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5* Wrestling has nothing going for it really. The weekly challenge bullshit is a feature that tries to make the game look like more than it is - and it's something that'll barely be touched. Wrestling games NEED something to keep a person playing long term. Hell, the only really great things about the most recent WWE games have been the story modes, etc. Having a game that just depends on exhibition mode this day and age? And charging that much for something that is basically a companies first console game? Nope. Nope nope.

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I wonder how good Wrestling Revolution will do once it hits PCs (and Consoles?) - I like plaing it on my iPad a lot, even if it is far from perfect in many ways it still is the most fun i had plaing a wrestling game in a long while.

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I feel like I might like Persona 3 if it ever remotely explained in any detail how to play the game.

So far I just run around a dungeon and then die and sometimes things I don't understand level up.

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I feel like I might like Persona 3 if it ever remotely explained in any detail how to play the game.

So far I just run around a dungeon and then die and sometimes things I don't understand level up.

Once you figure it out, everything gets a million times better!

What exactly aren't you getting?

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What am I doing and why? I'm still in this tower. I can leave. Should I leave? The lady says there's a boss above me. I figure hey, everything's running away from me, I should be good. I get whooped by the boss (which might not even be the boss) in like, 7 turns.

Also holy shit Ruki, I thought you might be the one to reply but Jesus that was quick.

Another acceptable answer to this question is just suggesting a JRPG with a turn based battle system for me to play that I haven't beaten over and over again. Preferably on the PSP.

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The bosses can usually be a HUGE bitch. Make sure you have full health/SP before you go into battle, make sure no on is exhausted. And once the battle starts you got to figure out it's weakness and fast. I know I had difficulty with a bunch of the bosses in the game. And you should only leave when your party members start to get tired (because odds are, you are close behind).

Once you DO leave, take a night off to study/whatever, and then go back in. Leveling up your Persona's as you go. And make sure you are raising your social links during the day time!

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Does anybody know where Google Play installs stuff on an Android device? Can't find it on my SD card or the nook itself and I'd like to not have to go through the Market every time I want to play this game.

Find the task manager, and your downloads. You can go to it from there, or copy it to your SD card. This is what I'm getting on the S2 anyway. How come there's no shortcut?

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Is it really good? I keep getting tempted and then don't bother. Do you need to be online to play it, because if not it could solve my commute boredom. Better to get for phone or my 7" Nexus?

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