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Critically Praised Movies you Hated

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Napolean Dynamite

Inception (is okay, but only okay, nowhere near the OMG best thing ever praise)


Gran Torino or whatever that movie is called with the pickled walnut who is meant to scare tough guys despite looking like an animated corpse



The new batman trilogy (Although Dark Night gets a pass, I fall asleep every time I try and watch the second one, haven't even bothered with the third yet).

The Machinist (although fuck me was the weight loss impressive)

The Prestige

The Big Lebowski

most Will Ferrell movies (not Anchorman though)

I am sure there are more but by far the worst movie I have ever seen is Lost in Translation. Just utterly painfully boring.

Isn't the Dark Knight the second one? Batman Begins --> The Dark Knight --> The Dark Knight Rises, right? Don't you mean Begins?

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I don't know what I would pick as I don't watch too many critical darlings and don't usually remember movies I dislike. But No Country is one of my all time favorites. I still need to read the book as McCarthy is my favorite author.

Oh, did critics like Donnie Darko? That movie was shit. Was not a big fan of Eternal Sunshine but wouldn't say I hated it.

Maybe I just don't get it? I am not ashamed to admit thats possible. The ending made no sense.

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It's a futility ending. No one wins or loses and that's life. The whole movie is built on shit getting cut out from under you. Vibrant lead character is cut down in the middle, the old dependable guy who's supposed to pick up the slack is not actually up to the task. It's a thing McCarthy does a lot. It's sort of an anti-narrative in that generally we try and make a pattern out of the events that happened, whether or not they are actually built on a pattern. Like if I tell a story I just tell all the things that happened to me today, despite the fact that it's completely disparate and the elements have little to do with each other other than happening to me, I put it together like it's supposed to happen that way and everything was building to the conclusion. Here they're taking the movie form where we assume it's going to have a clean arc with X character following Y path, but it all falls to pieces.

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Since we all know EWB loves to flip the concept of a topic here is the flipside. What is a critical darling that you just hated?

For me it would have to be No Country for Old Men. I just didn't get it and it has to be one of my least favorite movies in quite some time.

This! Did not care for this movie at all.

Also, put me on the list of people who were 'meh' towards Napoleon Dynamite. And Anchorman (although, I do want to give it another chance). And Memento.

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Let's be real: Napoleon Dynamite is not a critically acclaimed movie. Critics thought it was OK, but nobody was running any Oscar campaigns for the movie and nobody is putting it at the top of their "best of all time lists". Maybe the critics of the MTV Movie Awards...

Crash is a truly awful piece of garbage. How it won the Oscar for Best Picture is beyond me. Heavy handed and not transparent, horrible dialogue, a bad attempt at intersecting stories that don't fit.

The King's Speech... Firth's performance was great (though he should have won the Oscar for A Single Man), but I thought the movie was flat other than that. One performance doesn't carry a film for me.

Lord of the Rings. I actually don't have a problem with the series (outside of them being overly long), I am just not a fantasy film buff at all. So I think my dislike of the film's comes from that rather than disliking the movies.

A Serious Man - usually a fan of the Coen brothers but this just wasn't for me. Just didn't connect with anything happening in the film.

There are lots of others, but those immediately spring to mind.

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For me it would have to be No Country for Old Men. I just didn't get it and it has to be one of my least favorite movies in quite some time.

No Country for Old men: Good untill the end.


This movie was such a cockslap! I was gripped to the edge of my seat until the pants-shittingly horrendous ending!

No closure, nobody learnt anything, no message. Blurgh.

Yeah, I said this in spoilers, but that is the entire point of the movie. Not that you should agree with it but it's not like they were hiding anything.

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Requiem For a Dream is the first and only time I've ever stopped watching a movie I rented/Netflixed out of sheer contempt and disgust. It just felt like misery porn.

Magnolia is super-overrated too, which is sad because I love basically everyone involved in the making of it except maybe Tom Cruise, and he's probably the best part.

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The Matrix films I found to be pretty utterly boring.

Anchorman's another decent shout, it's a decent movie - it may just be that I've heard it quoted soooo much over and over and over and over that I'm just sick of it.

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Requiem For a Dream is the first and only time I've ever stopped watching a movie I rented/Netflixed out of sheer contempt and disgust. It just felt like misery porn.

And we were getting along so well GoGo :crying:.

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It is probably one of the most depressing movies ever, I have to agree.

And on topic: Lord of the Rings. I've seen all three and they were all really boring.

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