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2010 College Football Thread

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Question, should TCU play for the title if Auburn or Oregon loses?

Rod Gilmore (sp?): "Since Boise State lost, I think we can all agree that TCU is overrated, rabble, rabble, rabble. I have them no better than 6th." A couple of weeks ago he had them as the 2nd best team in the country IIRC.

Craig James: "You're wrong Rod, TCU can play with anyone in the country and that's why I have them ranked 5th!"

These fucking morons really need to just say, "I'd rather cut my testicles off than see a non AQ team play for a BCS Title" and call it a day already. Now they've got Stanford, Wisconsin and/or Michigan State as all being better than TCU and that's because BOISE STATE lost to Nevada on the longest of longshots. This season has exposed every single person covering college football for that network (other than Herbstreit) as complete and utter fools.

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John Gruden is interested in the Miami job, and CBS Sports is reported the two sides are reaching out to each other to talk about their interest. That would definitely be a huge boost for Miami if they could lure Gruden to The U, but I can't see it happening.

Jaws, let me tell you something. This Jacory Harris kid can throw a football, I mean this kid can play.

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Remember what I said about the whole faith in the CFB Gods and such ?

Yeah, I just shit in the offering plate, pissed in the communion cup, and burned the church down.

Fuck you TCU.

You had to know it was coming though. After all of the bullshit they faced this year, they might as well join the Little Sisters of the Poor BCS Conference and have the chance to potentially play for Nat'l Titles down the line even if they lose once in any given year. Going undefeated in the Big East erases all of the nonsensical crap we heard from the ESPN 'tards this year.

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You had to know it was coming though.

Of course, but it doesn't make me hate it any less.

After all of the bullshit they faced this year, they might as well join the Little Sisters of the Poor BCS Conference and have the chance to potentially play for Nat'l Titles down the line even if they lose once in any given year. Going undefeated in the Big East erases all of the nonsensical crap we heard from the ESPN 'tards this year.

I don't "blame" them, I just hate them for it.

Fuck, get on the horn to Arkansas or Tulsa, or fucking anyone and make a pitch to the Big 12 ... keep their title game and get your BCS Bid automatically. Pipe dream, I know.

BCS review process is half way done. With Boise/Nevada coming over the MWC was looking pretty good to unseat the Big East as it was. If that doesn't happen, THEN make the move.

And seriously you, myself, and anyone not a fucking retard knows damn well that going undefeated in the Big East will only give them an "auto" slot and nothing more. Mark May will still talk about how they "joined the weakest BCS Conference to backdoor their way in" or some other monkey fucking bullshit. One loss in the Big East eliminates them from NT talk. Only thing they did was put themselves in BCS Bowl territory with one loss. That's it. The Big East does NOTHING for TCU in terms of the National Title unless they are one of only two BCS Conference undefeated teams.

The BCS Standings would look EXACTLY like they do now even if TCU was in the Big East this year.

I can already hear how the Big East has turned into "the new WAC" you know, with teams strewn out all over the place and no conference identity and sub-par teams ... blah blah fucking blah.

Same shit different name.

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Just to touch on a few things.

- Gruden to The U is reportedly false. Don't blame him, the current leadership at Miami don't place an emphasis on football, they don't have the money to build a much needed on campus stadium (and, as a private university, they'd have to do it themselves), and, with the rise of USF and UCF, the 'return' of FSU, and Meyer at UF, they can't dominate like they used too. Gruden is an NFL coach anyway.

- TCU to the Big East isn't just about football. It actually makes sense on several different levels:

- Basketball. Even if TCU sucks, there's more money to be made in, arguably, the best basketball conference in the nation.

- Travel. With the addition of the WAC schools to the MWC, the travel is, on average, only about 150-200 miles more in the Big East. Add in the rumored addition of Hawai'i to the MWC, and it's actually less in the Big East.

- Coupled in with that is this little caveat for the individual sports (golf, tennis, etc.); in the MWC, schools have to compete against other conference schools in these sports. In the Big East, they do NOT. Thus, TCU can save money by having these non-revenue athletes compete against local colleges, then travel for the Big East tournament.

Yeah, it sucks for the fans, because the 'new' MWC was looking awesome, but it makes sense for TCU. It's not as good a move as Utah to the Pac-10 (because, face it, ANY western school would have killed for that offer), but it's a good move for the university.

- As for what happens if Oregon/Auburn lose, here's my take;

- First call goes to TCU. I don't think they get skipped, because Wisconsin isn't sexy to voters, and Stanford didn't win the conference. So, if only one loses, the Horned Frogs get their shot. I think their move to the Big East will even help there, because they're a BCS school in waiting now.

- If both lose, I'm thinking we get TCU/Wisconsin. Maybe some weird shit depending on how Auburn loses, but I think they fall.

- Curious why anyone would think Boise deserves a BCS slot now. If they were undefeated, sure, I see the argument, and even for a title shot, but correct me if I'm wrong, but Nevada won the WAC, right? So, Boise didn't win their conference, why should they get an at-large over Stanford, Michigan State/Ohio State, or even Arkansas (who definitely played a tougher schedule)? Just seems like wishful thinking.

- It's a week and a half away, but GO NAVY, BEAT ARMY! Best rivalry in college football. Too bad Air Force won the C-in-C trophy. Also, not to antagonize Meacon, but I love the fact that Notre Dame beat USC, but lost to Navy. It's like Navy beat USC!

- I'm very worried that the Battle for the Victory Bell is going to be UGLY. Really hope it doesn't cost Neuheisel his job.

- Oh, and GM, you shouldn't want to get rid of Vanderbilt, it's like a gleaming beacon of cleanliness amongst the muck of the SEC. When you hear all the stories about the other schools, you can look at Vandy and know they're doing it right. Besides, if Stanford, and to a lesser, more recent extent, Baylor, can be competitive (and in Stanford's case, legitimately good), so can Vandy. They play decent defense, I think they could really succeed with the right coach/offense. Maybe the triple option. Ken Niumatalolo has done a solid job continuing what Paul Johnson did at Navy, maybe make a run at him.

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Don't know if this was posted but...

Before the Iron Bowl on Friday, Cam Newton and his Auburn teammates warmed up on the field to a couple of specially selected songs. Newton had already been showered in fake money by the Alabama student section as he made his way to the field, and once he was out there the songs "Son of a Preacher Man" and "Take the Money and Run."

Obviously, the selections were in reference to the rumors that Newton's father Cecil Newton, a preacher, was shopping his son to the highest bidder after he left Florida. Honestly, when I heard about all of this before the game started, I found it to be rather amusing. Maybe it wasn't the classiest way to go about things, but it wasn't exactly harmful.

Well, unless that was what motivated Newton to lead the Tigers back from a 24-0 deficit and win the game, but considering how things went in the first half, i doubt that's the case. Either way, the man who was in charge of those musical selections has been fired by the school.

"Our processes require that all music and videos played in the stadium prior to and during every game be carefully scripted and approved by a senior administrator in the Athletics Department," Alabama public relations director Deborah Lane said in a statement. "The former staff member deviated from the script that had been approved for the game with Auburn, and the University took steps to immediately terminate his contract."

"The University of Alabama takes great pride in our football team's long-standing tradition of playing the game with dignity and class, and showing respect for players and coaches of opposing teams. We are disappointed when the actions of any staff member undermine our deeply held values and expectations."

Am I the only one who finds this to be a bit of an overreaction? So the guy played some songs that weren't on a pre-selected list,* it's not like he set the building on fire here. Now, had he started playing some Justin Bieber, then by all means, fire him. Heck, lock him up, but all he did was play a couple of songs as a joke.

A joke on the best player of the school's biggest rival, in what was the biggest game of the season for both schools. I mean, isn't stuff like that what a rivalry is basically all about? You're not supposed to like your rival, and I don't see any problem with having a little fun with him.

Besides, that's nothing compared to what Newton probably heard from fans in the stands. Are the students who threw money at him going to get in trouble too?

*By the way, I'd love to be in on those meetings. "Listen, I'm cool with 'Who Let The Dogs Out' but if you think I'm playing 'Zombie Nation' you can just get the hell out of this meeting right now."

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- Travel. With the addition of the WAC schools to the MWC, the travel is, on average, only about 150-200 miles more in the Big East. Add in the rumored addition of Hawai'i to the MWC, and it's actually less in the Big East.

Only if Hawaii joins does the travel equal out. Sure, the "nich" sports don't compete like other conferences but all of the MAJOR sports do. And TCU is joining in all sports. That means they're all travelling, both men and women's.

Yeah, it sucks for the fans, because the 'new' MWC was looking awesome

Boise has to be wondering WTF happened. I mean really, they've become a victim of not only the system but of their own success. They get dogged for not playing anyone but nobody will play them. The nut up an join the only conference that will let them in, and in the matter of a month see the top 3 reasons that it joined fly the coup. Now they're sitting on WAC 2.0 (a bit better than before but with the same shitty issues).

I mean fuck. This conference line up alone:







Easily as good as the Big East, and on most years as good as all but maybe the top two of the Big 12/SEC/Pac/Big 10. The other schools don't matter as all of the BCS Conferences have their own fluffer.

The MWC was doing shit right and proving that there was PLENTY of quality outside of the "Big 6." I don't know what they did but the Devil called in that deal with authority.

Boise didn't win their conference, why should they get an at-large over Stanford, Michigan State/Ohio State, or even Arkansas (who definitely played a tougher schedule)? Just seems like wishful thinking.

NOT so fast my friend. As it stands Boise/Nevada/Hawaii all have one loss in conference. The WAC Title is still up for grabs. The WAC doesn't recognize "tie breakers" so if they all finish with one loss they'd be tri-champs naturally. However, if only two schools end up with 1 loss it won't matter that one beat the other as they'll be "co-champs." If both Nevada and Hawaii stumble Boise can still win it outright if they win.

Even then, none of the schools you mentioned won their conference and one of 'em even lost twice.


Shut it. As a Black Knight I find this statement punishable by death.

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The majority of ESPN's college football writers (well, analysts too) are retarded. There was an article written about how prior to the Iron Bowl, Alabama's pressbox played "Son of a Preacher Man" and "Take the Money and Run", obviously a jab at Newton. Then the journalist goes on to say "Is this what brought on Newton's comeback?!" No, ya jerk. If he was fueled at all by the playing of those songs, he probably would have come out on fire. I doubt he went in at halftime and thought, "Hey, wait a minute..." and then decided to have the comeback of his life. Little stuff like that aggravates me, because morons like that are getting paid to be stupid.

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Summary: NCAA decided if you can't stop people from upholding integrity, just let them do it.

Hopefully, the NCAA will close that loophole sooner than later.

The way I look at it, if Cam Newton actually didn't know anything about it, fine. If he did, I hope he ends up one of the biggest busts in NFL history or is one of those guys who spends more time on the IR than on the field. Either way, anyone who attends his father's church....if he actually has one....should be embarrased. The man's a hypocrite.

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Fuck me.

Why do I even bother rooting for Illinois when we're clearly just a joke of a team? We can't hire a HC for the life of us and most of the fans around here are content with us being a bottom of the Big 10 team.

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