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The Dark Knight Rises


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Nolan has revealed The Dark Knight Rises takes place 8 years after The Dark Knight.

The Dark Knight Rises will take place quite a while after the events of The Dark Knight. How long? 8 years.

Director Christopher Nolan has spoken to Empire, saying "surprisingly for some people, our story picks up quite a bit later, eight years after The Dark Knight. So he's an older Bruce Wayne; he's not in a great state."

The director also spoke about the choice of Bane as the villain. "With Bane, we're looking to give Batman a challenge he hasn't had before. With our choice of villain and with our choice of story we're testing Batman both physically as well as mentally."

Nolan also discussed the villain's fighting style of the physically imposing antagonist. "He's brutal. Brutal. He's a big dude who's incredibly clinical, in the fact that he has a result-based and oriented fighting style. It's not about fighting. It's about carnage. The style is heavy-handed, heavy-footed, it's nasty. Anything from small-joint manipulation to crushing skulls, crushing rib cages, stamping on shins and knees and necks and collarbones and snapping heads off and tearing his fists through chests, ripping out spinal columns. He is a terrorist in mentality as well as brutal action."

Empire also spoke to the film's costume designer Lindy Hemming, who revealed the reason for Bane's mask. "He was injured early in his story. he's suffering from pain and needs gas to survive. He can't survive the pain without the mask. The pipes from the mask go back along his jawline and feed into the thing at his back, where there are two cannisters."

Can't wait till next year? Well, a prologue to the film will be shown in select IMAX cinemas on December 21, 2011. According to Nolan, the footage is "basically the first six, seven minutes of the film", a sort of "introduction to Bane, and a taste of the rest of the film."

I'm not really sure about this. I get that they want it to be an older, less sharp Batman going up against super strong Bane, I know the story but jumping a whole 8 years? Theres just so much stuff that could have happened in between that would be a much better story to tell than just ignoring it all. Surely the cops would have sorted out their grief with Batman after eight years? I sort of assumed that would be the major plotpoint of the third film going off the end of Dark Knight but I kinda think it's a bit silly to think that Batman wouldn't have been accepted almost a whole fucking decade later. Surely Joker would have escaped or something interesting.

I'm not shitting on it as I'm sure Nolan will make it awesome once more, but it just seems baffling to me.

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One of the theories I've seen - which makes sense to me - is that Bane breaks Batman's back at the beginning of the film, and part of the film is about his recuperation. Training montage, fast forward a few years, Batman's back.

Even if that isn't the case, I have faith that Nolan can make this work.

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Nolan has revealed The Dark Knight Rises takes place 8 years after The Dark Knight.

The Dark Knight Rises will take place quite a while after the events of The Dark Knight. How long? 8 years.

Director Christopher Nolan has spoken to Empire, saying "surprisingly for some people, our story picks up quite a bit later, eight years after The Dark Knight. So he's an older Bruce Wayne; he's not in a great state."

The director also spoke about the choice of Bane as the villain. "With Bane, we're looking to give Batman a challenge he hasn't had before. With our choice of villain and with our choice of story we're testing Batman both physically as well as mentally."

Nolan also discussed the villain's fighting style of the physically imposing antagonist. "He's brutal. Brutal. He's a big dude who's incredibly clinical, in the fact that he has a result-based and oriented fighting style. It's not about fighting. It's about carnage. The style is heavy-handed, heavy-footed, it's nasty. Anything from small-joint manipulation to crushing skulls, crushing rib cages, stamping on shins and knees and necks and collarbones and snapping heads off and tearing his fists through chests, ripping out spinal columns. He is a terrorist in mentality as well as brutal action."

Empire also spoke to the film's costume designer Lindy Hemming, who revealed the reason for Bane's mask. "He was injured early in his story. he's suffering from pain and needs gas to survive. He can't survive the pain without the mask. The pipes from the mask go back along his jawline and feed into the thing at his back, where there are two cannisters."

Can't wait till next year? Well, a prologue to the film will be shown in select IMAX cinemas on December 21, 2011. According to Nolan, the footage is "basically the first six, seven minutes of the film", a sort of "introduction to Bane, and a taste of the rest of the film."

I'm not really sure about this. I get that they want it to be an older, less sharp Batman going up against super strong Bane, I know the story but jumping a whole 8 years? Theres just so much stuff that could have happened in between that would be a much better story to tell than just ignoring it all. Surely the cops would have sorted out their grief with Batman after eight years? I sort of assumed that would be the major plotpoint of the third film going off the end of Dark Knight but I kinda think it's a bit silly to think that Batman wouldn't have been accepted almost a whole fucking decade later. Surely Joker would have escaped or something interesting.

I'm not shitting on it as I'm sure Nolan will make it awesome once more, but it just seems baffling to me.


I have no doubt in Nolan's ability to make an incredible cinematic piece; with that said however the ending of TDK made it seem that the next film would take right after TDK ended, to jump forward 8 years does seem odd to me as there's so much that would be left unexplained within that time-frame unless we'll get Keanu Reeve style flashbacks or 2 lines of dialogue backing everything up.

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The Empire spread was great and the most interesting thing that I saw was the photo of Bane when


Bane was holding up the picture of Harvey Dent. I know he wont be in it but it means even 8 years after the effects of Dents death are felt or perhaps Bane reveals that it wasnt batman that Dent did go mad

Im looking forward to the Imax preview. Maybe check out the one in London as I plan to be there over the festive season.

Thank you maxx.

Edited by jocky
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  • 2 weeks later...

So the DKR IMAX prologue got out online. Good luck finding it (it's a shitty half cut-off handcam anyway).

But in more news! The second DKR trailer leaked late last night. This is the one that's going to be attached to the new Mission Impossible movie.

Description of the trailer in spoiler tags (kind of a pain to read, by the way):

-starts out young kid singing national anthem at the gotham football stadium

-you see bane in jacket climbing up onto a ledge

-cuts to inside a fancy house with a covered dinner plate (the more a saw this part the weirder it seemed because the camera hangs onto this shot for a few seconds) and alfred begins his voice over

-Alfred- “You’re as precious to me as you were to you’re own mother and father”

-cut to alfred speaking- “I swore to them that I would protect you…”

-cut to bruce obviously listening to

-Alfred- “…but I haven’t”

-over shot of gotham

-title cards “from director christopher nolan”

- next shot is some sort of dinner party with the mayor and Gordon

-Mayor shakes Gordon’s hand as he seems like he is about to give a speach

-two other political figures it seems are talking about Gordon

-politician 1- “The mayor is going to dump him”(referring to Gordon)

-politician 2- “Really/”

-politician 1- “mmhmm”

-politician 2- “But he’s a hero”

-politician 1- “A war hero, this is peace time’

-shot of a shadowy figure on a balcony walking away doesn’t look like batman though

-behind shot of bruce walking into a large mansion like part with i think rose pettles falling from the ceiling and selina kyle begins speaking

- selina- “There’s a storm coming mister Wayne” shot of her dancing within bruce with a masquerade type mask on

-cut to what looks like bane punching the ground and chaos errupts with the people around looks like its in a dark ally type of place but its hard to tell where it is

-shot of bane in jacket from the front walking past the camera till you see he his walking towards what looks to be a group of thugs again in a dark ally type of setting

-shot of Selina looking at herself in a mirrior wearing a dress and putting a necklace on, Selina- you can do something “by battoning down the hatches”

-shot of gordon kicking in a door with a gun and flashlight drawn and immediately after there is an explosion behind him

-Selina talking- cant really make put what she says im sorry i know but what i did get was “cause you will wonder how you could get so large and leave so little for the rest of us”

-while she is talking there is a scene of people and chairs being tossed from the top of the steps over a balcony of what looks to be a really nice house or even a government building while others at the bottome cower in fear

-shot of men pulling someone out from underneath a desk who is trying to fight back with no luck

-back to Selina still talking whispering now into bruce’s ear

-shot of bruce standing back with a dumbfounded look on his face

-cut to a shot of prisoners armed with AK-47s emerging from a blown out hole from what looks like a prision steel wall (there are a lot of them) and as the camera pans from right to left you see banes legs showing he is by himself waiting for the immates to come to him.

-Chanting begins and at first you think its coming from the immates but the scene shifts to a football kicker the stadium ready for kickoff chanting still being heard.

-Shot of bane walking up towards the feild from what looks the tunnel the players come out from as he is still hidden in darkness, chanting still happening

- shot of bruce in a prison type cell but he opens the gate and looks like an underground jail which is where the actually chanting is coming from the other people of prisoners there

- Bruce turns to an older guy (no idea who it is but looks to be imprisoned there too) and asks- “what does that mean/”

- Old guy – “Rise”

-cut to bane back in the tunnle at the stadium flipping a switch to a device in his hand


- than the scene where the football player is running towards the endzone camera is in front of him so we see that the feild is being leveled behind him swallowing up other players but he has no clue until he scores, turns around, and see’s the field is gone, not the stadium though, just the field from one endzone to the other.

- Bane speaking with a shot of bruce laying down with a cut or lump on his head either way he looks in bad shape, but bane says “When Gotham is in ashes..”

-shot of bane looking down at im guessing bruce “…you’ll have my permission to die.”

-title card “next summer” and that same chanting begins and lasts till the end

-shot of Marion Cotillard with a masquerade mask and she lowers it

-shot of bruce who is standing in front of her with a grin

-shot of mayber batman jumping down from a building?

-Selina in regular clothes walking inside the football stadium

-title card “the epic conclusion”

-shot of batman aiming that gadget that was on the cover of that one magazine sorry vague i know but its verticle and looks like light is comming out of it

-shot of tumbler exploding into a large armored tractor trailer

-assassins repelling into the well that was shown in the teaser

- shot of bane with bare arms holding his chest looking up

- shot of Joseph Gordon-Levitt quickly walking through a hallway through a door

- title card” to the dark knight legend”

- riot going on and a shot of batman preparing to fight bane as he comes walking up to him and this shot is from those leaked video and pictures where they are outside the white building with pillars and chaos is happening all around

- tumber shoots at that same building

-back to bane comeing closer to batman and batman hits him with a right hook

-bane ducks its a fast scene but they are about to really get into it

- more repelling assassins

- shot of tumbler being chased by batwing mid day on the city streets

- and than the same shot at the end of the teaser where the buildings are crumbling and the camera moves up towards the white outlined bat symbol

- title card all white background “Dark Knight Rises”

Read more: http://batman-news.com/2011/12/15/the-dark-knight-rises-trailer-2-leaked-descriptions-are-online/#ixzz1gdVf9O00

And from what that article says, the best guess on the trailer's release is this upcoming monday, December 19th.

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I've got the prologue saved :P

I'll spoil my thoughts on it:

Bane sounds kind of like Seth McFarlane's character in Hellboy 2, and I had to read a transcript to understand what he said at the end. A guy with a german accent speaking into a megaphone is a decent description I'd say. Still, from what I could see, it looks great, and once again Nolan looks like a goddamn wizard of practical special effects. Hard to tell, but it certainly looks like he hung real half of a plane upside down for those shots and didn't rely on CGI very much. I'll know more when I see it on Saturday on IMAX.

As for the trailer, Hathaway looks good and sounds good. But...

I can't watch the football field explosion scene without thinking "Krankor blew up a tackler on the 40, now there's nothing but daylight!

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New Trailer: http://youtu.be/Z6LFLIJZhrU

Imax 6-Minute Prologue: http://youtu.be/xGI4MUMJrbk

Holy shit am I hyped now - I have to say to that were lingering doubts in my head as to how this was going to turn out, but it looks brilliant and I am SO hyped for Bane. Like, more so than I was for Joker and that's saying something.

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I wasn't hyped for The Dark Knight much. Not sure why. Maybe because I was quite busy around the the time the hype started for it and really didn't follow it as much. I liked Batman Begins though.

However, I am super hyped for The Dark Knight Rises. I have complete faith in Nolan (after reading interviews and seeing the footage) that he will make a magical film. I really can't depend on any other film series at all, but Nolan's Batman I can depend on to deliver.

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