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Status Updates posted by Sousa

  1. Is there anyone skilled in "Der Photoshop" or its ilk that can help me with a quick color-swap on a fairly small image? Shouldn't take long.

  2. If one more person registers a chocobo jockey I'll have ten and be a happy Sousa!

  3. Really, though, Sabu has committed very little genocide.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sousa


      You know who else was homicidal, suicidal, and genocidal? HITLER.

    3. HC


      Sabu debuted his new 'Fuhrer' gimmick.

    4. Rocketbusta


      You think maybe Sabu has committed suicide but survived like that Tommy Demon kid?

  4. EWB's first-ever Chocobo Racing League is going line! GET ME ON THAT BIRD.
    1. TEOL


      'Going line' he says.

    2. Sousa


      Localization error. This translator are sick.

  5. Carlito Caribbean Cruel.

    1. HC


      He spits in the face of people who don't want to be.....cruel?

    2. TEOL


      He's the evolved version.

  6. Some people call it "swummer."

    1. Benji


      Well he's a swummer, he's a hummer, he's a midnight bummer. Gets his lovin' on the ruuuuu-uuun.

  7. Ireland needs a bailout of about 3.8 billion gold chains and 1.2 billion spinner belts to avoid a thuganomic crisis.

    1. Hobo


      We invested too heavily in B2. :(

    2. Benji


      I lost all my money in the Snitsky crisis of ought five. I tried to sue someone to get my money back, but the judge found that it wasn't anyone's fault.

    3. CobraKaiEnTai


      Better call in 1-800-FELLA on this one, fella.

  8. It's the kind of place that makes a bum feel like a king, and it makes a king feel like some nutty coo-coo super king!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hobo
    3. Sousa


      Apparently Capital City gives you all the powers of a king plus all the powers of Superman. Also you're a robot.

    4. Hornswoggle4PM


      Super King, Clobberella,

      and all the rest!

  9. Well still a bit pissed Joke Wrestler From Some Time Ago left but he got a good run.

    1. SesXCMPUNKX


      The Sultan of Sousatude has spoken wisely!

  10. I am not in Kentucky anymore. This is heaven.

  11. Lyndon Baines's johnson.

  12. In the meadow we can build a snowman and pretend that he is JFK. We'll have lots of fun with Mr. Snowman until he's melted by the CIA.

  13. Sigmund Freud said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Oh yeah? Well sometimes it's a BIG BROWN DICK.

    1. Blehschmidt


      With a fat arrogant white collar business criminal asshole sucking on the fat end of it?

    2. Sousa


      Wet end actually but I'm impressed you got so much of the rest of it.

    3. Blehschmidt


      I knew fat sounded wrong, but I couldn't remember. That is by far my favorite Carlin special!

  14. Really, though, Derrick Bateman was the best possible person to portray the character of Ethan Carter III.

    1. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Now see, if that starts up again, you only have yourself to blame.

    2. Sousa


      I'm just saying I wasn't wrong.

    3. JasonM


      Go home Sousa, you're drunk.

  15. I'm still in awe that there's an actual human being named Benedict Cumberbatch.

    1. Benji


      Arnold Nanabunch remains disappointed that he didn't get cast as Sherlock.

    2. Mick


      It's quite possibly the most British name ever.

    3. Gazz


      Oxford University!

  16. Patrick Ewing actually makes the jump shot, and the Knicks win an important game!

  17. Archibald! We've GOT to find the first Decemberween!

  18. The Republicans believe in following in the tradition of Raygunomics.

  19. shpleeewsh. shpleeewsh shpleeewsh. keh-BEWWWWM. shpleeewsh. keh-BEWWWWM. keh-BEWWWWM.

  20. Please execute my dear Aunt Sally.

  21. George Ruff Ryder Martin.

  22. Okay guys while I'm gone Cloudy is in charge.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hobo


      I call replacement Cloudy.

    3. Draevyn


      That's like leaving the foxes in charge of the chickens.

    4. MalaCloudy Black

      MalaCloudy Black

      Aw, you think I'm a fox? :wub:

  23. Truman Capote: Friendship is Magic

    1. Josh
    2. Sousa


      Breakfast at Rarity's?

      The first post really does need to be sung, though. "Truman Capooote, Truman Capooote, aaah-aaaah-aaaah-AAAAH TRUUUUMANCA-POTEEEEE."

    3. Hobo


      Truman Capote, Truman Capote, you'll always be in my heart.

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