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EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2012: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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I've tried once or twice to get into Game of Thrones, and what I've watched was really good, I just didn't keep going with it for whatever reason. I think I'm still on episode four or five of the first season where it's quite slow. I know if I stick with it it'll pay off, but I just haven't found the time - but I do want to.

I love Community and I'm happy to see it in 2nd place. I really hope the last season could do the whole thing justice and wrap it up nicely because it's aired some of my favourite TV episodes of all time and I just have fond memories of racing through season 1 & 2.

But yeah, Breaking Bad deserves its place on top. I think it's the best TV show of all time, and that's coming from someone who usually swears by Buffy. I don't think I can say anything about it that other people haven't, it's just phenomenal.

edit: Skummy, just give it a shot. I'm yet to meet someone who doesn't like it once they make it past the first few episodes.

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That's an absurd pull quote. It's like comparing apples and oranges, Breaking Bad and Dexter practically only have "anti-hero lead" in common and that's it.

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Brilliant top three (even though I still haven't started watching Breaking Bad, but from the rave reviews I've heard, I'd expect I'll end up loving it). Game Of Thrones is possibly my favorite show nowadays, pretty awesome all around. So glad I took the advice from here and watched Community, funniest show on television, absolutely glorious.

Good job with everything GoGo :)

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So I plowed through the entire first season of Breaking Bad last night.

Thanks a lot, you guys. I mean that in both the earnest and sarcastic senses.

Of course, I'm ultimately going to face the problem of finding a way to watch the first half of Season 5 before the second half airs. Netflix only has 1-4 covered.

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How do I find out of something is on Netflix instant if I dont have instant right now? Looking for a cheap way to watch some of these shows and all I have right now is Amazon Prime.

Interested in:

Louie (I think someone said its on there)


Breaking Bad

and a couple more that slipped my mind right now but those are the big ones.

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Louie (I think only Season 1) and Breaking Bad (up to Season 5) are both on there. Justified is not.

EDIT: Just realized I haven't given my thoughts on the final 3.

I was slightly disappointed with Season 2 of Game of Thrones. The fact that, to me, the show dipped in quality from Season 1 to 2 could be an ominous sign as most great shows actually get better from 1 to 2. My opinion on the season may change with a re-watch though. That being said, I am still a huge fan and am incredibly psyched for Season 3.

Community is the greatest. It's my favorite sitcom ever and is real close to being my favorite all-time show in general. I'm cautiously optimistic about this upcoming season, both quality-wise and the outside shot of a renewal (if only for syndication purposes) but I won't hold my breath. Still, even if it ends, it had a magnificent run.

Breaking Bad is tremendous and I love it to pieces but I do think it's going out at the right time because I don't think it could keep up the same quality with any more episodes beyond what it's set for. Still, it's one of the best dramas ever produced and definitely deserves being #1, especially with such a strong first half of a season.

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The thing that puts me off Breaking Bad is that I don't find any of the characters really likeable. There's not one of them I want to root for. That's what put me off getting the fourth season.

You don't like Jesse?

Or Mike?


What's wrong with Hank or Walt Jr.? Jesse and Mike have some likeable qualities, too. Yes, Walter White's a dick but not every one on that show is unlikeable.

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Hank's the brother-in-law, right? I think I remember liking him the most, which isn't saying much.

It's been about half a year since I stopped watching it, but I remember hating Walter White's family, and Jesse did some real shit that made me hate him too. It was especially after the I.F.T episode that I realized why I wasn't enjoying the show, and from the end of that season on I couldn't be bothered continuing the series.

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Hank's the brother-in-law, right? I think I remember liking him the most, which isn't saying much.

It's been about half a year since I stopped watching it, but I remember hating Walter White's family, and Jesse did some real shit that made me hate him too. It was especially after the I.F.T episode that I realized why I wasn't enjoying the show, and from the end of that season on I couldn't be bothered continuing the series.

Skyler White is terrible, yes. I wish Walter would kill her.

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The most interesting thing to come out of this thread is how much likeability factors into it. For me, what a show boils down to is I want to see interesting or funny people doing interesting or funny things. Whether they are good people has never really mattered. I'm genuinely curious where the "I need someone to root for" mentality comes from. And I like Skyler White. My reaction to I.F.T was "Good for her". I hope things work out for the family.

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