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The Shows Mostly Formerly Affiliated with NBC's Thursday Night Comedy Block Thread **SPOILERS**

GoGo Yubari

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Almost everything In Hilda's menu is a reference to other games, from Mario to Megaman to Battletoads. There's a full breakdown floating around on Tumblr

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Guest mr. potato head

I think people might be overreacting a bit to Harmon's getting turfed. The rest of the crew might not be able to break new ground the way he did, but some of them have been around for years and should be able to at least copy what's made the show successful so far.

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He was pretty involved though, he oversaw every facet of the creative side, much like Whedon on his projects or Matthew Weiner on Mad Men, the show will definitely feel different. That's not to say a fun, charming show can't be made, but it's going to be more noticeable than when something like this would happen on many other shows. The Russo Bros. are out too, if they were still on board, I don't think the ruckus would be quite as big, but it's going to be a major overhaul.

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I think people might be overreacting a bit to Harmon's getting turfed. The rest of the crew might not be able to break new ground the way he did, but some of them have been around for years and should be able to at least copy what's made the show successful so far.

Like who? All of the executive producers (Harmon, Neil Goldman, Garrett Donovan, the Russo brothers) are gone now and in the wake of Harmon being fired both Chris McKenna and Dino Stamatopoulos have quit. Megan Ganz hasn't left yet, I guess.

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Not to mention that the show has been the poster-child for staff turnover the last two years anyways.

Like Zero said, it's still possible that it could be a fun show (at the very least, I think a cast as talented as Community's will be able to make it at least somewhat enjoyable) but to say it's going to be the same is just foolish, especially considering one of the reasons Sony replaced Harmon is because they wanted to the broaden the show's appeal.

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I've been too busy lately to comment on all of the madness, but Harmon being out is a major blow. This season's finale brought so many chickens home to roost, and takes a special showrunner to do that. It's not just that 10 or 20 different elements from throughout the season all dovetailed to support each other plot-wise, it's also that this season an almost constantly present theme that drove the plot in general: could this be the darkest timeline? It could have been just a goofy element that adds up to nothing more than goatees and evil stares, but instead there was a singular force behind it all that kept reminding us that there was a human element. If I may be cheesy, there was something inspirational about it.

I'm not saying that the show was flawless under Harmon, but I have trouble imagining other showrunners making the show about anything more than some fun characters getting into mishaps. I'll be watching as next season begins, but my hopes are now far lower than they once were.

Honestly, this points to a larger theme in television today, at least for me personally. There is increasingly less broadcast television that I have any interest in at all, and seemingly more and more mass appeal filler that's just there to appease mainstream superficial sensibilities. I acknowledge that it could point to my changing tastes as much as anything, but it doesn't feel good to see less and less value offered by a once powerful medium.

I suppose it points to a more personal worry that I'm becoming more disconnected from the larger society. But - to expand this beyond a personal level - why should I, and others like me, have to give up all of the ground? This is getting into some whiny territory, but it's hard not to feel like you're being pushed further out on the fringe when the few things you care about keep changing to adjust to someone else's sensibilities.

Rant over, and sorry if it was whiny bullshit, but this is depressing.

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So, HollywoodReporter.com has a leaked memo from the studio to the cast of Community. Everywhere I see it, people are shitting all over it. Here's the memo:

Team Community:

With last night's news of David Guarascio and Moses Port as new showrunners/EPs on "Community" running in the press, and since we know that cast members have interviews coming up this week, I wanted to forward some messaging we hope our cast will find helpful as they navigate questions that will undoubtedly come up. I know that David and Moses are reaching out to them all directly but I've also heard from some of the actors that they'd like some guidance on the topic.

I saw some of the tweets that went out and we're glad they all addressed their own sentiments quickly, and we're hoping that the news will lose some steam over the next day, especially if we're not perpetuating the topic in any way.

We're tracking the coverage and conversation and will circle back if we feel the need to reshift our plan or messaging. Please let me know if you have questions.

Why did Dan get let go from the show?

We're not made aware of why staffing changes take place, but I will always be grateful to Dan for his great work on the show and wish him only the best. We're also excited that we'll be back on NBC's schedule in the fall and are looking forward to working on those episodes.

Were you aware that Dan was going to be let go?

No, that's not something we're consulted on. I'm sad to see him go, but I am looking forward to starting our next 13 episodes of "Community."

Did the studio or network consult with you about these changes?

No they didn't, but we're looking forward to working with David Guarascio & Moses Port on a new season of "Community."

What are their plans for the new season?

It's a little early to say at this point, but we're looking forward the stories our characters will find themselves in come Sept.

Anyone want to explain to me why this is such a terrible memo? I mean, what we get from this is that the studio wants the cast to say that Dan was great, that they themselves don't make the staffing choices, and then plug the new season. Plus, the memo shows that the studio is noticing that people are making a fuss out of this, so if the outrage keeps up just maybe good things will happen.

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It's pretty much overreacting on the part of Community fans. Of course Sony's going to do something like this.

EDIT: Oh, thank god, Megan Ganz will be back for season four.

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I haven't seen the reaction to it but I would imagine its because it looks like Sony is trying to tell them what to say rather than them being able to say how they actually feel about it. It just doesn't look good because they're hollow words

That said, it's a business move to try and minimize backlash and I can't really blame Sony for that.

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