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Grand Theft Auto V


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Pre-ordering probably tomorrow. Tuesday is one of my days off, too, perfect (Y)

I was in my gameshop yesterday, some guy nearly started a fight when they said they stopped doing pre-orders 'cause the demand is way higher and will take 4 shipments to fulfill.

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In case anyone in the UK is thinking about it still, Blockbuster are offering it for free if you trade in 2 games from this list:

Black Ops 2

Diablo 3

Killer is Dead


Disney Infinity

Injustice Gods Among Us

Lost Planet 3

Rayman Legends

Rugby Challenge 2

Saints Row 4

Splinter Cell Blacklist

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct.

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I've got a horrible sinky feeling that this'll be as underwhelming as GTAIV, no matter how much I've tried to like what I hear in the previews something just feels off and restrained somehow. One reviewer tried to downplay the level of smoothness and texture popping by saying that there's too much going on to notice it, but a slower game (to let textures load) was part of the reason why GTA IV felt like walking through treacle, and part of the reason why there weren't many supercars. I can't see how they can achieve what they're trying to do with the same engine on the same consoles without doing some magic coding.

I know I'll definitely get my moneys worth out of the game (I still completed GTAIV twice) but there really needs to be plenty of things to do in between missions to raise a game from being good to the level of San Andreas. If there's packages to collect which directly lead to guns or health boosts then they've learned from the pigeon problem. A GTA game needs to be a timesink where you don't want to turn the console off, not a game where once you fail a mission there's nothing to do but repeat the mission until you unlock another mission.

Hmmm...yeah. As much as I loved GTA IV, it could have been a whole lot more - it could definitely have been a whole lot more. It was a bit empty - though I do feel the DLC made up for that with a few good extra features outside the storylines. Of course, you had to pay for that. I think RDR was a massive step forward.

I still think GTA IV was a massive step on from San Andreas. If you go back to San Andreas - obviously it was limjited by the PS2 - you'll find it quite sparse and lifeless. The cities doesn't pull you in in the manner GTA IV did.

I just hope they can combine the best aspects of each of these games.

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The way I saw it, if PS3'ers joined rather than making their own group, one of their lot would get an automatic spot as a commish so that they can deal with their side of things, if there's anything to do at all that is. Dragsy is only a commish ATM caus he is a bit artistic like and I thought he might be able to make a nice logo for us to use. If anyone else feels like trying I can promote them.

Otherwise everyone will get a chance to earn their stripes on the mean streets of Los Santos. :shifty:

Added niner and Maxx anyway. Which of you lot is jspamer?

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I had a notification saying you'd applied, Srar, but I you're not under the list of people that have applied.

Not sure if things are a bit glitchy ATM or whether the person applying has to do something as well because when I approved Maxx and Myke, they seemed to show up no problem but when I approved niner and GoGo, they didn't show up.

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