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I want really too sure about this but it sounds like a funner crackdown. Would it be a good idea to get the third first since I've never played that either or is it better just missing it out completely?

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I've said previously I wasn't the biggest fan of 3 so I'd probably lean towards skipping it if you wouldn't have the time to spend 20 hours going through that and then another 20 on this. You could always do 3 and pick up 4 later but with GTA on the horizon...

Still, I'd say that the stuff that's established in 3 in terms of characters and what not can be picked up fairly easily and for the most part, they only ever briefly mention stuff or just retcon it entirely so it's not like you're missing out on a great deal.

Oh, and Srar, I got up to like 39 hours and 40 minutes played so I've started up a new game just to test whether the 40 hour thing would unlock. The stats screen on the new game still lists the 'total time played' as 39~ hours and is increasing as I stand idle in the Zero Saints Thirty mission so it should work. I'll edit it to confirm when it reaches 40.

EDIT: It unlocked!

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I just had a sex change till I got that one.

Keith David still wouldn't make love to me, even when I as a big, beautiful, black woman. What the hell is that guys problem?!

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It's weird thought because when I did it that way, the voice options didn't play a preview. It worked fine in Inauguration Station thing but I had to pick blindly (deafly?) and go back in twice because the voices were terrible.

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Whilst playing some co-op with Dragsy, I was reminded how the 'glitch gang' is one of my favourite parts of the game. They'll show up sometimes at the missions where you have to kill so many people over so many waves. I think I've said before how they really confused me because I thought the game was just fucking up.

Though I have actually had the game fuck up a few times, majorly annoyingly like hard freezes or unresponsive menus. In game though there's the time where I had the falling animation and couldn't actually land. And this one which I've only had happen once but it persisted despite reloading and I was seriously worried I'd fucked up my game but backing out of the game and starting it up again.


Oh, and I just reminded myself, has anyone else got the audio log glitch where everytime you load a save up it'll start playing an audio log? For a while everytime I loaded it'd play one specific Kinzie one but now it's one specific Keith David one. Pretty weird.

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Whilst playing some co-op with Dragsy, I was reminded how the 'glitch gang' is one of my favourite parts of the game. They'll show up sometimes at the missions where you have to kill so many people over so many waves. I think I've said before how they really confused me because I thought the game was just fucking up.

Though I have actually had the game fuck up a few times, majorly annoyingly like hard freezes or unresponsive menus. In game though there's the time where I had the falling animation and couldn't actually land. And this one which I've only had happen once but it persisted despite reloading and I was seriously worried I'd fucked up my game but backing out of the game and starting it up again.


Oh, and I just reminded myself, has anyone else got the audio log glitch where everytime you load a save up it'll start playing an audio log? For a while everytime I loaded it'd play one specific Kinzie one but now it's one specific Keith David one. Pretty weird.

I'm getting the last Keith David one, yeah. It's pretty annoying.

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Got all the collectibles but I am having a really hard time with all the achievments involving killing people with certain guns or powers. I cause trouble to get aliens to show up but the fights are always way too hectic. I guess I should have been working on these more during the actual game. It's just really hard to do anything because there is so much going on and then random saints run in "helping" me but they are really just taking my kills

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