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EWB's Favorite Movie: 2009 Edition

GoGo Yubari

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HOW ARE YOU GENTLEMEN. So back in December esteemed EWBer Split Second tried to run this list, but it was December and at least one movie that many EWBers thought could be in contention had yet to come out. Now, though, it's April and... well, it probably would have been timelier to run this a couple months ago, but I think both Split and I forgot. So I'm running this! Traditional EWB countdown thread rules apply, and I'll paraphrase them from the TV thread right now;

So, you make a list of ten MOVIES (NOT TV shows), ranked from one to ten. The show you put at #1 gets ten points, the show you put at #10 gets one point, and you can probably figure out how everything in the middle works out. Keep in mind that this is a list for movies that were released in their country of origin in 2009. But if you want to argue for a film that was released in 2008 and have a compelling reason I'll probably allow it.

Now, get listmaking! This will close when I feel like it's ready to close.

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1. Up

2. Inglourious Basterds

3. Coraline

4. Moon

5. A Serious Man

6. Zombieland

7. Star Trek

8. District 9

9. The Informant!

10.Crazy Heart

Man, I need to watch more movies from 2009.

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So, you make a list of ten TV shows, ranked from one to ten. The show you put at #1 gets ten points, the show you put at #10 gets one point, and you can probably figure out how everything in the middle works out. Keep in mind that this is a list for movies that were released in their country of origin in 2009.

This is going to be as addled as errors as the villians thread! :@

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1. Inglourious Basterds

2. Watchmen

3. Funny People

4. Up In The Air

5. Black Dynamite

6. Pirate Radio/The Boat That Rocked

7. The Hangover

8. Zombieland

9. Star Trek

10. Crazy Heart

Edit: Added Funny People. Forgot that it came out last year.

Edited by Ash J. Williams
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1. Paranormal Activity

2. Crazy Heart

3. Watchmen

4. Zombieland

5. Inglorious Basterds

6. Star Trek

7. The Boat That Rocked (Pirate Radio)

8. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

9. Drag Me To Hell

10. I Love You, Man.

Really wasn't an amazing year for film. Crazy Heart & Paranormal were fantastic though, I could watch them over and over. Avatar was also in the running, but it doesn't make the cut due to it being something of a let down from me. Maybe because whenever I think Cameron, I think Aliens, and nothing tops Aliens for me. Nothing.

Also, if anyone needs it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_in_film

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I thought it was a fairly 'bleh' year in movies, to be honest, I probably only went to see like a dozen...

Anyway, here's my top-10. It is clearly accurate, and if you disagree with it then you are wrong. Or something.

10. The Girlfriend Experience

9. The Damned United

8. District 9

7. The Hurt Locker

6. Moon

5. Inglourious Basterds

4. A Single Man

3. In The Loop

2. Watchmen

1. Star Trek

Feast and enjoy.

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Let's see if I can remember them.... My normal list includes The Wrestler and Let The Right One In, but they were released in 2008 in the States so I'll ignore them.

1 - In The Loop

2 - The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

3 - Moon

4 - The Damned United

5 - Avatar

6 - Slumdog Millionaire (the wide theatrical release was 2009)

7 - Up

8 - 500 Days of Summer

9 - Star Trek

10 - Capitalism: A Love Story

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I saw Rise of the Lycans, but I don't know if it deserves a spot in my top 6 >_>.

It probably has more re-watch value to me than Watchmen, though.

Rise of the Lycans was alright. I mean, it's not going to win any awards, but as far as popcorn flicks go it's pretty fun. Plus with a cast including Bill Nighy and Michael Sheen, it's better than it should be. Made up for the naff film that was Underworld 2.

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1. Fantastic Mr. Fox

2. Inglorious Basterds

3. Star Trek

4. Up

5. 500 Days of Summer

6. Watchmen

7. Moon

8. District 9

9. I Love You, Man

10. Bronson

EDITED for Moon.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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1. Inglourious Basterds

2. Sherlock Holmes

3. Moon

4. The Hurt Locker

5. Zombieland

6. Star Trek

7. Watchmen

8. Funny People

9. The Hangover

10. 500 Days of Summer

Man, that was hard as I didn't really have any that I could distinguish as my favorite of the year. Not to mention that I didn't watch nearly as many movies as I normally do.

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1. Up in the Air

2. Black Dynamite

3. Paranormal Activity

4. (500) Days of Summer

5. Orphan

6. Paper Heart

7. The Informant!

8. Watchmen

9. Night at the Museum 2

10. The Haunting in Connecticut

According to the list TKz linked, these are the only ten movies I watched this past year. I'm actually kind of surprised that I saw this many.

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1 - Star Trek

2 - The Hangover

3 - The Hurt Locker

4 - Away We Go

5 - Up

6 - District 9

7 - Zombieland

8 - Avatar

9 - Inglourious Basterds

10 - The Soloist

I can't believe Soloist made the list, since I had Taken on there and, really, watching Liam Neeson kick much ass makes for a fun way to kill a night. Unfortunately, I've seen He's Just Not That Into You more times than probably all the other movies combined...

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