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Next Generation Consoles


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I had thought about starting this thread yesterday, and a conversation along similar lines has sparked up in the Sony Megathread, so thought I might as well.

So, with the fairly imminent release of the PS4 and the XBox One, have you decided a) which you will buy, and b) when?

I ask this primarily because on the PS3 that I own, there are still a number of games that should hold my interest well into the new year. As it stands, I don't see the value in getting one early on - might just wait it out for a bit, pick one up when the deals get better/games drop in price/my interest in the PS3 drops.

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PS4, but not for a while because there's no way I can afford it with all the great games coming out in the final third of the year (plus I'll be getting a cheap 3DS to play the new Pokémon on, so I'll probably grab some other games for that). X-Box, I'll probably wait until there's some kind of significant price drop or a massive IP (say if Mass Effect 4 is announced as exclusive, which I doubt), because it's got nothing that's particularly screaming "must buy" to me. I waited four years to buy a 360 and I can do the same with the One if need be (plus I'm still sceptical that Microsoft backing down over all their restrictions might just be so they can slowly implement them down the line).

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I've no idea which I'll buy but it'll be a year or two before I do so. There's still a fair few games I wanna play or replay on the Xbox and I figure it's well worth waiting for a drop in price and a bigger catalogue of games before buying.

As for which, I'm not sure. Gone are the days of a proper catalogue of exclusive games so it'll come down to whatever takes my fancy at the time.

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PS4, in theory, but no time soon as it'd be a bloody waste of money considering I spend all my time playing two PC games (FM and Civ), while the console game I'm looking forward to most at the moment is a frikkin' re-release of a 10 year old Final Fantasy game. <_<

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PS4 on launch day. I might still change my mind, but considering that all of the release day reserved stock has already gone on Amazon I can still sell it for RRP on the day of release if I'm too busy with the games rush near the end of the year.

It just seems strange that two months after GTAV a brand new console is hitting and it's not even compatible with it, even San Andreas was compatible with launch PS3s.

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It just seems strange that two months after GTAV a brand new console is hitting and it's not even compatible with it, even San Andreas was compatible with launch PS3s.

Yeah I think GTAV's launch is going to have a major blow the new consoles. Having arguably the biggest game of the generation come out a few months before the next generation hits can only hurt it. I don't think anything the XBO or PS4 have to offer will come close to topping GTA for a long time.

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It just seems strange that two months after GTAV a brand new console is hitting and it's not even compatible with it, even San Andreas was compatible with launch PS3s.

Yeah I think GTAV's launch is going to have a major blow the new consoles. Having arguably the biggest game of the generation come out a few months before the next generation hits can only hurt it. I don't think anything the XBO or PS4 have to offer will come close to topping GTA for a long time.

Saying that. I'm surprised more news hasn't been brought out about the PS4's online store. If you can buy PS3 games digitally (much like you could buy PS2 games digitally for the PS3) then there's no reason why it wouldn't be available there shortly after launch.

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At the risk of continuing this broken record, waiting at least a year. Wait for any potential gremlins to be fixed, games more attuned to the systems (and cheap second hand copies of launch titles), possible bundles/deals at retailers Xmas '14 and see how a potential collection shapes up for the PS4 on PS+. On that last point, I've said previously that I am skeptical about how they'll handle that but it could very well be something to consider when it comes time to decide, especially if they kick on after Drive Club and add more stuff, even if it is stripped down versions.

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