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Dead Island

DJ Ice

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Traded some old stuff in and picked this up, really enjoying it so far it exceeded the expectations I had for it. I like how it doesn't feel forced like Dead Rising in OH YOU GOT 72 HOURS, I can just run around killing zombies and just do the side quests :)

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One of the unlockable skills for Dead Island leading lady Purna allows her to deal extra damage against male victims. It's called Gender Wars in the game, but the original skill was named "Feminist Whore." [uPDATED]

The errant bit of renamed text was discovered by a resourceful computer gamer who found the original skill name buried in the code for the non-retail version of the game that was accidentally sent to digital game store Steam.

In the code, the game lists some of Purna's skills as "TeamSpirit1Purna", "SharpApprenticePurna" and "FeministWhorePurna".

Reached for comment this morning Techland confirmed that Feminist Whore was indeed the original name for the Gender Wars skill. The inappropriate name was caught by the developers and changed, they said, but remained in one debug, diagnostic file which ended up in the actual game.

Reached for comment this morning, publisher Deep Silver confirmed to Kotaku that the line of code was in an early build of the game.

"It has come to our attention that one of Dead Island's leftover debug files contains a highly inappropriate internal script name of one of the character skills. This has been inexcusably overlooked and released with the game," Blazej Krakowiak, Techland International Brand Manager, said via email. "The line in question was something a programmer considered a private joke. The skill naturally has a completely different in-game name and the script reference was also changed. What is left is a part of an obscure debug function. This is merely an explanation but by no means an excuse. In the end that code was made a part of the product and signed with our company name. We deeply regret that fact and we apologize to all our customers or anyone who might have been offended by that inappropriate expression."

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So...how buggy is the console version? All the streams and vids I've seen are on the PC.

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So...how buggy is the console version? All the streams and vids I've seen are on the PC.

The only bug Apsham and I really experienced was when a zombie we needed to kill spawned on the other side of the wall. We left the area, came back, and all was good.

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I was hoping to see some sort of deal on this in Tesco this morning - it's £38 though, so no luck there. Oh well, maybe in a few weeks. I will definitely pick it up though.

In Gamestation it was about 35 quid for the special edition if that's any help? Only 3 pound cheaper like

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It´s still 30 quid over there.

Oh wait, it´s soled out, sporry about that... but maybe keep an eye on it anyway!

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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