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"Xbox One" Reveal Event


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If you can't afford the internet (its cheap as hell) then I can't see how you could afford a £400 console.

It's the military guys I feel sorry for.

There's a difference between affording a one time purchase that'll require a lot of saving and paying for something monthly.

I do like that the general response to criticism so far has been "DOESN'T EFFECT ME, FUCK UHM! :D ".

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Yeah, a one-time purchase isn't that difficult to save up for, especially if I'm selling off my old systems to help pay for the new one.

Not all of us live in this fantasy world that Microsoft inhabits. I'd love to have no downloading caps and a reasonable cost on my internet... but it's just not a reality everywhere. Be grateful that you live somewhere where you can have no limits on your bandwidth and not have your wallet raped every month.

EDIT: I'd also like to know what "ridiculously cheap" is for the internet, because my bank account would beg to differ.

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The idea that internet prices are somehow cheap really ignores the reality that a lot of people come from areas where internet isn't cheap. And I'm not talking about third world countires. In places with lower populations or areas with large land mass (Australia, Canada, Iceland), the internet isn't cheap at all. Canada, in particular and from first hand knowledge, has very high prices.

Also, this idea that "if you can't afford an internet, than don't buy an an xbox" ignores so many variables of what happens after you buy a console. What if I lose my job? What if some unexpected financial strain pops up? What if I just don't want to have a wireless connection in my house anymore to save up for something big? It's not just a matter of 'don't buy it if you can't afford it', what you now pose is 'don't buy if it you can't or don't want to afford X amount a month for your internet bill'. And that's not even to actually PLAY the game online, which would require you to pay even more for a Live membership.

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I served plenty of Xbox 360 or PS3-owning customers without internet connections during my time in retail. The whole "deal with it" mentality encouraged by the likes of Adam Orth is a significant slight on those paying customers, and to outright exclude them from playing your games properly is not only insulting, but is also demonstrative of an ill-conceived business strategy.

For example, a friend of mine still has to make do with a dial-up connection because that's all the service providers will offer in his area. He isn't too poor to afford a new console, but by potentially restricting his right to play games without a reliable connection, Microsoft are losing a sale that will most likely go straight to the competition.

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I don't really understand the "Log in once every 24 hours" thing. What if I don't? Do they revoke my ability to play games I've paid for?

I've got kids, a wife, and a full-time job. Do they really think I have time to sign in to their silly console once every 24 hours when I've got a million other things to concern myself with?

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I don't really understand the "Log in once every 24 hours" thing. What if I don't? Do they revoke my ability to play games I've paid for?

I've got kids, a wife, and a full-time job. Do they really think I have time to sign in to their silly console once every 24 hours when I've got a million other things to concern myself with?

I assume it'll just say "Hey, you need to log in again" next time you play.

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I don't really understand the "Log in once every 24 hours" thing. What if I don't? Do they revoke my ability to play games I've paid for?

I've got kids, a wife, and a full-time job. Do they really think I have time to sign in to their silly console once every 24 hours when I've got a million other things to concern myself with?

I assume it'll just say "Hey, you need to log in again" next time you play.

That sounds better I guess, less sinister than it sounded in my head. A lot of this new stuff they're planning on doing sounds whacky to me though.

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Yeah, if I'm not owning my games, I'm not interested. Not a fan of giving the publishers the decision over games being resellable, either. A. it's a dick move so MS can avoid negative press "oh it wasn't us, the publisher decided1 You can totally trade our games!" and B. of course you give that decision to the group most opposed to the sued games market, of course you do.

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I'd put money on EA not allowing trade-ins.

Seriously, has there ever been a more catastrophically fucking dreadful console launch in history?

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Not even close.

The Wii U got a lukewarm response from the people you'd expect to give it a lukewarm response. I've not heard a single bit of good news about the X-Box One, or a single person excited by it.

I might be the resident Nintendo apologist around here, but I think the WiiU's a fantastic console, with some brilliant games already available for it. Yes, the launch hasn't gone well, by any stretch of the imagination, but people aren't up in arms (and rightly so, in the case of the Xbox One) about what few things we actually know about it. At the moment, the WiiU is looking like by far the most appealing console of the next gen.

Stuff like "you can't trade in games", "it secretly records your every movement" and "you don't own the things you pay for"...that's the shit you sneak in under the radar, in the small print, while you dazzle people with shiny graphics and exciting new games. Microsoft didn't even manage to find a shiny thing to distract us with - they gave us "limited property rights" dressed up as a new feature, and expected us to like it.

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I think the only reason that the WiiU crowd isn't more up in arms - and I'm really on no ones side here because as everyone here knows, I've been all over the place as far as console ownership goes - is because the Nintendo crowd has been kind of conditioned to have this "they always could be doing more" attitude towards the company - at least that's how I see it and what I've perceived.

Don't get me wrong though - I'm horribly unimpressed with the X-Box One, on a higher level for the same reasons as you.

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People still have bandwidth caps? Wow.

Where I live in Canada - every company except for one has bandwidth caps. And the company that doesn't has a contract that allows them to be uncapped as an experiment. It's very easy to go over the levels on some plans and heavy users like me would generally go over quite a bit. So I'd have none of this "shouldn't be buying consoles if you can't afford internet" thing. An always on and updating thing could be the difference between an extra 20-100 dollars on my bill each month. I'm with the company that is uncapped right now but I'm contantly paranoid and checking settings on everything I own just in case.

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Not even close.

The Wii U got a lukewarm response from the people you'd expect to give it a lukewarm response. I've not heard a single bit of good news about the X-Box One, or a single person excited by it.

I might be the resident Nintendo apologist around here, but I think the WiiU's a fantastic console, with some brilliant games already available for it. Yes, the launch hasn't gone well, by any stretch of the imagination, but people aren't up in arms (and rightly so, in the case of the Xbox One) about what few things we actually know about it. At the moment, the WiiU is looking like by far the most appealing console of the next gen.

Stuff like "you can't trade in games", "it secretly records your every movement" and "you don't own the things you pay for"...that's the shit you sneak in under the radar, in the small print, while you dazzle people with shiny graphics and exciting new games. Microsoft didn't even manage to find a shiny thing to distract us with - they gave us "limited property rights" dressed up as a new feature, and expected us to like it.

Not a single person excited? Game has done an absolute shit ton of preorders for the Xbox One. It's been disastrous online sure, but the general public are flocking to it.

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