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Olive the other Jiberdeer

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About Olive the other Jiberdeer

  • Birthday 20/08/1989

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  • Location
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
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Midcarder (6/12)



  1. Before the hilarious answers come forward, I'm gonna be a wet blanket and give you the legit answer - iDOM is an alternate reality mod for EWR and TEW that creates a wrestling world where Wrestlemania didn't pan out and thus the WWF failed, leading to NWA being the dominant force in wrestling. It's based on a mod that Adam Ryland (creater of the game) had created a million years ago called NWA Domination, and it was updated by our user Idol. Thus, iDom.
  2. Cool...I'm currently headsetless, unless I can get the bluetooth earpiece that I have to work with my PS3.
  3. Anyone on PS3 feel like kicking my ass later tonight online (like around midnight EST)? I've never really played much online and would rather play against someone from EWB than some random person.
  4. I really enjoyed Weeds until about the 4th or 5th season. It lost its shine for me after that point, but a lot of my friends who watched it still enjoyed it.
  5. Keep it spoiler free, folks - should I bother catching the Super-Smackdown Replay?

  6. I always thought Hogan's Heroes was about wrestling when I was a kid. Watched it one time and was very disappointed.

    1. IDOL


      It is according to Robot Chicken

    2. Plubby



      AWW HELL NO! *kills*

  7. OK, avoided spoilers so far - how was BFG? Worth avoiding spoilers some more till I can get around to watching it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gazz


      I can't believe that Tara's Hollywood boyfriend was 'Stunning' Steve Austin. SWERVE~!

    3. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      In terms of wrestling, great stuff from top to bottom. I'd say avoiding spoilers will make the show more enjoyable.

    4. brenchill


      It was just nice to hear Tony Schiavone's voice again, that's all I'm sayin'.

  8. I had roughly that number till not so long ago...traded a bunch in for Sleeping Dogs.
  9. Yeah! Those fags sure are faggy with their faggish tendency to fag-out and do faggesque remixes and parodies.
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