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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. From what I've heard, an EA studio might be making new games set in the Old Republic era. I just want a KOTOR 3 written by Chris Avellone, but that ship sailed years ago.
  2. Here's a rather ridiculous bundle.
  3. Even HD-er Edition. Seriously, though, I'd very happy if they put the Mass Effect games on Switch.
  4. In all likelihood, yes, because the Series X is supposed to play everything the Xbox One can, Kinect-only games aside. However, it probably won't be an enhanced version.
  5. It will work for physical games too. As long as you can the disc in whichever console you're using, the correct version will run.
  6. This has been OK, although it does seem as though it's more of a taster for things to come. The definition of "gameplay trailers" has been stretched rather significantly. I think the best takeaway is that a lot of third-party publishers are embracing the Smart Delivery scheme, which is a good incentive for people to upgrade to the Series X when they're ready.
  7. Starts in just over half an hour. I would have posted the official Xbox stream, but you have to sign in to watch.
  8. As funny as I find the idea, CD Projekt Red has one of the worst reputations for pre-release crunch. If they're making their employees toil away for ridiculously long hours for completely superfluous features like this, that isn't a good thing.
  9. The ESRB has stated that Cyberpunk 2077 contains customisable genitalia.
  10. I'm surprised at how little I'm bothered by the prospect of TLoU 2. I liked the first game, but I never wanted a sequel. Suffice to say it won't be a day one purchase for me, but I'd be open to giving it a go further down the line if it's well received.
  11. Speaking of Clone Wars, is it worth watching all the way through? I notice that it's just ended, but it looks as though there are a lot of episodes altogether.
  12. I've watched a few episodes of The Mandalorian, which is the first Star Wars content set after the original trilogy I've seen. I like it, but I wouldn't say I love it. However, it does make me think that the best potential for good Star Wars content is now through television series, rather than films.
  13. Well, it isn't any more, but keeping up traditions is nice.
  14. I tend to use GOG for older games anyway. The Witcher 3 was the only contemporary game I've ever got on there, and that came with my graphics card.
  15. GFWL also had a lot of problems with save data getting lost. What annoys me is when games launch through Steam, yet require another client to run on top of it. Ubisoft games come to mind most of all, and there were a few Steam games in the past that required GFWL too. If I can get something DRM-free for a reasonable price, that's usually the option I'll take.
  16. For anyone who didn't know, there will be a showcase of gameplay from some third-party Series X games on Thursday. After that, there will be a broadcast every month with information about the console and its games. July will be the month in which the first-party games are shown in more detail.
  17. Good to see some Deep Purple. They, and Rainbow after them, were really good at utilising the strengths of all their members, hence the different instrumental solos dotted around many of their songs.
  18. I've never bought a microtransaction in a game and I don't intend to start. I've never placed a bet either. I sometimes think I have a bit of an addictive personality, which means that stepping into anything "just one more"-esque that involves money probably isn't a good idea. The accelerator is a little different because, as I understand it, it's part of the Season Pass and, in any case, it's a one-time purchase that does everything. If it got to the point where individual CAW parts are purchasable with real money, I wouldn't be interested. Given the reputation of Visual Concepts' other big property, the NBA 2K series, I've often worried that the WWE games could become microtransation-heavy grindfests. With VC taking over development in earnest now, the future will be interesting.
  19. I was at Black Sabbath's comeback show in Birmingham in 2012. War Pigs was such a great live song. I think the Dio years produced the best Sabbath material, but We Sold our Souls for Rock and Roll is a fantastic album.
  20. There's a trial version of Dreams coming soon. It's going to have a bit of Art's Dream and a rotating list of community creations to play, as well as some creation tutorials.
  21. To confirm, Streets of Rage 4 is very good. I really like the new art style. It's colourful and cartoon-like, but it still retains a bit of the grimy look of the old games. The soundtrack lives up to the standards set by its predecessors too.
  22. Well, Gears Tactics is a lot of fun so far. It's expensive, though, unless you have Game Pass.
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