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EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2012: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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I almost think half the fun of Chuck was following the awesome casting. The last season felt fairly bland to me and I really didn't like the end... But the strength of the previous seasons more than made up for it. And I think we all know my thoughts on Yvonne.

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Random Thoughts on random numbers:

-Person Of Interest, which I admit I love and is one of only two shows on CBS I have any patience for, is Batman without the costume pretty much. It has the same computer from The Dark Knight essentially, John is Bruce, and Alfred is there except he created the computer and walks with a limp. I really love the show even if it does stray into CBS Procedural territory with maybe half the episodes.

-True Blood was great, until halfway through Season 2. After that it has been in a steady decline towards self mockery. The only saving grace for the previous season was seeing Christopher Meloni in maybe 5 or 6 episodes. After his early exit from the show I didn't even bother going forward even though I have the rest of the season.

-My girlfriend loves Castle, so even though I tried the pilot 5 years ago and despised it I sat through one with her this year and I love it. It's silly, easy to predict almost all of the outcomes, and not all that spectacular, but it makes me laugh.

-I need to finish the last two seasons of Chuck.

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I almost think half the fun of Chuck was following the awesome casting. The last season felt fairly bland to me and I really didn't like the end... But the strength of the previous seasons more than made up for it. And I think we all know my thoughts on Yvonne.

God, I disagree so hard. The season finale of Chuck is one of the five best episodes of TV all year. Hit the right beats consistently and the bittersweet ending was perfect. The only flaw it had was that the guy they had as the villain was pretty underwhelming after a string of incredible villains. I don't know who you could have shoehorned in there, though, because Shaw's final episode was perfect and I wouldn't want to use him again past that.

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I recently saw a couple episodes of Adventure Time. Pretty fun show. And I loved Sherlock! Great show.

Sherlock is quite great. The episode where they introduced Irene Adler is so good that I could even ignore the worst pun in British television history as the big final thing.

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Adventure Time's a good cartoon. Not as crazy about it as everyone else, though.

I haven't enjoyed South Park in years now. Whoever said they've largely become what they mock is absolutely right. That said, each recent season's had at least one or two episodes I've enjoyed.

Chuck was one of my favourite things on TV. Was a great show, and I agree with GoGo about the ending. I felt like the last season of Chuck was one of the best seasons the show had since season 2.

I've never seen Sherlock (I guess I should), and Person of Interest always looked a bit dull to me.

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Adventure Time is fucking brilliant - easily the best kids show to come about in years, and years - even if I would find it kind of hard to qualify it as a kids show. But there's just so much heart there along with an excellent voice cast and beautiful animation. There's a great mix of episodes with feels compared to ones that are just there for laughs, and a real dedication to try and carry a semblance of continuity over... mmph. I could talk about that show for ages.

Sherlock is absolutely amazing too - especially series 2.

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I would order the Chuck seasons as maybe 2, 3, 5, 1, 4.


19. Archer (100 pts, appeared on 13 ballots) (Last Year: #38)


19. The Colbert Report (100 pts, appeared on thirteen ballots) (Last Year: #27)


18. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (101 pts, appeared on fourteen ballots) (Last Year: #11)

17. Boardwalk Empire (103 pts, appeared on ten ballots) (Last Year: #21)


16. Doctor Who (105 pts, appeared on nine ballots) (Last Year: #18)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 Shows of 2012: So then Hitler comes back from the past, he joins us on our adventure, and we go on a big caper together.

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- Archer's a show I keep meaning to get around to.

- Awesome to see Colbert rise in the rankings, though I feel it should be higher still. He just finished an awesome, awesome year.

- Sad to see Daily Show drop some, but it's at least good to see it i the Top 20. Colbert was a slightly better show this year, but both were tremendous. Love the pic, GoGo.

- Kind of surprised Boardwalk didn't break the Top 10. I suppose that mostly due to not having HBO access? Although I know of at least one show from HBO that will certainly rank higher. Boardwalk had a great season, possibly better than the previous one. Everyone should be watching by now.

- Doctor Who just has an intimidatingly large history and background, so I never even start with it. My roommate's shown me a few episodes (almost all Matt Smith era), and I can see why people like it.

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- Archer's a show I keep meaning to get around to.

- Awesome to see Colbert rise in the rankings, though I feel it should be higher still. He just finished an awesome, awesome year.

- Sad to see Daily Show drop some, but it's at least good to see it i the Top 20. Colbert was a slightly better show this year, but both were tremendous. Love the pic, GoGo.

- Kind of surprised Boardwalk didn't break the Top 10. I suppose that mostly due to not having HBO access? Although I know of at least one show from HBO that will certainly rank higher. Boardwalk had a great season, possibly better than the previous one. Everyone should be watching by now.

- Doctor Who just has an intimidatingly large history and background, so I never even start with it. My roommate's shown me a few episodes (almost all Matt Smith era), and I can see why people like it.

I'm in the same boat as well. Luckily, this just so happened to be the next image that came up on imgur: http://i.imgur.com/qCBYN.jpg

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I didn't like Boardwalk Empire Season 1. I've heard good things about subsequent seasons that make me consider coming back to it.

With Archer and the Comedy Central news hour, I think I'll only have two shows of mine miss the list. Very happy with Archer's showing especially.

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Archer - OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH Archer. I love you so. So glad you will be arousing my eyeballs again very soon.

The Colbert Report - Love it. It deserves to be high on the list always.

The Daily Show - See The Colbert Report.

Boardwalk Empire - I'm way behind on it.

Doctor Who - Don't really have an interest in it.

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I enjoyed what I've seen of Archer okay, but I couldn't really be bothered to keep up with it. It had it's moments, but it didn't really capture me. Colbert Report and Daily Show aren't really aimed at me at all. I've seen parts of it that've made me laugh plenty, but it's about US Politics. I'll admit, I have more interest in US Politics than UK, but overall, my interest isn't that high at all. They're a lot like Conan for me. What I've seen, I've really enjoyed, but I just don't think I'll ever be a regular viewer. Boardwalk Empire is a show I was very excited about before it came out and never managed to watch a single episode off. All the hype for the latest season has me interested a little, but it's lacking the kick that other shows I was on the fence about had to get me watching. (Justified and it casting actors from shows I love (seriously, like half the guest stars are Lost alumni))

I've never enjoyed a single Doctor Who episode I've watched. That show is garbage. Much like the majority of British TV, I see nothing of value in it.

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25. South Park - Was pretty good, but now it kinda sucks

24. Person of Interest - My parents watch this, I'm not a fan.

23. Chuck - Never seen it

22. Adventure Time - Excellent show.

21. Sherlock - This was another show my ex-friend wanted me to watch and I refused. Watched the episode that was given out of iTunes 12 Days of Christmas and hated it. Not my thing.

20. Archer - Never seen it.

The Colbert Report - Funny, I enjoy this

The Daily Show - Also funny, I enjoy this.

Boardwalk Empire - Never seen it.

Doctor Who - ANOTHER show that my ex-friend wanted me to watch. This one I watched, and I liked it, even though I found it confusing. I jsut CBA to watch from 2005, like I was told. So I will not watch again.

(Note: My ex-friend, as well as my real life friend got me to watch the first 2 episodes of My Little Pony. I hated that, too.)

Edited by I_Like_EWR
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