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Critically Praised Movies you Hated

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For me it would have to be No Country for Old Men. I just didn't get it and it has to be one of my least favorite movies in quite some time.

No Country for Old men: Good untill the end.


This movie was such a cockslap! I was gripped to the edge of my seat until the pants-shittingly horrendous ending!

No closure, nobody learnt anything, no message. Blurgh.

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Though they weren't bad, the X-Men films didn't live up to the hype for me (super hero films seem to be a running note in mine). First Class was the first X-Men film that made me think "this is what X-Men is all about".

I'm going to be slaughtered for this, but I've never clicked with The Godfather films. I've tried watching them all, three times in the vain hopes that it something might switch, but I find them to be boring and tedious to get through.

Inception wasn't nearly as clever as critics and people claimed.

Spirited Away got massive praise, but it's not even the best Studio Ghibli film.

There's tons, but that's enough firepower for people to start hating me :shifty:

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Apocalypse Now and Unbreakable.

And um... was Daybreakers liked by critics?

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Fight Club, the Paranormal Activity series, Ted and Piranha 3D are some of them. Been ages since I watched American Pyscho too but I seem to remember being thoroughly indifferent about it. Just like a whole bunch of other loved films.

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I was actually coming in here to post Goodfellas before Benji posted. I love the Godfather, so eh. I only seen Goodfellas once, but I was bored the whole time. I keep meaning to give it another go, but never gotten round to it yet.

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Fucking raining frogs.

EDIT - Actually, every Paul Thomas Anderson film except Boogie Nights...

You didn't like There Will Be Blood?

Also, I wouldn't say I hate any of these movies, but Vertigo, The Godfather and The Hurt Locker all didn't live up to the hype. Sure I liked them, but they certainly didn't click with me in the way I felt it should after all the hype; especially with Vertigo recently being called the greatest film ever made. I'm not saying they're bad films, I actually really like The Godfather when it was a bit boring, but they just didn't do it for me.

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There's one every year that does really well in the awards circuit that I really don't like.

Last year it was The Artist. Before that it was The King's Speech.

When was War Horse? Because that sucked as well.

And of course Avatar.

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I had forgotten all about Fargo. I hated that.

I think I understand where you could hate it (oh yah!), but I'm very curious to hear why.

Agreed about The King’s Speech. Award bait at its worst. The crowning achievement is the King overcoming an impediment on a speech which would, as conveniently forgetten, lead millions to their death. A price worth paying, I guess.

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Napolean Dynamite

Inception (is okay, but only okay, nowhere near the OMG best thing ever praise)


Gran Torino or whatever that movie is called with the pickled walnut who is meant to scare tough guys despite looking like an animated corpse



The new batman trilogy (Although Dark Night gets a pass, I fall asleep every time I try and watch the second one, haven't even bothered with the third yet).

The Machinist (although fuck me was the weight loss impressive)

The Prestige

The Big Lebowski

most Will Ferrell movies (not Anchorman though)

I am sure there are more but by far the worst movie I have ever seen is Lost in Translation. Just utterly painfully boring.

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Oh yeah, I wasn't as impressed with Gran Torino as the hype was. It is basically what I feared it would be: an old guy being racist and everybody in the audience saying "HA HA HE SAID GOOK." I think he squirms around nigger, which is the first time I've ever been weirded out by someone not saying it. But he does throw a jigaboo in there, I think, and that always makes me laugh.

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Napolean Dynamite

Inception (is okay, but only okay, nowhere near the OMG best thing ever praise)


Gran Torino or whatever that movie is called with the pickled walnut who is meant to scare tough guys despite looking like an animated corpse



The new batman trilogy (Although Dark Night gets a pass, I fall asleep every time I try and watch the second one, haven't even bothered with the third yet).

The Machinist (although fuck me was the weight loss impressive)

The Prestige

The Big Lebowski

most Will Ferrell movies (not Anchorman though)

I am sure there are more but by far the worst movie I have ever seen is Lost in Translation. Just utterly painfully boring.

You can attack my Inception, you can attack my Dark Knight but oh dear lord help you if you attack my Dude.

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