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19 hours ago, The Chiksrara Special said:

Just realized I never told you guys how my game went. I thought it was pretty fun. I was a fighter but like I rolled the dice very badly like all the time so I was the worst fighter you could imagine. We kind of turned it into a thing and everyone played into it so they made me feel like I didn't suck too bad :P 

That happens to me a lot when I'm a player. I'll have this cool plan in my head, go to roll my attack... and miss completely. 

It's weird, because when I'm the DM it goes the other way and I seem to roll a lot of 20s.

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On 1/30/2018 at 17:04, Ruki said:

That's when you burn the dice.


Or just get a new set.

What I do is have the dice at rest at their highest face value.

Unless I'm playing HERO, then my attack dice all rest at 1 because that's what you want to roll in HERO because HERO has to be complicated.

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  • 5 months later...
On 26/01/2018 at 13:40, Ruki said:

I'm excited to move at the end of next month...because it means I'll be able to put together my Starfinder campaign and run that :D

Is Starfinder the closest thing I'll find to basically playing Mass Effect? I want to try a game of something while I'm at the con and this is what I'm looking for if I can find it

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13 minutes ago, The Chiksrara Special said:

Is Starfinder the closest thing I'll find to basically playing Mass Effect? I want to try a game of something while I'm at the con and this is what I'm looking for if I can find it

You're familiar with Pathfinder, right? If so, Starfinder would be a good choice. It's like Pathfinder (similar rules, some changes), but in space! I've only played a few sessions.... but the game is pretty solid. The classes are nice, the races are pretty cool (especially with how many keep getting added), and the weapons are cool. Another space game that is coming out soon, not sure if it will be at GenCon is Alternity version 2. I played the first one (it's actually how I met my wife!), and that one is pretty solid.... there's not much in the way of classes, but there is stuff that is basically biotics, and you can do all the fun Mass Effect stuff like hacking, combat, sleeping with aliens (less than Starfinder that i am aware of) and the like. 


And according to the wife, Alternity is more like Mass Effect (and she LOVES Mass Effect). 


And we are just a few weeks out of the Pathfinder 2.0 playtest! Everything that I've been reading about the game has gotten me excited. 

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Yeah Pathfinder is the only one I've ever played so I kinda get that one. They are doing a bunch of that 2.0 stuff there I believe. I am pretty sure she is going to play some. I'll see if they have Alternity. I am sure everyone there is nice but I do worry about being like a noob at all this stuff and annoying people asking about everything

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4 minutes ago, The Chiksrara Special said:

Yeah Pathfinder is the only one I've ever played so I kinda get that one. They are doing a bunch of that 2.0 stuff there I believe. I am pretty sure she is going to play some. I'll see if they have Alternity. I am sure everyone there is nice but I do worry about being like a noob at all this stuff and annoying people asking about everything

We are all noobs at some point! As long as you are enthusiastic and genuine about wanting to learn, no one should give you any sass for asking questions. If they do, those people are poop heads.

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, The Chiksrara Special said:

I didn't get to play Starfinder :( The Paizo area always felt too busy to me and I got a little self conscious about not being up on the rules. But on the upside my GF bought the book for it and promised to run it just for me :D 

That's awesome of her! Some of the races and classes seem like a lot of fun. Like the technomancer!

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  • 3 months later...

Anyone want to do a game through Roll20? 

I've been dying to play D&D as a player (since I have to DM for my group). Just seeing if there is any interest. I'd be free to play any weeknight from 7 to 12 ET, same on Sundays.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 30/11/2018 at 04:52, Toe said:

Anyone want to do a game through Roll20? 

I've been dying to play D&D as a player (since I have to DM for my group). Just seeing if there is any interest. I'd be free to play any weeknight from 7 to 12 ET, same on Sundays.


8 hours ago, thepunkrockicon said:

Hey, I'm not sure if this has been brought up as an idea, but would anyone be interested in getting a (semi) consistent group going? Most likely through Discord, since that's a program I'm pretty comfortable with. I'm willing to DM although I'm a fairly new DM. 

Yes and yes.

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Due to timezones and so on, might it be an idea to do something pbp down in the Cube? Obviously the downside is that we don't have any form of rolling software programmed into the board but some heads can get together and come up with something. I don't really have the time or patience to DM right now unfortunately and I certainly can't be staying up until the early hours of the morning with the stateside members of the board!

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I think that would work but for a system/setting that's not combat-heavy, or if you find a way to streamline combat somehow.

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4 hours ago, lanky316 said:

Due to timezones and so on, might it be an idea to do something pbp down in the Cube? Obviously the downside is that we don't have any form of rolling software programmed into the board but some heads can get together and come up with something. I don't really have the time or patience to DM right now unfortunately and I certainly can't be staying up until the early hours of the morning with the stateside members of the board!

I think that's a good idea, I just have absolutely zero clues as to how to even attempt to make something like that work

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Essentially you could be the DM + players. Write up each session in The Cube and from what you wrote up, players would then respond with what they’d like to be doing in the next sessions. Would that work? I’ve run a DND over Discord by myself, through a bot and it seems to be a great way to do it.

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