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The Phantom Pain


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Someone made a pretty good point in a comments on somewhere.

If Big Boss is I, Solid is II, Liquid is III and Soldius is IV, that would mean "V" refers to the next clone. Makes sense, just because Snake passes away or whatever happened to him, no sense wasting good Super Soldier genes when the next mission happens. I mean, we've seen what happens when they try and add a character that isn't Snake in some form. >_>

Also explains the different voice, seeing as Liquid and Soldius sounded very different from Big Boss and Snake. Makes me wonder if Big Boss is the one that wouldn't wake up and V is a "failed" clone (or one that was injured before he could be useful) that's just woken up. Explains why people might want to kill him too.

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Someone made a pretty good point in a comments on somewhere.

If Big Boss is I, Solid is II, Liquid is III and Soldius is IV, that would mean "V" refers to the next clone. Makes sense, just because Snake passes away or whatever happened to him, no sense wasting good Super Soldier genes when the next mission happens. I mean, we've seen what happens when they try and add a character that isn't Snake in some form. >_>

Also explains the different voice, seeing as Liquid and Soldius sounded very different from Big Boss and Snake. Makes me wonder if Big Boss is the one that wouldn't wake up and V is a "failed" clone (or one that was injured before he could be useful) that's just woken up. Explains why people might want to kill him too.

That'd make some sense, but I think Kojima has said that your playing as Big Boss. The voice actor doesn't bother me too much, since as you said, Big Boss, Solidus and Liquid all had different voice actors. From the trailer on page 1, at the end when he said "Diamond Dogs", it sounds a bit like the voice actor for Solidus


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As far as I know, the first part of the game will take place at some point around the mid-1970s, with the second part being set in the early-1980s. That would probably mean that any clones of Big Boss would be considerably younger than the player character appears to be in the trailer. On the other hand, Kojima has never exactly shied away from implementing wild plot devices that stretch logic to the brink of snapping point, so I wouldn't rule out the appearance of a hitherto unknown son either.

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And I just remembered that he had inserted Solid Snake into the Big Shell portion of MGS2, to make it seem like you played as Snake the whole time and never mentioned Raiden..

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I'm not buying the idea of a fourth son - mostly because I think the three son (one recessive, one dominant and one a perfect clone) dynamic isn't worth upsetting for some kind of "oh my god, shock value!" moment. But ultimately, I trust Kojima.

And since I'm so pumped about this I've started a playthrough of all the games... after some debate I've decided to go:

Metal Gear

Metal Gear 2

Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid 2

Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal Gear Solid 3

Peace Walker

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"It sucks, but once you become accustomed to it sucking, you don't mind it."

That should be a tag on the game's case.

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  • 1 month later...

Ever since David Hayter tearfully announced that he wouldn't be returning as Snake for the next Metal Gear Solid game, I've had a gut feeling that he will be returning as Snake.

Get this: the longtime Snake voice actor tweeted yesterday that he'll be making an appearance at E3 in a week and a half:

David Hayter @DavidBHayter

I'm so excited for E3! I just hope I don't lose my voice. ;-)

957 Retweets 624 favorites

And today, Konami sent out the above teaser video for their pre-E3 conference on Thursday, June 6. They're going to take that opportunity to announce who's voicing Snake this time around.

My guess? Come on. Leave it to Hideo Kojima to tease us into thinking that Hayter is gone, only to surprise us again two months later. Dude likes his mindfucks.

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I've been under the impression that something like that might be going on. The fact that so much has been made of the whole situation on Hayter's end, and the fact that Kojima has remained coy, makes me think that some sort of surprise is in the works. Even if Hayter doesn't voice Big Boss, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of him getting a cameo somewhere in the game.

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