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Oh damn, I forgot to mention the soundtrack. It's probably my favourite radio-based soundtrack in any game, with only San Andreas coming close. And speaking of the radio, the Native Son broadcast is so on the nose of hidden southern racism that it's very uncomfortable, yet is done so well that it's impossible not to want to listen to it, if only to make the eventual murder even more cathartic.

I also forgot to mention the alligators, who I fear and respect in equal measures. I decided to feed them bodies as a form of tribute in the hope they wouldn't attack me, a plan which did not work after I fell off a pier and was immediately eaten.

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I think on Mafia 3, what people were really complaining about were a) the gameplay and b) I guess that it wasn't predominantly about the actual Italian mafia, as such? Like, I saw people upset that they're just there predominantly as villains looming in the background, which... whatever.

The gameplay criticism is fair, I don't think it's anything special, but it's just there to deliver the story and I think the story is fantastic. Lincoln Clay is one of my favorite video game protagonists of the past decade. And yeah, the soundtrack rules. Up there with the best GTA games.

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3 hours ago, Forked Out said:

Did you play it on the handheld though? I assume that once I put it together and play it using the actual computer, I won't have an issue. I just can't used to the handheld portion of it. It might also be the time between plays. I often forget the controls when I don't play something every day and I sometimes go weeks without playing The Witcher.

I did, yes. I already had it on PC and wanted to play it elsewhere. I know some people don't like handheld controls for certain types of games, but I'm usually OK.

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I think the problem with Mafia 3 was that the marketing and the trailers were fantastic, and the game itself just didn't quite live up to that hype. The game was fine, but people were expecting it to be so much more than it ended up being.

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2 hours ago, GoGo Yubari said:

I think on Mafia 3, what people were really complaining about were a) the gameplay and b) I guess that it wasn't predominantly about the actual Italian mafia, as such? Like, I saw people upset that they're just there predominantly as villains looming in the background, which... whatever.


"Final Fantasy isn't the last one of the series, 2/10"

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6 hours ago, Kaney said:

Finally finished The Witcher 3 and both expansion packs with something in the region of 130 hours. Wish I'd played it sooner, fantastic game. Is Cyberpunk 2077 expected to be more of the same with a futuristic vibe?

Witcher 3 is one of few non-FF games at the length it is that I fully intend on playing through 100% again.

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It was very overwhelming at first but it gets much clearer when you work out what to do. There isn't much in the way of handholding which I actually ended up liking. I thought it was far more interesting a world and adventure than the likes of a skyrim or what have you, but it'll need to be a looooooong way down the line before I could go back to it, with how big it is.

Just started TLOU while part 2 downloads in the background. I think this might be my first time actually replaying it weirdly enough.

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Its weird, for a game I love as much as this, there's loads of bits I forgot about that I'm like, fuck I hated this bit.

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21 minutes ago, Bobfoc said:

When the Belgian government did something similar, EA begged fans to make complaints and start a movement to keep them in.

Honestly though, 2K/EA telling fans to picket the Dutch and Belgian gambling authorities is one thing. But in terms of actual financial impact, the BeNeLux falls into absolute nothingness compared to what they make off the British markets.

This is the first major country that has officially called for lootbox regulation, and there's hoping that this will possibly motivate more countries to move in as well.

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