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The Dark Knight Rises


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I have less of a problem with Hollywood screenwriters scripting a "Hollywood ending" than I do with people paying to see a film entitled "The Dark Knight Rises" and being upset when it turns out Batman survives.

Definitely. I mean, it is a lot more realistic than the general superhero action film, but I'd be far more shocked if we had the bomb go off and them "boom, no more Bruce Wayne", especially since the films were pretty much setting it up for him to be able to leave and live his life. He just hadn't found the right way yet, what with Rachel dying. And after they brought up Alfred's story of the cafe, it was too perfect to not have him see them there and to speak no words.

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I thought this was bloody dreadful. The dialogue was atrocious, with Batman and Catwoman trading witty quips in practically every scene, or doing the action here "show up, save the day, cheesy one-liner" shit that's exactly the kind of bullshit superhero tropes that Nolan's movies have allegedly been more "mature" and "dark" than.

Bane's voice was fucking ridiculous, even before the horrible and obvious overdubs that made it sound like his voice was coming from a different person entirely, and he hammed up his I AM VILLAIN role so much that it baffles me how people are praising him for his part.

"This nuclear device will explode when Bane sets it off!" is a clichéd but acceptable plot point. Then to almost immediately follow it up with "BUT OH NO IT MIGHT GO OFF EARLIER" just labours the point; why not just have Bane announce the detonation time as a fixed point, and be done with it? Hell, that's half the problem with this movie - whenever it could possibly take a route from A to B, it has to stop at C and usually D on the way there. "This nuclear device is decaying, and therefore is becoming stable" does not equate to "and therefore will detonate at a definite point in time".

The twist reveal of Talia was pointless, as nobody gave a shit about her character in the first place, so wasn't especially shocked when she turned out to be OH NOES EVIL. Her "romantic interest" subplot was so crowbarred in and pointless, why not just have her as the spokesperson for Bane from day one, with Bane as the muscle, rather than having to put up with Bane's stupid voice for the entire movie? Bane's strength is in his brute power - something he barely has the chance to demonstrate in the entire film. Or, if they are sticking with Bane as the super-intelligent leader - why bother with Talia at all? What did she add, twist or not twist?

Hell, even Catwoman was forced in just to get a big name in there for people who hadn't heard of Bane. The plot didn't require her at all, and nothing would have been lost had she not been included.

Talia, Bane and Batman had an entire conversation based around the assumption that Bane was the child of Ra's Al Ghul. This was a plot point which had only ever been brought up in Bruce Wayne's hallucination, yet because the audience had seen that, the other characters were acting as if it was common knowledge. Just fucking horrible film-making there.

How did Bruce Wayne - with no money whatsoever - make it from a middle-eastern prison, a location he didn't even know, back to Gotham? Hell, how did he even get out of the prison when it was previously revealed how fucked his knees were? It's not like Bane would have left him with his robot leg thing.

I'd like to know how much screen-time Batman - in the full costume - actually got in this Batman movie. Fuck, this whole thing could have been about an hour shorter. Just because something's long doesn't make it "epic".

At what point do people stop being able to seriously say, with a straight face, that these movies are "dark" and "gritty" and "serious", and a more "adult" or "mature" kind of superhero movie? Is it before or after the hero races through the streets in his custom-built spaceship after the villain in an ill-defined life support mask for half the movie?

That said, Michael Caine was absolutely superb in everything but the graveyard scene, where he fell prey to the same hammy overacting as everyone else in this bloody movie.

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Skummy :wub:

I think Bane's hamminess was sort of deliberate, like he was playing up being the villain in order to draw attention from Talia or... something, but there is absolutely no legit justification for that, really. I thought Tom Hardy was having fun with it, at least, even if I sort of felt like his whole schtick wasn't really new news.

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Rethinking, his point about making that jump with a fucked up leg is valid.

Plus he snuck into gotham (with no passport either mind you) with time to shave... just in time to save gordon.

Hey good thing every single member of the army and media were watching to make sure no one snuck in. Hell bane didnt notice and it was his ultimatum.

6 out of ten. Fuck that ending. "Neatly wrapped up" my ass.

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To reference a topic from earlier, wasn't the Inception not an ambiguous ending?

If you do research the ending can be explained

If you have to research it, that would be amibiguous. If I leave a movie going "I better get on the net and have someone explain that to me" that's pretty fucking ambiguous.

You edited the part out where I said the answer is in the movie. The only reason you have to research it is because the audience is tricked into thinking whether the top falls over matters or not and most fell for it.

Maybe I missed something, And I know there's hints, but what did you see as the answer in Inception?

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Rethinking, his point about making that jump with a fucked up leg is valid.

Plus he snuck into gotham (with no passport either mind you) with time to shave... just in time to save gordon.

Hey good thing every single member of the army and media were watching to make sure no one snuck in. Hell bane didnt notice and it was his ultimatum.

6 out of ten. Fuck that ending. "Neatly wrapped up" my ass.

It's Batman. He gets in and out of every fucking where every fucking bloody time because he has an insane amount of knowledge, and especially about Gotham.

Good god, stop nitpicking.

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It's a fucking movie. This is the same stupid shit that happened with Star Trek. Oh wow, he just so happened to end up in the same cave as Spock, what a huge coincidence! :rolleyes:

Yes, because movies would be so much better if only completely realistic things happened and we watched people sitting around for hours on end.

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I figured he probably used Skyhook from The Dark Knight. You gotta realize, despite everything going on and what happened to him, Bruce Wayne still had connections. It's not entirely unreasonable to believe that he'd found a way to utilize Skyhook again to get him in. I mean hell, they specifically said at one point in the film that the military had begun doing high-altitude scans of Gotham so that they wouldn't be detected. Again, not entirely unreasonable for Bruce to make the drop from there, at the very least in a similar fashion to the way the military forces themselves did.

Hell, there've been further stretches of the imagination made in the Batman comic books to make specific plot points work than there were in TDKR. Also...

At what point do people stop being able to seriously say, with a straight face, that these movies are "dark" and "gritty" and "serious", and a more "adult" or "mature" kind of superhero movie? Is it before or after the hero races through the streets in his custom-built spaceship after the villain in an ill-defined life support mask for half the movie?

I respect your opinion, but as far as this goes: The Watchmen.

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Rethinking, his point about making that jump with a fucked up leg is valid.

Plus he snuck into gotham (with no passport either mind you) with time to shave... just in time to save gordon.

Hey good thing every single member of the army and media were watching to make sure no one snuck in. Hell bane didnt notice and it was his ultimatum.

6 out of ten. Fuck that ending. "Neatly wrapped up" my ass.

It's Batman. He gets in and out of every fucking where every fucking bloody time because he has an insane amount of knowledge, and especially about Gotham.

Good god, stop nitpicking.

Okay. Fine. If the benchmark for how to discuss this film is "because Batman", then I'm done.

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