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FIFA 14 Thread


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For those building an Ultimate Team on the web app, it might be worth noting that the game is launched outside of Europe tonight, definitely in the USA and maybe some other places. So yeah, expect player prices to start rising as of tomorrow morning. Probably be a few deals to pick up if you can be arsed to get up at 5am :P

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I have like 4 teams built at this point. :shifty:

Got my Premier League one which has two flavours; Silver and Irish Gold/Silver mix. I noticed I had a few silver players whilst making my Silver one so I rounded it out with the likes of Duff, Given and Ireland. Silver pretty much has a full squad bar LM/RM which I forgot to replace whilst buying and selling them. Irish is just the first 11 basically.

Then whilst I was looking up alumni of my French Ligue 2 side from last year, I noticed one was in the Belgian Pro League now. Whilst looking at that league I noticed it has a lot of notable players such as Ben Haim, Gudjohnsen, Thorgan Hazard, Vanden Borre, Van Damme, Deschant, Blondel, Buffel etc etc. Have all of them except Van Damme because he is like last time I looked. Actually, there were only two cards listed and they were from the same guy so lol, price fixing.

And then I have a Bronze Ligue 2 side just to roll out for Amateur tournaments and the like.

Oh, and I'm slightly annoyed that I found the retro Blackburn kit the other day which is better in every way than the normal one and way cheaper, only to find out you get them anyway when you unlock them from the in game shop. Granted, I only spent 250 coins but still.

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Yeah I think the Belgian league will be a good idea this year. Right now I've only got my gold BPL team (didn't want one but it was all my packs would give me for some reason) and even that's two players short, a CM and a LB. LB is really difficult to find someone on a budget, there isn't even a naff one I can pick up for now. CM I could afford someone like Diaby who'd have good resell value, but the miser in me insists on going in for the 500 coins ones, only to be gazumped in the last minute massively. And I refuse to get Mark Noble. :shifty:

My bronze/silver teams will probably be South American, although I've been looking at Greece. The unfashionable nature of it means there's some decent players going kinda cheap.

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Actually, that's a point, how does the gift for a friend thing work? Like, for example, if I wanted to buy Midget some stuff since he's gonna be level 1 whereas I'm level 53, am I using up my one instance of that item by buying it for him? I can only assume that given the way you worded that request, rather than say it's me buying things out of his catalogue for him and they'll be unavailable for him once he gets to that level.

I'm gonna want the pro boosts for myself after all, can't go wasting em by gifting em away. :/

And man, you aren't kidding about those LB's. they all look like they're going for a few grand each. Makes me almost regret selling my Fabio but I got 1500 for him which isn't too bad and it helped me get coins early.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling for a left back. I ended up having to pay 350 coins for a 68 rated one.

I've just checked Serie A and there are only 2 gold LBs in the entire thing, and no LWBs whatsoever. Do Italian sides just not bother with full backs anymore?

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Played my first game, beat Arsenal 2-0 with Spurs. Eriksen got both goals, the first was a fantastic counter attack finished off with a chip but I couldn't get it to save properly. So wanted to upload it :(

Can you only have players in the starting 11s as your arena player? I wanted to use Real Madrid Bale but he's not in the line-up and you can't seem to scroll through the entire squad like you could last year.

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Apparently a lot of big Serie A teams have gone three at the back I think which explains the lack of good ones.

I guess I'd better change mine to 3-4-1-2 then, from the looks of it I can have a centre back trio of Ogbonna, Barzagli and Chiellini which will suit me fine.

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Can you only have players in the starting 11s as your arena player? I wanted to use Real Madrid Bale but he's not in the line-up and you can't seem to scroll through the entire squad like you could last year.

I'm sure I saw something about being able to use your Pro as your arena player this year.

Give you a chance to brush up on your 40 yard drives.

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