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WWE '13


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A glimpse at Attitude Era HHH and HBK:


The roster reveal starts at 5 PM EST today. I don't really care about the current guys since it's likely to be nearly identical to last year except with the Mason Ryans and Michael McGillicuttys possibly replaced by the Hunicos and Jinder Mahals of the world. But I'm interested in seeing if any Attitude Era midcarders get in. Loads of rumored names, hoping most of them are true - especially the Shamrock rumor.

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Wow, it really WAS the entire leaked roster. Plus Laurinaitis, JBL, and a modern Edge/Lita I believe. Kinda funny to me that the entire thing got leaked as soon as the WWE 13 site went live yet they had to be protective of it anyway.

No Rikishi/Too Cool, though, oddly enough. Could've done without 3 HHH's and the Thuganomics Cena seems to be out of nowhere

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I presume that there is only 1 Lita right? Cause they've advertised her twice.

It looked like one was Hardy Boyz Lita and the other was Edge Lita.

Did I miss Ryback, or did he not make the cut?

Not being funny but, what's the point of two Lita's when there's only like, 8-9 divas to choose from? The only positive I can think of is the Bella twins vs twin Lita's feud that is so going to happen if I can be bothered to get the game.

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As a fan of the lower card guys, the severe depletion of them in '13 is worrying. I'm sure they might be DLC, but this is still pretty glaring to not have ready for a finished product:


WWE Diva’s Champ Layla, Natalya, Ryback, Alex Riley, Antonio Cesaro, Reks/Hawkins, Prime Time Players, Camacho, Drew McIntyre, Evan Bourne, Ezekiel Jackson, Hornswoggle, The Uso’s, Johnny Curtis, JTG, Kaitlyn, Mason Ryan, McGillicutty, Rosa Mendes, Tamina, Tensai, Trent Baretta, Tyson Kidd, William Regal, and Yoshi Tatsu

I'm going to guess the NXT arena will be swept away from '13 as well since virtually everyone that competed on Redemption is not in the full game.

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