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WWE '13


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Was going to skip this year; it might well have a great Attitude era roster but I wasn't up for the same old gameplay and I barely touched last years. BUT, but fuck me that DLC looks epic. Cesaro, DDP, Tensai and GOLDUST have probably tipped me over the edge. The iQuit matches look well worked too.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ryRtOUFvTU&feature=g-u-u 13 minutes of awesome. Hyping the game and teasing the fans for a real life confrontation.

It seems like they put a lot of effort into the game this year, I wonder if it's because THQ was threatened at the time, and genuinely wanted to make a final grab at a good wrestling game?

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I hope you can choose what belts you want for your shows, I know last year you could, except that you had to have a tag team and women's titles on both shows.

I guess I need to check out some videos on this game, only thing I know that's an improvement over last year is create a arena. I wanna see some of the gameplay, etc.

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Well, it looks like you get full control over just about everything we wanted last year.

Edited for phone sucking at links and spelling.

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More info on the subject-

Create a Show:

Players now have the freedom to create their own shows while scheduling which day they appear on, from Monday through Saturday. In their show creation process, players will be able to choose the presentation graphics, the arena, which rosters appear on the show, and assign up to four Championships to be contested over.

Create a Pay-Per-View:

In addition to custom shows, players can also create a Pay-Per-View that can be held on any Sunday. Along with choosing the presentation graphics and arena, players can choose which shows participate in the Pay-Per-View, as well as the match-type theme.


Players can now view various championship and show statistics within their WWE Universe. Containing both historical statistics and statistics that update as your WWE Universe progresses, players can try to further one Superstar’s championship reign or try to beat it.


Superstars will enter into feuds against each other as part of a rivalry, while competing for #1 contender rights for a championship title, and more. Take part in 200 new storyline feuds and choose which Superstars stand out in your Universe.

More Content, More Freedom:

Many improvements and other additions have been made to Universe, such as more matches per show and the freedom to edit whole match cards, customizable championship rankings, and the ability to restart your Universe from the beginning.

Edit: Added official trailer from THQ

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So some NDA stuff was lifted today, some important things out are that the Championship Achievements from a while ago aren't for a Create-a-championship mode, but for "Championship Editor" Which lets you customize different elements of certain belts. You also can apparently change the name of titles, which also have their own announcer call-outs.

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Extremely minor thin but I saw that "Cruiserweight" was spelt wrong in that end bit :shifty:

Surprised that they've actually put the option to have it be the "Total Nonstop Action" belt in there though.

Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship too, Make it easier to put on a "Impact Wrestling" show using any TNA guys you download at least.

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