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Pretty sure you're the only one who thinks Winona Rider is the worst. And failing to mention Ron Fucking Perlman should be a capital crime when you're talking about best parts of (any) cast.

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Pretty sure you're the only one who thinks Winona Rider is the worst. And failing to mention Ron Fucking Perlman should be a capital crime when you're talking about best parts of (any) cast.

I didn't think I'd need to mention him seeing as he's essentially one of the few redeeming parts of the film. But yes, I do dislike Winona Ryder. Saying that, I've only seen her in this (which I don't think she's good in), Beetlejuice (which is great for Michael Keaton alone), Edward Scissorhands (which I really can't stand) and Bram Stokers Dracula (where she was as bland as Keanu Reeves, which is saying something).

Maybe I just haven't seen the films she was good in. But unless you're referring to the five minutes she showed up in Star Trek, I really don't agree. Okay, maybe she's not the worst, but I don't think she's very good.

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She's middling at best. I watched the movie version of The Crucible that had her in it, and although it was a relatively faithful adaptation, she was kind of wooden...

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She's middling at best. I watched the movie version of The Crucible that had her in it, and although it was a relatively faithful adaptation, she was kind of wooden...

I forgot about that. Daniel Day Lewis was an awesome John Proctor.

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  • 1 month later...

Saw it yesterday! It was great, I really enjoyed it. It wasn't up there with Alien, but it was a really fun, really good sci-fi.

Wasn't so keen on the ending though. The film would have been fine ending there without the set up for a sequel. I really would have rather it ended on a similar note to Alien, where we're left to presume she got back okay. Maybe she didn't, maybe she did.

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I was thoroughly let down, sadly. I am a sci-fi nut and it had awesome visuals but Ridley Scott don't get points for that no more, but overall, it didn't live up to the huge hype I had for it. I really wanted to like it but in the end, I just couldn't. It was not bad at all, it was just there, sort of.

Also yes, the sequel set-up left a bad taste in my mouth. Me and all my friends all agreed that a sequel would be horrible. I honestly don't see how it can have an interesting plot.

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I was thoroughly let down, sadly. I am a sci-fi nut and it had awesome visuals but Ridley Scott don't get points for that no more, but overall, it didn't live up to the huge hype I had for it. I really wanted to like it but in the end, I just couldn't. It was not bad at all, it was just there, sort of.

Also yes, the sequel set-up left a bad taste in my mouth. Me and all my friends all agreed that a sequel would be horrible. I honestly don't see how it can have an interesting plot.

I think the fairly meh reviews helped lower my expectations. One thing that can definitely be said though is that Fassbender was wonderful and Rapace held her own, I felt. The cast as a whole I was pretty happy with, it's just a shame they weren't used quite so well.

The one thing I did like at the end was the Pre-Xeno cameo.

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I actually really, really liked it. The whole Creation Myth plot was a bit of a turn-off at first, but it somehow worked itself out - most of the acting was top-notch, Fassbender in particular, and it all kind of worked. The ending wasn't great, but the possible sequel set-up...meh, I don't see it actually happening, so it's not a big deal.

It's just a way of having the heroine survive, while not being in a position to tell mankind what she saw, so the events of Alien could still happen the way they did. Also, when she said she wanted to find out answers and whatnot, David said that it was irrelevant, and I think we're kind of encouraged to take the same view. She's going to be constantly looking for answers she'll never find, while David, and the audience, knows it's fruitless.

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It was pretty damn good, in my view. I see Fassbender getting a lot of praise (deservedly), but I thought Noomi Rapace was just phenomenal. Also, Idris Elba was a lot of fun as Yanek. Conversely, am I the only one that thought Theron's performance was exteeeeemely clichéd? I'm especially thinking of

"Something something


Gotta go now."

That was the worst possible reading of that line.

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Not bad at all, but certainly not amazing. It's got nothing of Alien.

I'd say the alien tie ins felt a bit forced. After having seen it, I'm kind of annoyed that we won't get Del Toro's At the Mountains of Madness, because Scott decided to make a bastardized version of it to sort of set up Alien. I can't believe they actually made the Xenomorph mythology more convoluted. They were born first from the insides of Space Jockey, who was inseminated by a giant tentacle baby that was created from the womb of a woman who had sex with a guy who was infected with something from the Space Jockies, by an android. Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up Sir Ridley.

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Agree with most people on here; it's not as good as Alien but it's a really fun movie. The definitely dispatched of some people in an order I hadn't quite anticipated, which was a nice little surprise, and one of the things I really liked Alien for. Really strong cast though, Fassbender was the standout but Rapace showed how good she can be in an English speaking film.

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I enjoyed it, it had some nice visuals and overall kept me interested the whole time. Fassbender was fantastic, without a doubt the highlight. I had my complaints of course, most of which have been addressed.

Either make it a true prequel or make it completely stand alone, instead we're stuck in this situation where it may or may not be a direct tie-in or just coincidentally share some of the same elements. As Maxx said, it only made the Xenomorph's origins even more convoluted. I guess, and I wouldn't be surprised if in a sequel this is addressed, that what we saw wasn't the birth of the entire Xenomorph species but its birth on another planet. Dr. Shaw presumably will encounter more signs of their origins in a sequel, and given how well the film has done so far I think it will be pushed into a release by 2015 or 2016.

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I'm not a big film watcher to be honest, never really had much time to sit and watch them and going to the cinema has turned into a rather expensive experience these days, but I went to see Prometheus with a friend as it had my interest and I felt compelled to quench that thirst for it.

First off, Michael Fassbender - phenomenal. The writing was on the wall early on when the hologram father said he was the "closest thing" to a son he had and over the course of the film the way he grew to show envy and anger - despite never really showing it at all - was really well done. I can't explain enough how much I enjoyed his performance in this film, so I'll leave it there.

I thought Raplace was good too, and it reminds me that I have the Swedish films of the Girl.. trilogy lying around and really should watch them in the near future. Will be good to see the extent of her acting abilities, at least for me - someone who watches very few films. Charlize Theron spending most of the film in a skin tight outfit as well was very welcome.

In terms of the actual film and the like, I really enjoyed the build up to it all at first, when they discover the sightings and the like. The crew felt a little stereotypical and almost cliched - and some of them we barely got to see the personalities of whatsoever. Also after about an hour of slow, climatic build it up it almost felt like the second hour was "and then this happens, and then this happens too, and we'll have some of this happen, and a bit of this too" and like they were trying to cram a lot of bits in when maybe it could have just been stripped back a bit and done a bit better.

I enjoyed the film, glad I opted not to go at the midnight showing and I probably won't bother myself with it again but I don't feel like it was a waste of time or that it was a let down.

Although I would have liked to see an Alien burst out of a humans chest in all its glory. :shifty:

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I dug the movie, but not as much as Alien, which seems to be the general consensus. For a movie that took place in only two locations really it had a very grandiose feel about it.

The thing I felt most let down by was the alien reveal and the purpose of the Engineers turning on humanity. I get that it's supposed to be this unknowable thing, but to not have even a hint of it troubled me. They presented the Engineers as beings with heightened reason and thought but in the end the only one we meet is just a monster. For a movie that toed the line between drama and horror so well throughout, I felt that this was an area that needed more exposition than they gave.

Honestly not interested in a sequel. It was a good movie as I said and I'd probably watch a sequel, but I'm not amped for it. I read the ending as just her going off into space never to return. I suppose Shaw & David: Outer Space Explorers would be a fun movie, especially if it's just them as the Earthling element among lots of aliens.

Also, I've gotta say, while the ending worked for me as far as intensity, they practically ripped it out of Alien. The monster bits, I mean, where she's hiding and then the Engineer just bursts in, chases her, she uses the ship against it. Would have been nice for them to go with a different finish.

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