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The Dark Knight Rises


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Those who felt skittish about Nolan including The Riddler need to just take a look at how he handled Scarecrow. I'd go so far as to argue that the only difference would be the lack of the toxin he used in Begins, as both are more cerebral characters.

I think we're also seeing that The Avengers and this Batman trilogy stand on different parts of the same landscape. Much as I dug it, Avengers was a popcorn hero movie. Nothing wrong with that at all, but Nolan's Batman trilogy is cut from a different cloth, though "Rises" comes closer to that popcorn feel more than the other two.

The final scene:

I think that after the backlash and confusion stemming from the final scene of "Inception", Nolan felt like it was necessary to show just what Alfred was looking at. I didn't see it as pandering as much as it simply wrapped up the series.

Finally...what a movie...what a series. I remember when I saw Begins in the theater, one guy stood up during the credits and applauded. Nobody thought him odd, but nobody joined. When TDK hit theaters, I saw it happen with about half the theater. After Rises finished, nobody was seated. First time I've seen a movie get a standing ovation in a theater, and I felt it was rightfully so.

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I was a little afraid to post this, but here goes.

I was happy to see some legitimate resolution in the final scene. Ambiguous endings that let the viewer speculate have always struck me as an easy-way-out as well as an open door to a sequel. This did neither and showed that Nolan was confident enough in his story to show the viewer exactly what did happen. As ridiculous as the idea of Batman somehow surviving a nuclear blast might be, that's the ending he wanted us to see and that's the ending we got. The ending to Inception was such a cop-out, I wasn't the biggest fan of the movie and the ending just said to me "Look how intellectual and deep this whole thing is!" That's not the role of a Batman movie, and knowing that Bruce Wayne was somehow unscathed, his chapter closed, and off living with Selina Kyle in some corner of the world was, to me, the only proper way to close the trilogy.

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As much as I didn't like Bruce Wayne surviving, I want to point out that it still moved me. I feel the exact opposite concerning his survival of a nuclear blast; that felt like a cheap cop-out, a Hollywood crowd pleaser. I am sure I would have felt more strongly if Wayne had given his life, both emotionally and physically, to Gotham City. It is not a bad ending at all, I would've just rather it was more definite and less happy, I guess.

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Yeah, I'm with damshow.

I didn't like Inception much at all. I especially didn't like the ending. I'm much happier knowing he survived than I would be if it was left up in the air. I really don't like endings like that all that much and it just would have felt like it left it open for more... which isn't really a good thing, because there isn't going to be any more.

Besides, he's Batman. He's always got another plan.

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Re: All this talk of what happened in the ending.

You guys do realize the reason Bruce Wayne got out of the nuclear blast unscathed is because he fixed the autopilot on the Bat, right? During the ending montage, they show Lucius Fox talking to the engineers and realizing that someone added in the programming for it after Fox had handed it over to Wayne. He likely set it to fly out over the water from a spot on a rooftop or something, then used the Clean Slate to make sure he and Selina were able to disappear.

So it's not ridiculous to think that Bruce 'survived' the nuclear blast when in reality there was no possible way for him to die in it-- he wasn't in the Bat when it happened, he was still in Gotham with everyone else.

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Re: All this talk of what happened in the ending.

You guys do realize the reason Bruce Wayne got out of the nuclear blast unscathed is because he fixed the autopilot on the Bat, right? During the ending montage, they show Lucius Fox talking to the engineers and realizing that someone added in the programming for it after Fox had handed it over to Wayne. He likely set it to fly out over the water from a spot on a rooftop or something, then used the Clean Slate to make sure he and Selina were able to disappear.

So it's not ridiculous to think that Bruce 'survived' the nuclear blast when in reality there was no possible way for him to die in it-- he wasn't in the Bat when it happened, he was still in Gotham with everyone else.

That'd be a fine explanation but we see him in The Bat. I pretty much chalked it up to the shot of him being in The Bat being before he ejects himself with countdown timer being from after he has. Either that or he was in something else controlling The Bat that's remarkably similar.

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I thought it was obvious he ejected and auto pilot did the rest.

Yeah. My assumption was that him blowing up that building before he got to the bridge was just a cover so he could eject, because I felt there was really no other reason for him to blow it up. He could've easily just flew up and over it or around it but instead he blows it up? Yeah.

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If we're going to talk about an unrealistic ending, maybe we should talk about how the city somehow survived a nuclear bomb going off in their water supply a few miles (at best) away from the city?


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I probably worded myself badly. I can see how he I survived, I just don't like that he DID survive. As I said, to me, I think it would have made a bigger impact on me if he had died and given his life to Gotham City. But whatever, the ending is what it is, I still liked the fuck out of the movie.

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Re: All this talk of what happened in the ending.

You guys do realize the reason Bruce Wayne got out of the nuclear blast unscathed is because he fixed the autopilot on the Bat, right? During the ending montage, they show Lucius Fox talking to the engineers and realizing that someone added in the programming for it after Fox had handed it over to Wayne. He likely set it to fly out over the water from a spot on a rooftop or something, then used the Clean Slate to make sure he and Selina were able to disappear.

So it's not ridiculous to think that Bruce 'survived' the nuclear blast when in reality there was no possible way for him to die in it-- he wasn't in the Bat when it happened, he was still in Gotham with everyone else.

That'd be a fine explanation but we see him in The Bat. I pretty much chalked it up to the shot of him being in The Bat being before he ejects himself with countdown timer being from after he has. Either that or he was in something else controlling The Bat that's remarkably similar.

Well, as others have said, while you do see him in The Bat there was no reason for him to blow up that building along the way. He pretty much ejected while still in Gotham, sent The Bat off to do its thing and stayed behind to catch up to Selina.

And Zero, yeah, pretty much. At the very least Gotham was going to get a hell of a tidal rush, never-mind contaminated water and the fact that it was a nuclear bomb that should have had a hell of a blast radius. Unless somehow Wayne made it so the bomb would get suppressed somehow by being immersed underwater, but... lord, we really shouldn't be putting logic to this particular bit :shifty:

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