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I wasn't planning on watching but my DVR automatically recorded it.  While I don't think it will ever be as good as it was early on, it's a lot better than last season already.

On 10/17/2016 at 11:42, GhostMachine said:

I do not like that Oliver is back to killing again.

That was my favourite part.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has gotten somewhat better, in my opinion. But if you didn't like it last season, you probably won't like this season, either.

Flashpoint has affected the show, but in a way that is so incredibly stupid that I'm not going to bother spoiler tagging it, and tells me this is an alternate universe because time travel wouldn't have the effect: John and Lyla's baby got a sex change.

(Seriously, the writers are retards. Time travel shouldn't have any effect whatsoever on the gender of Diggle's child.)

My three problems with this season:

1. Wild Dog has been portrayed as too much of a rogue/loose cannon that its hard to believe Oliver would let him stick around.

2. Tobias Church should have been a two episode problem, at most. Lets face it, he's a pussy compared to most of the bad guys that Oliver has had to deal with in the past. (Deathstroke would have killed Church in about twenty seconds if they ever faced each other) 

3. Prometheus = another evil archer? Yawn. There better be more to this guy than him basically being an evil version of Green Arrow.

Not a gripe, but leaving it in this spoiler box anyway: Does Evelyn even have a code name yet? If she does, I missed hearing it.



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On 11/7/2016 at 03:06, Benji said:

So did this series improve at all? I've not even bothered recording it after the mess of last season, but I'm keeping an eye curious in case I decide to marathon it during the quiet summer next year. Did Flashpoint affect it at all?

Flashpoint affected one incredibly minor thing, I was actually surprised they didn't use it as a quick fix for anything. It's been a lot better, IMO, though mileage may vary. They fixed my biggest problem with last season (the flashbacks being fucking awful and having no real impact on the present-day stuff), and they seem to have fixed Rabid Insane Arrow Fandom's biggest problem (overemphasis on Felicity).

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 12/8/2016 at 02:11, Kirkland said:






I don't overly remember how it was resolved, but I could see her being the Earth 2 Laurel/Black Siren from The Flash

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Black Siren is locked up in Flash's metahuman prison. I'd think the first escape from it would have come up as it's happening.


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5 hours ago, Kirkland said:
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something something Flashpoint

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Could be a lot of things:


1. Flashpoint altering something regarding the Lazarus Pit

2. Sara's encounters with Damien Darkh in Legends of Tomorrow changing the trajectory of his plans

3. Could be an off-chance of Earth-2 Laurel from last season of The Flash, though in that case you'd think Star Labs would have noticed she's not in lockup anymore.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Writing has been terrible the last few years, in full agreement.  I almost gave up like 4-5 episodes ago, but had pressed forward and it's gotten a little better.

Since I only watch Arrow, and tend to see episodes a few weeks after they air (typically to watch 2-3 episodes at a time), the four part crossover did nothing for me.  I'm hoping I didn't miss any plot development by missing the other three parts.

I still have no idea how Diggle/Lyla go from a daughter Sara to a son JJ.  Toddlers can't recognize they're transgendered, so... were we supposed to just not think into that?

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On 31/12/2016 at 16:15, Benji said:

A change in the universe no matter how small could alter what time they conceived, which could impact any number of things and making a different sperm out of thousands inseminate her. "How" is not really an issue. The issue for me is why bother at all?

I'm assuming they will have a reason for it down the line...otherwise, you're right with the "Why Bother"

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It was just to show continuity with Flash. Something in Arrow had to change so they went with the smallest noticible thing.

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