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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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Predator Tech Vid

EDIT: Also, according to Cory:

- Reks and Masters aren't in.

- The last 14 are all DLC (Trish and Cole included)

- A THQ guy noted on Twitter that they're trying to make a Lesnar character playable for '12

- Those who tweeted about Bellas and Alicia Fox got the response of "Always hope" so they're probably in.

Edited by Ty123
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Predator Tech Vid

EDIT: Also, according to Cory:

- Reks and Masters aren't in.

- The last 14 are all DLC (Trish and Cole included)

- A THQ guy noted on Twitter that they're trying to make a Lesnar character playable for '12

- Those who tweeted about Bellas and Alicia Fox got the response of "Always hope" so they're probably in.

Okay, there was some stuff in that video that worried me, but the ability to do impromptu combos sounds awesome. I know the move interruption feature is going to get annoying, but the possibility of hitting a move off the top rope on a guy while Cena's in the middle of the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but he can still hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle? That's cool.

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What worries you?

The Breaking Point submission system being touted as a "new feature" when it sounds like button mashing.

The emphasis on "simplification," which could mean "dumbing down."

"You won't spend all that time on the mat, we keep the action going." Translation: you'll never hit a move off the top rope again.

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Didn't they say the pacing of the matches will replicate what we see on TV? Meaning that the beginning moments will be fast paced and the longer the match goes, the slower it'll be. So I think the whole "You won't spend all that time on the mat, we keep the action going" thing will only affect you in the early portions of the match.

Edited by Fait Accompli
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that predator video was the first time i seen a WWE 12 gameplay video and there are a few gripes that strike me.

1) Some character animation look worse than last year, it can be because it's a pre-build. But with Christian certainly i felt his head just looked... off. And The Rock looks like a oversized bald baby and doesn't really strikes me as The Rock.

2) Animation speed is a bit too fast for my taste and for it to be realistic. I feel that some of the move animations seem too fast than they are in real life and it's once again off-putting. It could also be because of the build they shown. (good example is how they simply rocket away from the top rope)

But there where a few good things i liked from the video

1) I am loving the fact you can interrupt moves whilst someone is moving. It's a lot better than the previous locked animations that forced the other fighters in the match to wait for the animation to finish to continue the assault. (But it can become annoying if AI spams punches when you try to get that DDT on someone.)

2) Also to add to the animation bit, i liked the fact that you could now combine moves without them breaking other's move e.g. 5 knuckle with a top rope jump and such. It's certainly great if you play with a friend and you can chain crazy things together.

3) Breaking points look interesting and the finisher storage is FINALLY back into the series, a thing i sorely missed. (Me and my friends love to fight paced matches with it ending in a finisher, and the stored finisher system is perfect to play such matches out more flowingly.)

I am waiting for more info to come and hopefully see later builds of the game before making my final judgement, but this years game looks pretty good.

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Maybe it was just the quality of video, but it looked like some of those clips were from the Wii version.

And I'm not opposed to button mashing, it's definitely the tried and true method of submissions, but I'm sure we'll run into plenty of people online who have turbo controllers (they still make those, right?) Guess we'll just have to set up the EWB league again!

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Yeah, online play will likely suck as per usual. Even if they fix lag, there will always be cheaters. Don't think I played a single online Rumble last year that didn't have at least one person using a turbo controller and eliminating people in half a second.

As long as they've fixed the servers so that I can actually get onto Community Creations whenever I want, I'll be happy.

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Looking at the pre-orders on australian sites(note, all prices are in aud)

Game Head-$87.05(no mention of any pre-order bonus content)

JB Hi Fi-$99.00(no mention of any pre-order bonus content)

Game-$99.95(no mention of any pre-order bonus content)

EB Games-$108.00(recieve the Rock as a playable character. Seems to be no special packaging and no mention of any other bonus)

I didn't mind paying extra for the Bret Hart edition from EB last year(although I could have sworn it was a wee bit cheaper than that :unsure: ), as that had a couple of bonuses. The only bonus this year, being the Rock as a playable character? Not sure if I wouldn't just be better off pre-ordering the game from Game Head and using the $21 I save to buy something else.:unsure:

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Maybe it was just the quality of video, but it looked like some of those clips were from the Wii version.

And I'm not opposed to button mashing, it's definitely the tried and true method of submissions, but I'm sure we'll run into plenty of people online who have turbo controllers (they still make those, right?) Guess we'll just have to set up the EWB league again!

Yeah, but people are always going to have those. Just get it on the PS3! I've never run into any of those on the PS3, whilst my little brother actually owns one for the 360 and seems to play exclusively with people who use it. >_>

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