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I'm kind of getting bored with this game. I'll play it while I'm listening to podcasts or something at night, but man... it's getting to be a chore. I just got an EL Nakamura that makes a pro due to the login bonus yesterday, but slogging through that many games to train that card right, then do it again for the pro... I'm falling asleep just thinking about it. Not to mention that the Vipers keep getting random members that always beg for a Battleground to start. Our last one was a slaughter (0 Vipers to like, 9000+ the other team). Keep getting Elite cards over and over, no Ultimates ever.

I'm not taking a break anything, because it's a good time waster (beats Plague Inc. or Mahjong), but goddamn it's getting old

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I got WM33 Orton, then Elite Goldust and Swagger which...meh, on those last two. My login bonus was Elite Finn though, who'll be a pro after RTG.

I mean even if we run TBG and people only do a little bit, if we get a walkover again then it could end up being a free 33. Or it goes wrong and there's no loss.

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Got WM 33 Tye from BG, I  will play RTG for training cards, so BG or not is not diference to me, but I can see people getting burn, maybe take next week after getting the WM33 from TRD?

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I think even if people aren't giving it the full attention, we might as well start one. As Kats says, we might get another walkover. Even if we don't, even if we can scrape 4000 points, that's still another 500bp and an EL or UL.

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I'm happy to take a break over the weekend if people want, as I always have less play time over the weekend as the social calendar gets in the way, but if we do have one going I'll help as much as I can.

In other first world problems, since last week's RD I have picked up WM33 Sami Zayn, John Cena, Dean Ambrose, Brock Lesnar, Kevin Owens and Randy Orton, as well as Ult Seth Rollins & Natalya (both will be pros) and Ult Carmella. All need levelling and training. Gonna take a while......

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I will say that my current, otherwise annoying habit of waking up briefly at 5am every morning has done wonders for mid-sleep KOTR charging <_<

I'm just in to Ultimate on RTG, so I'll go for Dean and then that'll pretty much be it I think. Out most of Saturday anyway, so I should be able to make that work for me. But yeah, I figure if we just do a TBG and then it can be no pressure, just do whatever you like on it, there's no harm.

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Alright, we'll do our regularly scheduled TBG.

But seriously, if people start feeling burned out, we can take a week (Team RTG week) and just chill.

Before we start the BG, let's wait and hear from @Pizza and see if we need to change some folks around.

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Until there is a spot on the hitmen, I will be looking at joining a WM33 team, hopefully when I return it will be to a team that can push into the next tier as soon as it is introduced. I'm happy to wait for a spot and give Katsuya a chance to improve his deck, since at the moment I can't guarantee that I will be able to help as much as others.

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Shamrock is the WM33 tonight. I'm at a drag show so might not be able to do much early on but I'm not at the office tomorrow, so will be able to throw a load of shards on then hopefully.

If I'm lucky, I think it will juuuust push me in to WM33 as well. Got to finish working on Ult Pro Ambrose, but when that's all in it should just scrape in. Hopefully.

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