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Everything posted by LittleDaniel

  1. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    You have terrible priorities.
  2. We got the first of the promised weekly updates today, which confirmed that no, this will not be a wrestling game and no, that does not curb my enthusiasm for this in the slightest. http://chikara101.pr...play&thread=454
  3. Man, I nearly cried when I came home one day from school and my beloved HFS was replaced by Latin music
  4. Saw it last night. Meh. I enjoy me some alcoholic Tony Stark, which wasn't played up much beyond one scene.
  5. Saw two movies in theatres tonight (aka 1/5 of the number of movies that came out in 2009 that I've seen). First up we had City Island. Since I went in with absolutely no expectations, this was really good. I'd never even heard of it before yesterday, but I'd recommend checking it out. Then there was Kick-Ass...fucking awesome.
  6. I would say "come to the Baltimore show," but it's impossible to tell someone to come to Baltimore with a straight face.

  7. I seem to remember you laughing at me a while back because CHIKARA is running in Ohio, but now that I know they are running a venue all but twenty minutes from where I'll be living in September...HAHAHAHA!

  8. Hmmm...I've got nothing better to do, sure.

  9. Now that you're dead, can I have your ticket to Dr. Horrible?

  10. I'm in the same boat as Sousa, except I probably won't even have the Wii anymore by the time this comes out...might have to start selling myself on the corner so I can afford a 360.
  11. LittleDaniel


    Did this movie not do so well? I was planning on going to see it Wednesday, but then I checked the listings and Kick-Ass was nowhere to be seen...shame, this looked pretty good. Edit: Upon actually looking, it seems to just be the theatre near me that's taking this movie out, to replace it with "Furry Vengeance"
  12. It was three. I started counting after a while. And as I told my friend, it's nice to have the focus be on other characters, and we can just assume she and Jesse are doing fine so they don't need any screentime right now. Might've been three sentences now that I think about it though. Nonetheless, good episode. As for Will's love interests, I don't have a problem with them, but I do find the show to be much worse when the focus of the episode is Will himself. Bring on five minutes of Will/Emma per episode and I'll be fine.
  13. Just finished series two of Skins...fuck, that's some good tv. Does the quality stay with the new cast?
  14. I liked Orphan! It made it pretty high on my list; I'm pretty sure that's the only reason it made the list...
  15. I'm pretty sure you're the first person I've ever heard say that they don't care for Arrested Development. Except for, you know, the entire American viewing audience...
  16. http://www.myspace.com/youtoostreets ?
  17. Informant! talk below (seriously, don't read this if you're planning on watching it soon):
  18. It was called Pirate Radio, which looked decent but not something I'd spend any money on
  19. I wouldn't even say it was a musically strong episode, but I've never been a fan of Madonna. Can't really think of a worse episode so far.
  20. I won't say anything spoilerific, but I will say that while this episode had its moments, I wasn't impressed. I felt like nothing was accomplished at the end of the day. If this means they've finally decided to take their time with storylines, great, but if the show continues at break-neck speed than this one definitely lags behind.
  21. 1. Up in the Air 2. Black Dynamite 3. Paranormal Activity 4. (500) Days of Summer 5. Orphan 6. Paper Heart 7. The Informant! 8. Watchmen 9. Night at the Museum 2 10. The Haunting in Connecticut According to the list TKz linked, these are the only ten movies I watched this past year. I'm actually kind of surprised that I saw this many.
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