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EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2012: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Oh, Dexter... You must be the most hate watchable show in all of television. This season started of fun, unraveled in the middle, but came back pretty strong on the finale. I'll be watching the (hopefully) last season, but there's no doubt about it. This show is not what it used to be and its placement should be much lower.

Parks and Rec is a beautiful comedy. Love so much. It's still going strong and I really hope NBC doesn't fuck with it/cancel it.

Walking Dead just came off a fantastic half-season after the acceptable at best second season. However, I'm a little worried for the show now that they've switched to ANOTHER showrunner. Fuck you, AMC.

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I tried watching the first season of Dexter but couldn't even get halfway through it. Granted, that was when it first started and I wasn't terribly into TV at the time but it always struck me as a show that is considered by casual TV viewers as "one of the best", yet isn't really on that level. I don't know, I may go back to it but it bored the hell out of me the first time.

Love, love, love, love Parks & Recreation. There really isn't anything more I can add that hasn't already been said.

I watched the pilot for The Walking Dead and was gonna go back to it but after Darabont left, I didn't see much reason to since he was a major reason why I was excited for the show to begin with (haven't read the graphic novel but am a big fan of his). That being said, I have thought about going back to again a few times and still might but constant behind the scenes drama doesn't exactly encourage me.

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This is probably going to show the most deviation between me and other members here - I really can't stand Dexter or Walking Dead, I think they're both about as overhyped as a show can get and Parks & Rec kind of fell off for me this season. It's still a very, very well done show.. but I can't deal with Leslie Knope anymore.

EDIT: Oh, and Louie is amazing and anyone who says otherwise can eat a dong.

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I tried watching the first season of Dexter but couldn't even get halfway through it. Granted, that was when it first started and I wasn't terribly into TV at the time but it always struck me as a show that is considered by casual TV viewers as "one of the best", yet isn't really on that level. I don't know, I may go back to it but it bored the hell out of me the first time.

Love, love, love, love Parks & Recreation. There really isn't anything more I can add that hasn't already been said.

I watched the pilot for The Walking Dead and was gonna go back to it but after Darabont left, I didn't see much reason to since he was a major reason why I was excited for the show to begin with (haven't read the graphic novel but am a big fan of his). That being said, I have thought about going back to again a few times and still might but constant behind the scenes drama doesn't exactly encourage me.

You should still give it a try. Walking Dead got a lot better after he left, funnily enough. I mean, I liked it with him, but there's no doubt the parts he didn't do were the best.

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The only thing I fear about The Walking Dead after Season 3 is the new showrunner. The show has finally picked up after a slow start and a midocre Season 2 it would be a shame for it to go down the tubes thanks to the change in showrunners.

I have a love/hate realtionship with Dexter as well. It seems to be the norm since Season 4 to start off each season promising and then for it turn to shit midway through.

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You'll note that the Dexter image is of Ray Stevenson's character. That's because he was by a billion fucking miles the best part of Dexter and the only reason I have any fondness for this season at all. 6 is much too high.

Parks and Rec is great, Walking Dead is a good genre show. I was very, very surprised that it missed the top three after its fantastic third season, but as you're about to see, it was by the slimmest of margins. Bend the knee, bitches.


3. Game of Thrones (324 pts, appeared on twenty eight ballots) (Last Year: #4)


2. Community (409 pts, appeared on thirty six ballots) (Last Year: #1)


1. Breaking Bad (419 pts, appeared on thirty ballots) (Last Year: #5)

Yup. I made an offhand remark on Facebook as voting was winding down that Breaking Bad was the probable winner before I started tallying, but once I actually started it seemed like for the second year in a row Community was cruising to another crushing victory, with BB behind by around 60 poins or so for a long-ass time. But suddenly at the end we got a ton of drama-first voters and Breaking Bad made a huge surging comeback, pulling victory from what seemed to be sure defeat in true Walter White fashion. Congratulations to the new king, and thanks to everyone for voting. See you...

Next Time, on EWB's Favorite TV Show 2013:

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Wonderful choice of picture for Community...Britta looked so good in that episode

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30. Castle - never seen it, not something I'm too eager to look into
29. New Girl - saw the first three or four episodes... was okay. So many other comedies that gripped me from the start though. I dunno, might watch it if I'm desperate for comedy
28. Modern Family - I really like Modern Family. I don't find it hilarious but it's just a good show in general
27. The League - my friends are all really obsessed with this show. I'm like 4 episodes into Season 2 and slowly working my way through it - it's alright
26. 30 Rock - a show I really don't understand why I haven't seen more of. Saw most of Season 1, which was great
25. South Park - decent enough but not really my thing these days
24. Person of Interest - barely heard ot it
23. Chuck - I think I dropped out part of the way through Season 4. I expect I'll finish it, but I just kind of lost interest
22. Adventure Time - never heard of it
21. Sherlock - zero interest
20. Archer - magnificent and a show I absolutely wouldn't have seen if not for EWB, so thanks EWB!
19. The Colbert Report - would be lost on me
18. The Daily Show - would be lost on me
17. BoardwalK Empire - saw the first few episodes, lost interest. I'm bound to give it another go at some point because of the subject matter and my man love for Buscemi
16. Doctor Who - fucking hate it. Bag of wank
15. Supernatural - really not my sort of thing
14. How I Met Your Mother - tried watching but don't find it funny
13. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - great show. I love that it has no boundaries and is just determined to make these 5 people as awful as possible. One of my favourite comedies at the moment
12. The Big Bang Theory - not a fan at all, but I agree with Skummy (I think?) that Sheldon Cooper is a fantastic character
11. Homeland - fucking awesome show. I can see that Season 2 isn't as good as Season 1 but I still find it to be amazing television. If anything the near constant action is a payoff to the tension of the first season
10. Justified - tried the first three episodes but it didn't grab me. It sounds from the comments in this thread that I'd need to give it time. Maybe one day
9. Sons of Anarchy - see above, almost exactly word for word - except I tried a few more episodes and it still didn't do anything for me
8. Mad Men - tried before a couple of times but I couldn't get into it. I think this is the sort of programme I'll need to get a box-set of, sit down and just plough through a bunch of episodes. I've no doubt it's a good show, but I'd need to be in the right mood
7. Louie - fantastic but strange. I've seen the first season and a little of Season 2 - I'll come back to it soon, because EWB demands it
6. Dexter - one of my cloest friends is obsessed. I've tried it and didn't like it
5. Parks and Recreation - wasn't overly fond of the first season but stuck with it because I liked the characters enough to try, and I'm so, so glad I did. Awesome show with awesome characters and Leslie Knope is a fantastic lead character. Finished the most recent episode the other day and now I feel lost. I would have it higher in the list
4. The Walking Dead - a very good programme and it's got better over time, but I'm not ready to call it great or fantastic or anything like that
3. Game of Thrones - may give it a chance one day but it doesnt' seem like my thing at all
2. Community - fucking adore it. Probably my favourite sitcom at the moment and maybe even second of all time behind Arrested Development. Glad it's so high and can't wait until it's back
1. Breaking Bad - without question one of the absolute best shows I've ever seen. In terms of pure quality I'm not sure I've seen anything better - from an excitement standpoint I'd maybe rate Lost as better but I'm not sure I could call it a better show with a straight face. Anybody who hasn't seen it needs to stop what they're doing and start watching it now. I've got like 6 or 7 friends into it and I'm jealous every time they start watching and tell me about it because I remember how awesome it felt to be watching it for the first time :(
Edited by Pesci
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9. Sons of Anarchy - see above, almost exactly word for word - except I tried a few more episodes and it still didn't do anything for me

Most people will tell you SoA didn't really catch on til about the 6th or 7th episode of the first season. They'd be right. Was kinda dull up until then

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I think I'm actually okay with this Top 3.

- Game of Thrones: I don't have quite the hard-on for it that many do (because tits, you see), but once I did finally watch through it all I did indeed enjoy it. I have my complaints with it (because tits, you see), but it's a pretty darn good series. I get why a lot of people follow it pretty rabidly.

- Community: I obviously adore the show. It seems inevitable that this season (starting February 7th, you guys!) will be its last, for a litany of reasons - and even then, the absence of Dan Harmon and the Chevy Chase drama behind the scenes give me lingering doubts as to the quality of what's been produced that we haven't seen yet. All of that said, the show started off pretty damn well, got much better in Season 2, and just had a fucking glorious season with 3. #2 overall is a great spot for the show, and here's hoping there's more goodness to come.

- Breaking Bad is one of 2 shows I hate that I haven't seen yet (Mad Men is the other.) I hear nothing but great things from all the right people. It's on Netflix, right? Maybe I can power through it before the series ends and watch the last few in real time. Wait, ones that just aired recently won't be on Netflix in time, will they? :( Anyhow, seems like a worthy #1, even if I've never seen it.

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Game of Thrones - I think I said this last year, but I absolutely gotta start watching this thing and see what all the hype is about. I'm sure I'll thoroughly enjoy it.

Community - Best comedy on TV, but who knows what to expect now? I look forward to its return with cautious optimism.

Breaking Bad - Best show on television, and I'm pretty sure it's become my favorite show of all time. It's just so great and so deserving of the top spot. It's a thing of beauty.

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I've been meaning to get around to watching Sons and Justified for so long now. I've heard great things about both.

Louie is genius. (I like FX shows for the most part, if you couldn't tell by my posts in this thread)

Parks and Rec is always good, but for some reason I never find myself going out of my way to watch it. Funny show, though.

I'm also VERY over the Zombie genre. Everyone I live with swears by the Walking Dead, I can't get into it. I'm over Zombies being a big thing...can we move on from that? Please?

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My friends that watch Walking Dead and love it swear that the main attraction is not really the whole zombie thing but instead a realistic interpretation of a post-apocalyptic world and how people would behave in one. Still doesn't convince me, I hated the first few episodes of the first season I watched.

Top 3 are great, sad Breaking Bad beat out Community and Game Of Thrones, though. This might mean I have to continue with season 4 of Breaking to find out what happens.

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Justice. Breaking Bad is best.

I don't like Community as much as everybody else seems to, but it is a good show. I'd have it in the Top 15 somewhere. Actually looking forward to see what happens to it in the hands of some new bosses, though I think everybody's going to haaaaaate it.

Liked GOT season 1 a lot. Didn't like season 2 so much. Book-type people have told me to stick it out through season 3 (and with 10 episodes, I probably will) but it'll have to be a lot better than even season 1 to keep me going. Just not a dragon guy...

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I was expecting Game of Thrones to be 2nd, Community 3rd. That's still a cool result though. Season 2 of GoT seemed slower than season 1 - at least up until the Battle of Blackwater - but it was still really good. My one complaint is in regards to the gratuitous amounts of nudity that serve no point other than HEY LOOK, NAKED LADIES (and sometimes men!).

Breaking Bad was the best show on TV last year. Not a single, solitary bad episode. Can't wait to see how the second half of the season plays out, though I'm sad that it's the final season.

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I finished watching Community season 2 a couple of days ago. Absolutely bloody love it, and it baffles me how Chuck Lorre-style awful sitcoms can continue to exist when shows like Community and Arrested Development just school them completely.

Never got into Game Of Thrones, either the books or the series. I appreciate that it's a fantastically well-produced and intricately plotted series, far moreso than television could normally allow, but it just doesn't hold my interests. Also, tits.

I've never seen Breaking Bad. I probably should watch it, I know, but I don't think I've even see two minutes of it. My brother swears by it, but his last recommendation was Mad Men and, as I said earlier, I just didn't enjoy it. Also, when I was only notionally aware of the existence of Breaking Bad, I saw a DVD of it with a sticker where the pull quote from a review claimed that it was "more realistically than Dexter", which seems an absurdly low benchmark to judge yourself on. And that put me off watching it.

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