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Characters You Have The 'Wrong' Allegiance To


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I don't know whether you're supposed to love or hate Nucky Thompson, but he's godlike and I love him.


I loved Vic Mackey even though he was a terrible person who did terrible things and ruined the lives of everyone around him.

I miss The Shield :(

Edited by Ben D.D. Cuntface
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Nancy Botwin. I just want her to die. I think it's because i kinda identify with Silas. All she's ever done is destroy her family's lives.

At the point of Weeds I stopped watching forever at I wanted everyone still on the show but Celia's daughter dead. Maybe Kevin Nealon could be allowed to live but that's a big maybe.

Re: The Shield, I liked David Aceveda and wanted him to succeed, and I don't think I was supposed to so much.

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I know I'm not even halfway through The Wire, as a series, but I cannot possibly imagine tiring of Omar.

I'm still only up to episode 2 of season 5, but yeah. Agreed. Omar is fucking fantastic the whole way through.

You were ahead of me for such a long while, how did I pass you?

I quit watching for a while.

Also, what was the sewer guy's name in TMNT? Sewer King or something? Rat King? He was awesome.

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Lobo in that one episode of the Superman 90s cartoon.

Also, Jubilee always struck me as the Scrappy-do of the 90s X-Men series.

John Kramer in the Saw movies. Not Amanda or Hoffman. Just John.

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Well, I always wanted Flim-Flam in the 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo to get arrested or killed or something.

The Klingons and Romulans in Star Trek: The Original Series always made me want to see Kirk lose. But only then. Somehow, in any other situation, I liked it when Shatner won.

I prefer Lex Luthor over Superman in every film featuring them on opposite sides, except for the DC Premier feature "Public Enemies". And that's only because Lex is also going up against The Goddamn Batman.

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Through my limited watching of Glee I hate Kurt (the gay one) and Artie (the wheelchair one).

They're both extremely self-centred, selfish and narcissistic.

Kurt especially is judgemental, forces his tastes, thoughts and opinions on people and seems to think that the world revolves around him. Also he's disgusted when someone else doesn't like his idea of "fabulous". The series repeatedly shows that we're supposed to accept, support and not judge Kurt, while he remains judgemental and unaccepting of others that he doesn't like.

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Through my limited watching of Glee I hate Kurt (the gay one) and Artie (the wheelchair one).

They're both extremely self-centred, selfish and narcissistic.

Kurt especially is judgemental, forces his tastes, thoughts and opinions on people and seems to think that the world revolves around him. Also he's disgusted when someone else doesn't like his idea of "fabulous". The series repeatedly shows that we're supposed to accept, support and not judge Kurt, while he remains judgemental and unaccepting of others that he doesn't like.

Yeah, I couldn't stand Kurt. He was completely self centered and entirely unlikable.

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Honestly, the only reason that I ever liked Kurt was that Rachel basically screwed him over every step of the way while wanting to be his friend. Taking away a glee club teacher that only wanted to work with guys, continually eliminating Kurt from solo possibilities by having Schue only really offer solos to the women because of her drive, and in the final episode, CLEARLY taking what should have been Kurt's spot at NYADA.

But yeah, forcing people to accept his differences while not accepting those of others always struck me as hypocritical. But dammit, Chris Colfer is too good of a singer for me not to like it.

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And while we're at it, the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. They're only bad guys because they eat meat. It's not like they're out scheming (well, the raptors maybe), but none of it is really their fault. At least the saving grace is that the people are only trying to get the hell away from them and not kill them.

I don't think they were ever meant to be seen as evil. Did you root for Jaws too?

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Oh! Have one for the love column. Sheriff Lamb and Dick Casablancas on Veronica Mars. While both are played with comic relief, they're just such wonderful dicks throughout the entire run of the show. Season 3 kind of fucked it up with Dick being a lovable jerk as opposed to just a jerk who became hilarious, but both characters are damn great and I cheer the hell out of them.

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Through my limited watching of Glee I hate Kurt (the gay one) and Artie (the wheelchair one).

They're both extremely self-centred, selfish and narcissistic.

Kurt especially is judgemental, forces his tastes, thoughts and opinions on people and seems to think that the world revolves around him. Also he's disgusted when someone else doesn't like his idea of "fabulous". The series repeatedly shows that we're supposed to accept, support and not judge Kurt, while he remains judgemental and unaccepting of others that he doesn't like.

I've watched about one episode but isn't this also the show that decided they wouldn't have a male actor playing Dr. Frank-N-Furter in their Rocky Horror Picture Show episode because parents might be offended? At least that seems to be the reason they offer on the behind the scenes making of the episode (I curious alright!). From that and the one episode I've seen it's pretty clear it's a spiteful hypocritical little show.

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