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Saints Row The Third

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Ok, managed to kill 50 of the Luchador specialists, and 4-5 away for the Morningstar and Deckers. Should be easy enough (just gotta find the mayhem missions with them)....but trying to join someones co-op game so I can taunt? Impossible! Everyone is using cheats, which disables achievements.

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I managed to find ONE game without cheats on, and that was 5 minutes before bed >_<

But yeah, apparently if I taunt an enemy right after someone compliments them, they don't attack.

Edit: This game is amazing....the Murderbrawl mission...

Murdering everyone at ringside with a chainsaw while "You're The Best" plays? Wonderful!

Edit 2: Oh man, the missions keep getting better! The late game choice is actually a hard one...

Edit 3: Ok, beat the game! I've put in 23 hours, finished 45 of 47 missions (umm?), all activities, rank 50, died 32 times, somehow my best weapon is a shotgun, 27 of 32 gang operations, own all the stores, finished all hitman targets, did only 5 chop shops, 3035 gang kill, 1029 law enforcement kill, 1132 civ kill.

I will 1000/1000 this!

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Just wondering...

Story spoilers, ending spoilers. Spoiler Spoilers. Read only if you want to know something about the story or ending.

anyone else is pissed that Johhny Gat was seemingly legitimately wrote out of the game during the second mission of the entire game?

Johnny was my favorite guy by far and not having him show up again in the entire story and afterwards getting a zombiefied version of him is just... meh.

I wanted to have more awesome Gat moment in SR3, but it's clear we didn't got it... Hopefully he gets a DLC after him.

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Just wondering...

Story spoilers, ending spoilers. Spoiler Spoilers. Read only if you want to know something about the story or ending.

anyone else is pissed that Johhny Gat was seemingly legitimately wrote out of the game during the second mission of the entire game?

Johnny was my favorite guy by far and not having him show up again in the entire story and afterwards getting a zombiefied version of him is just... meh.

I wanted to have more awesome Gat moment in SR3, but it's clear we didn't got it... Hopefully he gets a DLC after him.

I disliked Gat's death only because they never showed anything. I'm of the belief that if a character's death is never seen or their corpse is never shown, there's a way to write them back in... and we saw neither. For all I knew when that happened, Gat stopped speaking to shoot someone else, and before he could get back on the mic, Shaundi and The Boss were forced out of the plane by all the shit inside it.

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So, just finished the car theft! All that's left are the challenges (32 of 41 done) and redoing the act 1, 2 and 3 finale.

Edit: Although, I've only finished 11 of the survivals <_<

Edit 2: Only 3 challenges remain! Distance Travelled (About 40k meters to go to 762000), 12 more Survival, and 15 more Hostages.

Edit 3: YAY! Only have to do the 12 survivals! And then, after that, get up to 30 hours (one hour away), complete act 1 and 3 different ways and....then I am done.

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yea..I gotta take on all the survivals...but with the immunity to bullets perk, ahould be a snap

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damn..I'm on ps3. I'd say add me and I'll replay

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