmet-to-helmet hit, however, it's still helmet-to-helmet.

The other two have no excuse, Merriweather and Harrison should be suspended for more than one game.

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For the Robinson hit, I know it was a defenseless WR, but what is he supposed to do? Let him catch the ball?

The Robinson hit was more of a head-on collision than a pure helmet-to-helmet hit, however, it's still helmet-to-helmet.

The other two have no excuse, Merriweather and Harrison should be suspended for more than one game.


Freeze that video at 39-40 seconds and you'll see Robinson hit Jackson in his chest.

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For the Robinson hit, I know it was a defenseless WR, but what is he supposed to do? Let him catch the ball?

The Robinson hit was more of a head-on collision than a pure helmet-to-helmet hit, however, it's still helmet-to-helmet.

The other two have no excuse, Merriweather and Harrison should be suspended for more than one game.


Freeze that video at 39-40 seconds and you'll see Robinson hit Jackson in his chest.


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James Harrison mulling retirement because he got fined for a tackle. Yep. Obviously this is just primadonna bullshit and he'll be suiting up this Sunday and every Sunday after that, but this is not the kind of behavior I'd expect out of a Pittsburgh Steelers defensive player.

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That's a shitty attitude to have Meacon. Even the player I dislike the most in the NFL, Tom Brady, I can't say I wish him injury. They're just football players. They play a child's game. Yah it's fun to cheer and say we hate they're just guys who play a game. It sucks when anyone gets hurt. Maybe I have such a strong opinion of this because Philly fans are just real assholes when it comes to it.

Harrison is being a child with his newest shit but his 'I don't want to injure I want to hurt' thing is totally in line with a defensive players mindset. I wouldn't say that was a stupid statement, unfortunate in some peoples eyes but truthful across the board.

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The Robinson hit was fair, and a picture perfect big hit that everybody dreams of. You have to put some of the blame on the guy who threw the pass.

Harrison's 2nd big hit, when he launched himself, is dirty. Merriweather's is what you shouldn't do, Todd Heap was clearly wrapped up already. But the NFL isn't changing any rules, so the game isn't changing. Last week was just big hits all around. Revis laid a nice crack on Eddie Royal, I believe that's who he hit. I'm glad Revis is back.

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That's a shitty attitude to have Meacon. Even the player I dislike the most in the NFL, Tom Brady, I can't say I wish him injury. They're just football players. They play a child's game. Yah it's fun to cheer and say we hate they're just guys who play a game. It sucks when anyone gets hurt. Maybe I have such a strong opinion of this because Philly fans are just real assholes when it comes to it.

I have a bad attitude because I said he's a small receiver? And that it's expected that being that small he's going to get his head knocked off every so often? o_O

Or just that I don't like DeSean Jackson? I didn't wish him harm, I was just pointing out, he's 5'8" (or 5'9") and 175 lbs. soaking wet. Odds are he's going to get knocked senseless, especially when you consider guys twice his size do.

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The league should go apeshit over guys leading with their helmet. Which they are. Proper tackling means you wrap the guy up, you don't come flying into him like a missile. One, that's risking that you don't make the tackle. Two, that's risking injury. There's not enough of the fundamentals on the football field anymore.

People will complain for a few weeks until everyone realizes that the suspensions are going to be few and far between, and only for the most severe.

Harrison returned to practice today. As expected.

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