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Characters you hate (that you aren't supposed to)


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Veronica Mars, for the first two seasons she was cool, but she just became such a bitch during the third season. Sheriff Lamb, on the other hand, :wub:

Margaret from Boardwalk Empire. Completely unlikeable, tries to come off like she's such a moral person, but acts just as badly as some of the other characters on the show.

Frank from Shameless. I'm kind of divided on this, he does a lot of funny things, but he's such a dick to his family, especially this season, that I can't stand him at times. Also, add Jimmy/Steve as well, just tired of the character, wouldn't mind it if he went away.

Kate, Sun, Jack and Locke from Lost are also people I got sick of. Locke was cool during the first season, but he just became so whiney and crazy later on, especially when they found the hatch. Kate and Sun were always annoying, and while he got better towards the end, Jack was just too unlikeable 90% of the time.


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Ted and JD were my first two thoughts when I saw the thread. Since they were already mentioned, I'll go with the old school version of that character - Jerry Seinfeld. The one bit that always stood out to me was when he became obsessed with the very idea that someone didn't like him. By the end of the series I was rooting for Newman to go postal on him.

(Dis)Honorable mentions - Fez from That '70s Show and Mike from Suits.

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OMG, yes, Jimmy from Shameless is an absolute deadbeat of a dick.

Also, I'm surprised TKz hasn't lamented about Penny from Happy Endings. Or did he and I just missed it?

Oh, I hate that woman. She's so annoying.

And I hate you! :angry:

She's just an awful friend in a not funny way.

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I just seem to remember her being very close minded and always looking for an explanation on certain situations where there it was apparent there wasn't any.

I get that she was the ying to Mulders yang (Believer vs Sceptic etc) but at times she came across as a bit of an arrogant bitch.

Edited by Dexter87
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I just seem to remember her being very close minded and always looking for an explanation on certain situations where there it was apparent there wasn't any.

It's been some time since I've watched The X-Files, but I can say with certainty that that was the whole point.

Honestly, I don't know what some of you guys are looking for in TV show characters.

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Yeah i know that Sous. But thats the whole point of the thread. Characters you hate even though you are not "conditioned" to. I get that that was the major characteristic and point of view as it were for her but sometimes it got a bit TOO much.

I forgot about Reyes actually in the X Files. Weren't too keen on her

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Arrogant was probably a poor choice of words (long working day catching up with me). What i meant was that whilst she was supposed to be antagonistic to Mulder (at least on some occasions due to her beliefs) she came across a bit too much egotistical at certain points.

I love the show though. Probably my favourite one after Dexter.

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